This is my stack:
Ego dissolution 1x
Ptsd help (3x every two day)
Amygdala Healing (3x every two day)
Alchemical revision of inner self love 3x
The alchemical revision of childhood 3x
Energy blockage removal 3x
The alchemical revision of trauma 3x
The internal Alchemical Crucible 1x
Ojas refined och defined
Should I buy The Alchemical Blueprint of the Past? What can I replace it with?
I’m listening also:
The Spinal Tapper 3x
The DNA repair system 2x
Endocrine system 2x every two day
Automated Workout system 4x every two day
I would be very grateful if you can give feedback to my stack (field replacement, elimination, stack order or any other suggestions).
Thank you!