Near Infrared Therapy

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Is it safe to loop this? Especially during sleep.
The benefits look pretty good.

Near-infrared therapy, also known as NIR therapy or photobiomodulation therapy, involves the use of near-infrared light to stimulate healing and provide various health benefits. While the exact benefits may vary depending on the specific condition and individual response, here are 30 potential benefits of near-infrared therapy:

  1. Pain relief: Near-infrared therapy has been shown to alleviate both acute and chronic pain by reducing inflammation and promoting tissue repair.

  2. Enhanced wound healing: NIR therapy accelerates the healing process of wounds, cuts, and burns by stimulating cell regeneration and increasing blood flow.

  3. Improved circulation: Near-infrared light helps to dilate blood vessels and enhance blood flow, promoting better circulation throughout the body.

  4. Reduced inflammation: NIR therapy has anti-inflammatory effects, helping to decrease swelling and redness associated with various inflammatory conditions.

  5. Increased collagen production: Near-infrared light stimulates the production of collagen, a crucial protein for maintaining healthy skin, joints, and connective tissues.

  6. Skin rejuvenation: NIR therapy can improve the appearance of the skin, reducing wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots, and promoting a more youthful complexion.

  7. Enhanced muscle recovery: Athletes and individuals involved in physical activities can benefit from NIR therapy to speed up muscle recovery, reduce muscle fatigue, and improve performance.

  8. Joint pain relief: Near-infrared light can provide relief from joint pain and stiffness caused by conditions like arthritis or overuse injuries.

  9. Reduced muscle tension: NIR therapy helps to relax muscles and relieve tension, promoting overall relaxation and stress reduction.

  10. Improved range of motion: By reducing inflammation and promoting tissue repair, NIR therapy can enhance joint mobility and increase range of motion.

  11. Accelerated bone healing: Near-infrared light stimulates bone cell activity and can aid in the healing process of fractures or bone-related injuries.

  12. Enhanced immune system function: NIR therapy has been shown to boost the immune system, helping the body fight off infections and illnesses more effectively.

  13. Decreased scar formation: By promoting collagen synthesis and tissue repair, NIR therapy can help minimize scar formation and improve the appearance of existing scars.

  14. Relief from muscle spasms: Near-infrared light therapy can help relax muscle spasms and reduce associated pain and discomfort.

  15. Improved lymphatic system function: NIR therapy assists in lymphatic drainage, promoting detoxification and waste removal from the body.

  16. Increased production of ATP: Near-infrared light stimulates cellular energy production, leading to improved cellular function and overall energy levels.

  17. Enhanced nerve regeneration: NIR therapy supports nerve regeneration and can be beneficial for individuals with nerve-related conditions or injuries.

  18. Improved mood and mental well-being: Near-infrared light has been shown to positively affect mood and alleviate symptoms of depression and seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

  19. Reduced symptoms of fibromyalgia: NIR therapy may help reduce pain, fatigue, and other symptoms associated with fibromyalgia.

  20. Accelerated recovery from sports injuries: Athletes can benefit from near-infrared therapy to speed up recovery from sports-related injuries, such as strains, sprains, or contusions.

  21. Reduced symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome: NIR therapy can alleviate pain, numbness, and tingling associated with carpal tunnel syndrome by reducing inflammation and promoting nerve regeneration.

  22. Enhanced cognitive function: Near-infrared light has shown potential for improving cognitive function, memory, and attention span.

  23. Relief from chronic headaches and migraines: NIR therapy can help reduce the frequency and intensity of chronic headaches and migraines.

  24. Improved sleep quality: NIR therapy promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and can contribute to better sleep quality and overall sleep patterns.

  25. Relief from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder: Near-infrared light therapy can provide relief from TMJ pain, reduce inflammation, and improve jaw mobility.

  26. Accelerated recovery from surgery: NIR therapy can enhance the healing process after surgery, reducing pain, inflammation, and promoting tissue repair.

  27. Alleviation of symptoms associated with peripheral neuropathy: NIR therapy may help reduce pain, tingling, and numbness caused by peripheral neuropathy.

  28. Reduced symptoms of seasonal allergies: Near-infrared light therapy has shown promise in reducing symptoms associated with seasonal allergies, such as sneezing and nasal congestion.

  29. Improved digestive function: NIR therapy can support better digestion and alleviate symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

  30. Enhanced overall well-being: Near-infrared therapy promotes overall wellness by stimulating healing, reducing pain, and supporting various bodily functions.


Does it have to be used every day and if so, how many times in a row?

Hey Milan
Nice Roses

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Scientists have discovered a new way to destroy cancer cells. By stimulating aminocyanine molecules with near-infrared light, cancer cells vibrate in sync, enough to break apart their membranes. These “molecular jackhammers” DESTROYED 99% of cancer cells!

Is this loopable for hours?

I looped this when going to sleep. Three or four further I woke up very thirsty and very warm :hot_face:. Turned the field off after that…