Neat trick for listening to fields(or any audio) at night

If you’re like me, you may sometimes have a hard time falling asleep while there is background noise playing, this can be especially true for audios that are more musically stimulating and prevent the mind from withdrawing its attention inward.

This can be a bummer when you have lots of audio to listen to but not enough time to listen to it. It becomes a question of sacrificing sleep quality for additional sound therapy.

I have found a way that might help you to play audios at night but still get a good nights rest. What I do is set an alarm for a few hours after fall asleep that plays the field/audio at a very low volume so I can fall asleep to silence but still get some sound therapy in.

This works because we go through different stages of sleep and the further into the night we have more and longer REM periods. This is when the mind is in a deep sleep and is much harder to awaken someone.

My favortite way to do it so far is to set an alarm for about an half a hour before I plan to wake up and have it play the sungazer audio. This makes waking up in the morning much easier and helps get the day started right.

Hope this little trick helps some people out.


Why didn’t I think of that?! Sometimes I play the sungazer but that’s after I’m trying to get up, some days just too tired to even play the audio. Definitely going to try this out! Thanks!!


I’ve been doing that wake-up trick too! This is what I use for my waking up stack (starts playing around 15 minutes before wake-up time and continues after I wake up until I finishes):

  • Hypersleep x3
  • Photosynthesis x3
  • Sun-Gazer x3
  • AMPK x3
  • Insert morning stack

Are you using any application? Or setting up your playlist so by the time you’re about to wake up the morning audios are already playing?

I haven’t found a solution to do that (would be nice if OP could share how he does that). I just time my sleep playlist’s length to be approximately be around that time to transition to waking up.


I have been doing that too. I have created various playlists on my Sonos speakers and use the Alarm feature to start various playlists during the night and early morning. Has worked very well for a year or so now.

Also, energy clearing, home blessing playlists can be played when you are not at home as well!

I even have automated different workout audios for different days, Deep Energy Clearing on Sunday mornings etc. The Possibilities are endless!


Right now I just have it for individual audio files, so basically since it is so quiet I just sleep through the alarm when it goes off and then I get woken up by my usually alarm (which is mindfulness because it is such a gentle audio). I am starting with 30-min before my normal alarm but I may adjust it in the coming days to something like 15-min so it is closer to the actual time I wake-up.

If I decide to do a playlist I would probably import all the audios to audacity and make one long mp3 with a lowered dB that I could set as an alarm for a couple hours after falling asleep with the intention to just sleep through it.

An important note is if you are using a cell phone alarm clock I highly recommend you disable the vibrate feature of the alarm. Even if the audio is very gentle, the buzzing will likely wake you up or disturb your sleep.


There’s no confirmation if this would work, the energy file is sensitive.


I have a playlist that’s ~6 hours of the same silent subliminal, and I have some sapien audios.

Works really well.

with my android i believe the clock timer now has the option to play spotify but i haven’t explored it. i’m assuming it allows you to pick a particular playlist.

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In my personal experience I have found fields to still be effective even with changing the dB. I’m not going to make any promises for anyone else but for me it felt the same as just changing the volume on the speakers.

I would only change the dB to normalize the volume, so it would be the same effect as lowering your volume when a louder audio came on compared to the one you were listening to before. I know it will work for me because I’ve personally done it, but like I said I wont make any promises for others.

It doesn’t work, I have tried. I used Adobe Audition and put some audio fields one after the other, and removed some parts which the songs were too loud to sleep with. Played this every night for 2-3 weeks. No results at all.

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I’ve been waking up half an hour early playing energetic alchemy before i wake up and for some reason i feel it stronger! I’m going to have to try the sungazer audio :o

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you are removing parts of the audio, I am just lowering the dB.

Like I said, I am not making anyone any promises it will work. But I am telling you that I literally did them first hand and I know what works for me so you cant tell me it wont work when it already has.

Ok sorry I gave my opinion based on my experience. But thanks for the tip though!

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Please tell me the model of your speakers :pray:

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Mine is an older model, but any Sonos should work!!

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