Negative audios implanted in mass media / video games?

hey guys ! so i played diablo 2 when i was a kid and recently played diablo 2 ressurected maybe im paranoid but could they hide bad morphic frequency in baal’s laugh? or in any main stream music?

we need to spread awareness ty

Go and Slay him, so he don’t laugh anymore!


Of what lol

I truly doubt they’re hiding fields in videogames. If anything, they would be fields to make you buy more games lmao.

That said, it makes sense to be watchful of the content you are consuming: mainstream music might not have any fields, but have you heard the lyrics of most songs? It’s either sex, drugs, money or heartbreak. I avoid them like the plague (mostly because I really dislike the music as well, but that’s another excellent reason), I only listen to instrumental music or music with positive or neutral lyrics.


I’ve played Diablo 2 for 13+ years and killed Baal more often than the number of days I have lived. There is nothing hidden in there, you are overthinking this.

You should rather look at where the real negative influences are:
Listening to one song with negative lyrics or a news show on TV, has for sure a bigger negative impact into your mind than hearing Baal’s laugh for a Million of times…


Ready to start the Grind for Stone of Jordan against Andariel Nightmare.

Hopefully Probability Wave will be of Help


I have been doing this for the last 5 years and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. All mainstream music contaminates us in one way or another, it makes us think and feel the way they want. At first I only did it for the lyrics, I knew that there was a subliminal component that affects us in the long term but in recent years that I have become more sensitive to energy I have noticed that listening to music consumes a lot of your chi, especially the mainstream music, if I listen to 1 hour of classical music it feels good physically and mentally, but 1 hour of popular music makes me feel drained like I have rarely been. Although it depends on my initial level of chi, sometimes if I’m supercharged it doesn’t affect me but if it’s a hectic day I feel like the music wears down my energy little by little.

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Some music videos are definetly energetically charged, same with subliminals.

Can´t speak on video games.


You’re not necessarily overthinking it. Maybe you pick up on some energetic information from the laugh?
I didn’t play it but he seems like a sinister character from searching him.
The people who made it, the people who played it and interacted with the game and the character all help to form a shape that may give him a certain energy.
Maybe it is not a morphic field like we know of but aren’t fields also information and energy (repetition of the same pattern?)

So there may be something but probably not a evil field to harm the masses