Need help post Internal Alchemical Crucible

I have been experiencing undesirable side effects of it such as having no desires, no discipline towards goals, being too soft/lack of power/aggression to defend myself in situations & not having ANY sex drive. My position requires me to feel normal as I did. I only need tips that can help reverse the situation since it has been well over 20 days. I notice myself returning to the baseline slowly but I need to get there fast. That’s all. @SammyG @Captain_Nemo


This single field should help with that:

another more potent but paid option: Plasmatron


Thank you for your input.

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@Maoshan_Wanderer Would you have anything to say?

@admins any input?

Hi, im not any of the ppl you tagged but ill give you my opinion :)

But also if you could please answer some ?s, that could give us a better understanding of what is happening or might be happening.

1- are you using other creators apart from Sapien Med?

2- are you by chance listening to subs? If yes which ones?

3- have you also recently started working with any kind of Ascension Audio or NFT?


If 1 and or 2 are yes, Internal Crucible might be cleansing those energies IF those energies dont exactly resonate with your purpose (purpose/goals/desires sometimes are unconscious and further more sometimes they are opposite to what we say out loud we want)

So if those contraditory to your (real goals) are energies that are supposed to settle within the path where Internal Crucible go around burning and transmuting then… it means those werent the energies your body/mind and spirit actually need/want.

But how come? Those other audios/subs are supposed to make me feel eager, determined, forward etc? “in fact… they were working perfectly before i started using the Internal Crucible” :thinking:

Makes no sense right?

Well, friend

Yes they could, but believe me when i say (and i know you are not a new member here and know Captain’s work) a lot of times other creator’s energies (without undermining anyone’s work) and specially subs are temporary fixes.

Like yeah you can feel all energized and upbeat, alert etc after drinking a redbull or even just a coke.

But then you crash, and most of the times you wouldnt notice the crash because you have your daily fix of the sugar boost.

And you see, Internal Crucible is POTENT i actually love it and use it here and there for a deeper push in my journey and it ALWAYS shakes my comfort zone because thats how we tend to become with energetic aids : comfortable.

And the end goal of that audio

So whatever is round your body internally that does not resonate to your needs gets also burnt.
And as contradictory as it may seems, you are just in a flush out period.

And feeling

Is the results of having been living in motion, doing what was possible or already there for you, not realizing that those things or the people, places, situations or the way* you were carrying on with them may not be what you trully want or need.

Or there is potential not used from you.

Meaning = you can achieve higher than so far, so this audio might be giving you a tower moment, throwing down all to rebuild bigger and better.

SPECIALLY since this is “an internal basal transformer” … you know where that sits right?

Deep in the core of your being, where desires live and creation starts.

If you read the description of the Transmutation of Lower and Basal Energy audio it says among other things “always be mindful of your ego”

In simple words, whether you are using other creators audios/subs or not, this is shaking your base/known/comfort zone and if you are feeling the way you have been it means, what and how your are living or the things in your life dont exactly align with what you trully want, knowing it or not, its just that… leaving a comfort zone is always hard even when we push for it.

And this audio picks it up. Because well ITS A CRUCIBLE mechanism lol its burning it all

And further more if you are feeling the opposite is again because what was giving you the push and desire to do all of that was a substitute not a genuine deep desire for this or that in particular.

And if is a yes for number 3, then it could be more the effect of those that def bring everything down for you to start over with a higher Vibration to align with what you really want or to match the potential you have but havent used or didnt know it was there.

In any case…

  • nothing is wrong with the audio
  • go with the flow
  • pair it with SLR v3 and or Ego Dissolution
  • use the higherself connection one to get insights about why you are feeling like this, what this audio is showing you about your current life, goals and affairs.
  • it would be a good addition Become Whole, Root and Solar Plexus audios.
  • this shall pass :muscle:

And if it doesnt… even after pairing it with the audios i mentioned then, drop it, and focus on the flow album for a week or so, and keep going the way you were, its your life and process so go at your pace, but remember if this happened… it needs your attention that something must change in your life. Come back when you are ready.


The Alchemical Internal Crucible and the Ego dissolution fields, are fields that help immensely spiritually oriented people in their journey to Enlightenment and Final Liberation. They change us, they make us more kind, they refine us on all levels, and make us transcend aggressivity, competition spirit etc.

The Alchemical Internal Crucible is a hugely powerful transmuter and sublimator of vital and sexual energies into more refined types of energies, that nourish and develop our higher chakras. That is why you may feel depleted of vital force if using it too much.

Any field that brings chi, jing, ojas, mana etc will help with replenishing the vital energy. For example: Tejas Alchemy, Your Energetic Being, The Enigma of Black Martian Jing, Jing restoration, The Force of Life, The Mana Circuits, Pranic Swirls, Chi Compression Into Lower Dan Tien, Chi Infusion, Jing Infusion.

Also, activating lower chakras (Muladhara, Swadistana and Manipura) though the correspondent fields from Mandelbrot Symphony (The Root Cause , The Primal Urges, Song of the Core, Solar Plexus) and using other chakra fields, like Plasmafied Near Infrared Chakras etc.

Eating, drinking, breathing fresh air, sleeping help too :)


I’d just use testosterone…and let it run its course. Interest in physical stuff and all would grow.

You also need a zoom out/right brain perspective on this.

People in spiritual paths are usually fine with these changes. To integrate more into their earthly life, they just think about the benefits that their work bring to others.

I also use negentropic fool when I want to “start” something.


Hello Luna. I appreciate you taking your time out to write this response. I do not listen to any other creators or any fields/NFTs. I am just a high functioning individual with some goals to pursue. I practice other techniques for self-improvement & personal growth which I find to be more tailored to my pace & preferences.

I understand your perspective that this crucible audio takes away things which I don’t truly need. I’m not looking to transcend spiritually especially in a manner which seems forceful due to my energetic sensitivity and the audio being very strong. My aim behind listening was only to clear some negative emotions I was feeling, which is not the only thing this audio does and I acknowledge the lack of due diligence on my end.

Now I’m at a point where several areas of my life are being affected. It’s been almost a month since I listened to this, and it was only once. I feel much better (close to how I did before all of it) and just want to incorporate things to get back to my normal state/baseline.


Thank you for your response, @whiterose. I will look into that. :slight_smile:


Thank you for your response! :slight_smile:

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@Drift has good suggestions

Otherwise just continue following your instinct and stop or wait etc

I hope you find your balance again and continue as normal ps as desired :)