Need to Heal

Need healing energies for my father his BP is on the higher side since few days. Please send healing towards him :pray:t3:


Calling angels to help. Thanks for letting us know. :slight_smile:
angel prayers silver
Please keep us posted.


You can play this one or twice only close to him

Dont over do it cause it can drop more than youd like

If you do that daily , it can come to a normal number within a week or 2

Ill send too anyway


Thank you. Bless your kind heart :hugs: his BP is still slightly high but getting better!

Thank you :hugs: lots of love and blessings to you. This means a lot to me.


Hello my dad’s BP is a bit stable now. Thank you all for healing you sent towards him. He still needs healing though as he has severe cough and occassionally fever. Please send healing energies his way :pray:t3: