Need Advice for Growing Taller (Newbie)

Hi everyone, I am new in this forum and I have some questions, I hope you can help me out. I am 22F and trying to grow taller. I found out subliminals, energetic fields while I was searching how to grow taller and it was a year ago. But unfortunately I couldn’t even grow 1 cm. I was using Sapien Medicine - The Height Booster Grow Taller Version 2.0, energetic audio. As I remember I wasn’t consistent with this audio, but I used to listen once everyday. According to a comment I read, this audio doesn’t work if the growth plate is closed. And my growth plates closed at the age of 16. I created a new playlist but I am not sure if it’s the right way.

1- Dream Seeds - Ego Dissolution
2- Sapien Medicine - Subconscious Limits (Removal) Ver 2.0 (Energy Programmed)
3- Sapien Medicine - Become Whole Self Acceptance/Self Love/Dissolve Insecurities
4- Quadible Integrity Growth Plates Activation ( (Grow Taller) ★ Growth Plates Activation★ [Increase Height Fast] - YouTube )
5- Natural Grow Taller Booster – HGH + Reopen Growth Plates ( Natural Grow Taller Booster – HGH + Reopen Growth Plates - YouTube )

I listen these audios once a day before I sleep, should I listen more? And I use my phone speakers, I don’t use earbuds/headphones. Is it necessary to use earbuds or is it more effective? (Especially for Quadible Integrity) And most importantly, do I have to know some scientific words to work for me? If anyone succeed to grow taller, I hope i can get some advice from you. Because I don’t have much idea why I couldn’t grow.


If you can afford, get this, you are still in early 20s, there is a world of opportunities for you.


How many inches have u grown from this? Any update?

I have not bought this, you can see that thread and see the results of people. Looks very promising.

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