Joe was born on October 8th 1993.
Schmo was also born on October 8th 1993.
Joe was born at 10:08pm from New York, New York
And Shmo, born at 10:08pm in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Everyone thought both Joe & Schmo had a unique bond; two different humans born at the same time on the same day.
Except that’s wrong:
In the United States from early March to early November, the majority of the country moves on over to DST, an extra hour of daylight.
Hawaii is one of the few states that does not participate in it.
Once we, as in the entire country, head back on over to November, that’s when we’re all reunited to the beat of regular time.
This is applicable for the UK and other nations, too.
So because Joe was born in New York, and since NY’s October timing is DST based, he’s really born at 21:08.
But Schmo though, Schmo is a real one; he’s still born at 22:08
But but but
Say Joe was born on October 8th, but a different year, say 1858- if the given documented time was 10:08pm, then it’s the legit 22:08, since DST wasn’t a thing back then, let alone in New York.
So factors to look out for are: the era, and your state’s and or region’s based off timing.
I think it’s important because you want to make sure you put in the correct details for your natal chart, timing especially.
So. With that in mind. If Joe from New York were to go get his natal chart done he would say 10:08DST or 9:08pm EST or 21:08 universal time