Need help in my brain stack

Hello everyone, after tinkering with many types of fields and stack and achieving satisfying results, I am now going to focus on brain fields.

I need help in how to organize a free brain stack, my patreon just expired and will not be paying a new one for now.

After some research in threads here, what I found helpful in brain stack is,

Superhuman Genius,
enpp ezyme,
enhanced brain connectivity,
permanent brain enhancement
Attention focus

Thats all I found that is free, the thing is how can I organize it, where to put it, what is before and after? I am thinking of having 3 separate stack for 3 goals, that is while in school learning, while at home studying, and just general intelligence improvement.

I am confused right now because there are many suggestions in the threads, agreeing disagreeing in theories and stack, adding new ones, mostly paid and etc. I feel like researching in those threads is a best alternative for brain stack.

If you have any additions, I thank you in advance, thanks you all

(Free fields)

Boost; Superhuman genius, BDNF, enpp enzyme, acetylcholine

Wiring: enhanced brain connectivity, enhanced visual processor, permanent brain enhancement

Attention and focus might fit in the wiring category too, at least in a way. But not sure so I’ll leave it out.

If you loop end the playlist with Autism, as much as needed. (Search what is overgrowth symptoms because of overplaying fields).

See that I mentioned boost and wiring, search what that means by Dr_Manhattan posts, he made a post explaining it in detail too, just browse through his username.

There are actually a couple of other free brain fields too you’ll for sure find them reading through brain-related posts

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