Need some advice please

Thanks, I’ll have a read through these threads. There’s so many choices it’s hard to choose haha.
I think maybe I should have just started with vibration of creation. Vol then Voc over the 4 pt realization series.


Thanks @Bronyraur
Pretty excited to be part of the community.
So many intelligent ppl here willing to share there knowledge and help everyone.

I’ve read a lot the limit remover should be in every stack. I want to really keep the number of tracks to a minimum though. Trying to work out what is best to play first is hard. What would you choose if you had to pick 3? Ego dissolution, SLR, And Voc,Vol or Vot


I hear you I started with VoDL and then VoC. Just got VoT today.

I usually start my stack with Ego Dissolution and Sub Limit dissolver. From there, I’ve been getting the benefits of the vibrations.

It’s a tool that has given me the fastest shift out of everything I’ve tried before. Personally I spent literally days just reading through the posts and others experiences to get a grip on the idea behind them.


You’re welcome :) Glad that you enjoy the community. So multicolored indeed, isn’t it…

SLR is tattooed in me, not even a choice :p My personal favorite 3 are different but to answer your question in an orthodox manner, I’d say ED, SLR and VoC.

But keep in mind that I don’t have the 2 other Vibration tracks yet… so I don’t want to mislead you. Plus, your VoT purchase is not a bad idea at all imo.

What I mean is that you already started working with SLR and Self Realization, even if it’s since very recently. So I can assume that they would help for VoT “digestion”.


VoC is you want to work on allow your Beingness through which is what helps manifestation (already got multiple results from it, including money and business deals).

VoDL is the “force” that allows your to communicate that beingness according to my experience.

Side note: Wait, you literally tattoo’ed the SLR sigil on yourself?


I like your VoC interpretation. Another quote about the Vibes series that I like very much:

No :)) I tattooed the audio in my heart because I met Sapien Medicine thanks to it.


@anon22855873 @Bronyraur Yeah I prbly should have bought Voc and started with that. I think I might do that. Purchase Voc and use it along side ego dissolution and slr for some time and see how that goes. Thanks for your input guys appreciate it!

I also don’t want to loose drive or motivation for business and wealth creation as I think that equates to freedom. So I think VOc maybe better to start.


If I don’t hear that you’re levitating instead of walking by next year because you have no limitation, I’ll be disappointed :rofl:

Jokes aside, that must have been a trippy experience. He gives me the impression that he would be just a normal guy but with a lot of presence that makes you feel like"there’s something about this guy"…


Let me tell you something…

Only when I lost desire is that all my business deals exploded in progress here’s the thing… Just because you lose desire does not mean you lose your personality and your goals.

A lot of your goals will be decimated, sure. But that’s because they were based on some flimsy ego idea. I wanted X car, then I discovered… No, I wanted the car so that people would look at me a certain way. Now, I can HAVE (not desire/want it) it but not give a flying piece of manure what people think.

Beingness just allows you to work from a state of having. My financial idea and projects are bigger than ever because there’s very little to no limit of the ego. I’m allowing stuff in that I would be scared shitless to think about a year ago. That fear was fear of failure and success all ego stuff, now I dont give a crap.

Now I will say this, there’s definitely levels where “reality” just losses all importance and you barely know the difference from the floor and your body. Hard to get there though, you have to really go for it to reach that.


@anon22855873 That’s awesome to know, You haven’t lost any drive and that loosing aspects of your ego has helped with business!

I guess with less of a Self image it makes it a lot easier to connect with ppl and have stronger relationships. Up until a couple
of years ago I had social anxiety that made it hard to have proper connections. I’ve been using subliminals for the passed year and it’s made such a big difference. I see it in business and relationships. I can only imagine how these fields will help over time. I’ve noticed instant results


this is all that interests me, and I love the path I’m on. I have had some really heavy stuff to move through in my recent past, and using the vibration series has been a blessing… and a curse lol in that my ego freaked out massively due to the immediacy and proximity of the events and pain. It was extremely tough going. That being said this period has been the fastest & most genuine healing I have ever done. As well as some of the most face melting and reality abstracting moments of unity, oneness and ego destruction outside of a medicine circle.

I think you would really like the soul restoration series. Vey gentle and nurturing but powerful. They feel like mothers milk to me, especially core storage. Plugs the holes and connects to something amazing… probs god. They have truly helped to build me back from super broken to my sovereignty which is strengthening every day.

Thanks for your detailed shares btw they have given me some tweaks and direction


@shann2020 Look forward to hearing your breakthroughs :pray:

Thank you for the suggestion, I was actually thinking of that next. Just finished this morning a really heavy cycles of ego dissolution, VoC, and VoDL. I’m getting more impressed by what it’s doing.


I vary (throughout the day) what i listen first before every stack, some have SLR some ED some For the Skeptics :blush: welcome to the forum x


Thanks :slight_smile: @anon26869922

I’ve tried ego dissolution for a few days and i started to have some weird nightmares so I’ll play subconscious limit remover for now.

Have you noticed any shifts or results using the whole “vibration” series?


I havent tried those.

I can only buy some things yooo :joy::sob:


Hey guy’s thought I’d leave a bit of update I’ve had so far using vibration series. For the passed 8 days I’ve used slr and Voc+vodl first thing when I wake up in the morning and just before bed. First thing I’ve noticed is a sense of peace calm or chill what ever you would call it. I’ve noticed myself thinking the opposite to what ever the first thought is. Like a positive after thought after anything negative.

Sometimes when listening to either Voc or vodl I get a warm tingly sensation pulse through my whole body. A couple of times listening to vodl Ive had tears flow without any form of feeling any emotion which is a strange feeling. I’m not sure what the reason for this would be a part from something deep repressed maybe being released unconsciously?

I’ve tried ego dissolution and Vot a few days and each time I’ve had really vivid nightmares. All with the theme of death and something or someone trying kill me. I don’t really remember dreams but all these I do. The first one ended in a car accident I went instantly from deep sleep to wide open awake to the sound of shattering glass. I thought the shattering was real in my bedroom it was that loud and still ringing in my ears when I instantly awakened.

The last one was was similar ppl trying to kill me and at the end when I was cornered about to be killed and I yelled wake up and was awake. It’s funny because I didn’t even know that I was dreaming during it. I guess some part of me knew I was dreaming. Would love a explanation to the dreams. Maybe part of ego dissolution is experiencing death and the best way do do this is in a vivid dream that is “real” to the body. I’ve read in one of Eckhart tolles books “the secret to life is to die before you die”


I’m interested in someone chiming in as well

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@shann2020 hasn’t logged in for a while (I hope that everything’s ok) but briefly:

Yes, sort of. Opened and released.

During my first weeks with VoC last year, I was constantly killed and then resurrected to kill the dudes back lol. Sort of revengeful theme. Not accepting to “die”.

Then, I have started changing a few details in my overall “practice”, including my approach of morphic fields (also thanks to forum members and especially my dearest @_OM). Among the changes: sleeping with Ego Dissolution in loop (I stopped this practice for a while, since some caution is required regarding the effects on certain brain areas).

I also kept VoC and kept dying lol. I wasn’t killing back = less resistance… but still… some frustration remained. I was feeling like a loser :rofl:, as if loosing against an enemy. Polarities, etc.

With the release of the newer fields (Torsion, Echoes of the Past, etc.) I keep being killed :partying_face: but now the frustration and anxiety related to it have tremendously diminished.

Anyway, as for the interpretation of dreams:

I do believe in more traditional interpretations, since some symbols may have indeed universal “values” or reflect premonitions, etc. So yes, having someone else’s input can be useful at times to shed additional light.

However (and once again with my psychologist “bias”), I still firmly believe that the dreamer is the one and only ultimate/most accurate interpreter of their own dream (what @shann2020 is partly trying to do, in sum). EVEN WITH seemingly obvious themes like being killed/killing.

Having worked with Maurizio Gasseau (a kind of ”dreamcatcher” in his own way. Really talented guy), I can suggest this (once again):

Try to act your own dreams, as idiotic as it may seem at first glance. Yes, do transform them into plays. With roles, etc.

And do write a sequel. As if the dream was going on, you know (which is not a nonsense, since your awaken life and dreamed life are not totally distinct/different realities). Try to find where the dream would have ended if you were still sleeping. No matter how fantastic or absurd the theme is.

When done seriously, this is a method leading to unexpected (but accurate) answers.


@shann2020 and @Wolfy3332, here’s a ridiculous yet clear example from the dream I had last night. I wanted to drop it here while it’s still fresh. Sorry for the trivial details :))

Summary of the dream: I was walking on a giant boulevard, wearing a skirt, with Yeti legs (= not shaved). Everybody was looking at me, especially a guy, all about to explode and laugh :))) I was feeling super embarrassed and uncomfortable. The form and cloth of the skirt were also awful. But I was forcing myself to keep going on that boulevard, despite my embarrassment, trying to keep my head straight :)))) As if there wasn’t any possible turning back.

Ok, so what I did (when awake) was to apply the roleplay I mentioned previously. In this case, it was quite simple: I picked the guy on the boulevard (probably a facet of my own self) and made him ask questions to me. Like: “Excuse me madam but… who are you trying to convince with this outfit?”

As for the sequel (= “what if the dream would have continued”), the answer was: I would have probably gone back home and shaved :)))) or at least put on my favorite blue jeans :p

The answer to the question “who do you want to convince?” was: myself. Trying to wear a false confidence (the awkward skirt), not managing to hide the discomfort/superfluous (the hairy legs).

And then I tried to remember when was the last time I “betrayed” myself. It was actually a few days ago, when some family members asked me to accompany them to another city next month. I had said “yes yes, sure!”, smiling with all my teeth out… Looking determined or decided to have fun with them for a few days in that city.

… but no. That’s not something that I want at all. Not now. I don’t like that city, I used to work there a few years ago. Even if the place is nice, I always felt strange, like a stranger, misplaced… when I was there.

Additionally, analyzing the words skirt and hair (in my own language) have given me some other clues to be processed. So dream theoreticians are not wrong when they say that we should focus on the words, turn them upside down, adapt to other languages, etc.

So what I decided today is this: putting on my own jeans back and tell my relatives that I won’t go in that city with them.

Simple example (since it doesn’t seem to be related to a too deep or old issue), which can be adapted to many others.



Thanks for the thoughts! Everything is really good. Ive been really busy with business and I kind of lost focus for awhile. I stopped using the audios not long after this post so I don’t have any results to report :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I’ve started listening to vibration of creation/love again. So far has been a week I haven’t really noticed any effects yet.
How’s your journey?