Navigating Eckhart Tolle Buddah Territory

I think I accidentally stepped over into some Eckhart Tolle / Buddah territory. I’m looking for advice from anyone who has actually experienced something like this.

It started when I realized there was nothing I felt like doing. But it wasn’t boredom. I felt like I had gotten everything I could get out of every activity I’ve ever done. Whether entertainment or listening to good teachers.

Then I asked myself what I was doing. It puzzled me for a little while. Obviously I knew I was doing nothing. But it felt different and was different from just doing nothing. Then I found the answer. I was being. I was just being. I realized I was like an animal in the wild that had no fears and no needs, no desires, no longings, no dread or anxiety. I was just aware of my body and of my existence, nothing else. I wasn’t defined by “personhood” or by anyone’s view of me or even by my own view of me.

I just stayed in that state for awhile. Then I went outside and watched the stars and saw a couple of meteorites falling. One of them was the biggest and closest I had ever seen. I realized how much more I enjoyed seeing them while in this state of not wanting anything, I could really appreciate them.

More time has gone by and I’m almost euphoric for no reason at all. It reminds me of Eckart Tolle’s experience he talks about at the beginning of his book. But he got there by snapping after some near suicidal depression. I just kind of wandered over into that territory by complete accident.

I don’t know how to interpret things from this place. Am I high as f*** or is this a sane place to make decisions from? I’m asking anyone who has been here. It’s not bi-polar, I haven’t been depressed in a very long time and most of the time I am very even keel.

Can you trust your own mind while in this state?

I’ll add a little bit more to help understand this post, this if part of my response to someone who PM’d me about this topic.

"I think I’m about to start making decisions that I couldn’t make with the fear I used to feel, that basic level of anxiety that everyone seems to have all the time. And start making decisions that I only could from this new place of an unusual level of trust in myself and the “universe”, existence, and God.

In the back of my mind I wonder if I’ll snap out of it and suffer the consequences of making not-so-fear based decisions to go after what truly feels healthy for me. And then I’d be like, see, you should have stayed in fear, now look what you did."


Looks like you reached a new level of consciousness. Another step closer to enlightenment.

And of course your ego is fighting back against the change. Reminds me of @SammyG’s post here:

While raising your vibration, your ego will become more aggressive and push hard to maintain its control over your consciousness. It’s relatively easy for it to do so if you don’t observe your mind objectively. Your ego has had a hold on your consciousness for your entire life and it will boa constrict you with ease if you don’t learn to silence it.

David R. Hawkins’ Power vs. Force comes to mind as well. You probably reached a place of consciousness, that is 500+:

I really want to post the whole preface of the book here, but that would get me in trouble. It perfectly describes where you are, where these higher states of consciousness can lead to and what you can accomplish with them.


Here is Hawkins describing, where this state can lead to. From the aforementioned preface:

This spiritual love permeated all of my perception; all boundaries between here and there, then and now, or me and you disappeared.

The years were spent in inner silence, and the strength of the Presence grew. I had no personal life—my personal will no longer existed. I was an instrument of the Infinite Presence, and I went about and did as it willed. People felt an extraordinary peace in the aura of that Presence. Seekers sought answers from me…


It’s early for me but I feel like I don’t have to try to maintain it. I feel like I only need to not “trespass” against it, in other words to not intentionally compromise or sacrifice it for some temporal or social mass mind reward.

It feels like there is this choice standing beside me. An invitation to walk away and turn back. It’s like, if you want to pretend that you have need or lack, then go ahead and make a decision based on that, and then you will get to go back to living in that reality. Or believe what you are experiencing right now, and continue walking in it.


I read some of this book years ago. Maybe I’ll pick it up again. I’m not sure where I am on this chart but I think it’s in that ballpark.

edit: It’s true that completeness, bliss and joy describe this very well. I still have a personal will but it’s different now. I’m sure I’ll find better words for it all in time.


Who says its you?

Youre wearing dragon and michael’s mandala, perhaps they are trying to show you something and you froze?

Another sneaky way that these beings work is they will shut off your ego to make some changes in you, so you might of had a little ego death.

No worries, dont panic.


Hmmm…200 to 310 looks like the Goldilocks Zone for everyday living. 20 to 175 looks like Antifa and BLM.


The funny thing is if you get in that zone, normal people will try to pull you back down. And if you spend enough time building yourself enough just to stay in that zone despite the resistance, you’ll end up bursting through it well through to the other side. So you don’t become what you aim for. You become the inverse of the society to the point that the sum of you and them equals that zone that you would have been happy to settle for.


Not panic. Just like a little voice in the back of my mind saying “are you sure about this, you really want to move ahead in whatever direction being without fear takes you?” If only there were a word for the fear of not being afraind. No, it doesn’t exist. I’ll have to make one up. Phoboaphobia. The a in the middle is important.

I’m sure what I’m experiencing is with the aid of certain benevolent entities and fields. Not solely due to them. And not solely without them either.


I like that. With an emphasis on the A, yes. I will use it in a sentence lol.

Or: aphobophobia

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Thank you. Actually I think you’re right because it’s the first part of the word that is what people are afraid of. I didn’t think of that. Ok, you invented the word then. I merely co-invented it.

So phoboaphobia would mean no fear of fear. Hey, maybe that’s a good goal, maybe that’s where I’ll end up.

Wait. Aphoboaphobia. No fear of having no fear. Now I’m just being silly… it’s an interesting thought though right? No fear of no fear. As long as I still look both ways before crossing the street.


Mr. Anderson we need you back in your cubicle! :laughing: I see what you’re saying but we have plenty of tools here to deal with “normal people.” Agents too. Thats why i got Cloaking as a custom item.


That’s why I want Invisibility to come back. Lol.


Let go of labeling it. “words” aren’t your friend right now.

I’d recommend “Eye of the I” and “I” by Hawkins.
Power v Force is just a primer guide for the general public.
Those 2 books are an in depth “map” of what you’ll be going thru and what you need to look out for over the next few years…


Hmm. I just thought of something. I know why I posted this topic but it could come across in a number of ways.

I just want to say to some of you, if this resonates with you, if you get it then you get it, if not forget it:

Never feel ashamed of yourself for feeling ashamed.


Ok. Thank you @_OM

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Eureka, here we are! :)) It can even be extended to something like: aphoboaphobiaphobia.

I have a similar problem, but on another plane. Maybe I will post about it someday.

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I don’t even want to think about what that word can mean. Lol. But I’m sure my brain will demand that I do at some point.

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i’ve felt this state during my time learning about similar teachings with eckhart tolle and buddhism. i started to learn from them because the religion i grew up with gave me such an existential fear of dying that i had to look for answers about what will happen next.

during that feel good state, what guided me was appreciation and thoughts of expectation never really crossed my mind to coax me out of feeling ‘high’.

i got out of it because eventually my desires that were never realized came back. i lost the state even quicker because i didn’t have the wisdom i have now in regards to the company i kept. a part of me appreciates that i stopped feeling high all the time because i was about to get promoted and dig myself deeper into a company that didn’t align with my ideals in life.

to be honest i think this is my favourite state of being. what i’m learning and doing now is mainly to get back to that feel good state and integrate it with who i am.


You mention the company you keep. I am strongly being led to make a change in that area right now.

I found the feeling good was a side effect. The state was contentment and trust. More truly, the state was just “being”. The cause, the precursor to that state was feeling like I had enough. I didn’t need anything.

The temptation to leave it is the spirit of “need” or “lack” calling to me to believe in it again. If you could personify Need or imagine it as an entity. And fear is the effect of believing in lack.