Negative Karma Removal Tools (Fields)

I know, but I myself don’t want to believe in all these, and I regret that I researched so many about regressiontherapy and their therapists.
So I want that there are some tool for tearing up souls contacts even if my soul guiders would be mad on me because of that… I really don’t want to believe in that but now is hard after everything I researched and after my neighbor told me his recently regressiontherapy experience man
I hate these coincidences you know

I want to believe in 100% free will and faith of creating my life as I wish and not my f*** “advanced” soul guiders

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you can consult this thread to enrich your research and to see other current of thoughts … maybe it will help you to find some elements of answers. Be free to believe what vibrates with you, and let the rest go.


I agree with you
I only want as you want just a tool for that
Hopefully @El_Capitan_Nemo will consider it as truth
But still maybe he isn’t allowed to do that because of you know his “soul guiders” and their rules


Thank you for supporting this tool. Let’s hope that it will really be possible for him.And all who do not believe let them believe what they want. This topic is not for fierce debate about something and not to convince someone of their truth. When people think differently from you, you don’t go to convince them of something and prove something to them so that they think like you.


I also think so that these guys, what they write here, are not interested in making everyone clean thanks to these tools.


Yes, that’s for sure, unfortunately many are influenced by dark vibrations.


These are my thoughts, but there’s no way I can show proof of it:

There are many many worlds out there, all with different attributes. Some may be entirely run by technology, some may still be in the early stages of humans. Every world may have different creatures that we embody, like “aliens” that don’t eat food to survive, communicate entirely by imagary rathe than words, etc. There are worlds that are entirely pure of divine light, others are purely evil.

I think our world we live in now is a combination of many attributes in one place. We come to Earth to experience everything at once. People who constantly eat food probably came from worlds that never had food. Those who are obsessed with video games probably didn’t have such things in their previous world.

As for good and evil, this is a place where both come together. We came here to experience both at once. Some wanted to experience being “brainwashed” by evil. With that said, I do feel that the evil forces have taken advantage of their power and used it to take control over our world. We are at a point where the good are taking back control

Really…? What you call “evil spirit” is just a parasite. They do tempt people to do “evil” things because they feed off the negative and sexual enegy.

Those beings can’t even grasp the concept of karma so they tell you what you need to hear in order for them to start feeding.

I would like you to evoke ANY ascended master, matter of fact, go to the himalayas and ask any yogi what they think of karma and duality, they will tell you the same thing.

You shouldn’t be “good” because “evil” is wrong, that’s just naive and foolish thinking.

You should be intelligent. There are times you have to be good, there are times you have to be a bit darker.

The whole point i’m trying to make is you should do certain things from a point of “understanding”, not because of lightworker extremism.

I see no difference between someone thats pure evil and someone thats pure good, they are both idiots who failed to grasp the concept of duality and “choose” a side.

Everything is there for a reason, and it’s up to you to correctly utilize certain powers trough intelligence and understanding, not extremism.


It depends on how you define karma but isn’t it just your “false” perception of reality? The ego perception? What you define as karma could be your lessons that you have to learn. Even if dream could wash you completely clean if you didn’t get the lessons you would just make the same mistakes again. In my opinion all the fields he released regarding spirituality help you tremendously. You have to put in a bit of work too. Who says that learnin all that isn’t your soul mission here?

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Can you communicate with your soul guiders?
Did you have communication with them?

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What is said here is that karma exists, but what is its nature and origin ?! Depending on its nature and its origin, we can liberate / clean ourselves or not from karma. And I think that dream will seek to understand the concept (conceptual thought) of karma in order to propose a field which counteracts it. .the fact of wanting a field which frees us / cleanses us from karma, it is already accepted that we can potentially free ourselves from this law of the universe. when dream has created this field, people will no longer say that we cannot break free from the laws of this world, and they will be among those who want to break free from karma. will they be themselves gone mad because they use this morphine field and for this purpose ?!

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I don’t know if @El_Capitan_Nemo souls guiders would allow him to do even such a thing? :thinking:
And what will be consicuences if it?

I don’t have soul guiders. There’s no such thing as a “spirit guide” unless you allow them to be.

For example, if you become a christian and believe in angels, they could show up and act like spirit guides.

They will tell you bullshit like “we’ve been watching and protecting you since birth” and “everything will be ok sweety” while they will do absolutely nothing to help you.

The higher self audio is all you need bro, most people are so disconnected from themselves that they use the higher self audio for a few days, nothing changes so they give up.

Play that audio daily at least 5 times, and no matter what excuses your ego comes up with, things like “it doesnt work” etc, ignore it.

Your ego will use what you hate and try and connect it to your higher self so you give up.

The only being that truly cares for you and wants you to succeed is your higher self.


You will already have to wonder if he has guides :thinking:? And if so, is he letting himself be guided by them or is he rather his own free will and with wisdom?

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I know it’s complicated thing, maybe he has them or maybe even not, maybe he is by himself soul guider


Dream is a starseed probably, the way he utilizes different concepts from different cultures without attaching himself to any belief is as alien as it gets.


@SammyG @El_Capitan_Nemo please your opinion if possible I am now totally confused, everyone has their own opinion what is truth lol

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Wooow you wrote a book bro haha.

Chris you’re awesome, I don’t have the energy nor desire to discuss this further, you do you bro, good luck.

@Septimus I could crush the god of abraham with my hands tied behind my back. He’s a little desert spirit/egregore that is of no threat.

Nor do I give a fk about his followers, they couldn’t harm me in their dreams.

The reason I complain is because his followers see animals and nature as just a tool given to them by their little god. That’s what angers me, I care deeply for the earth and our animal friends, while religious people only care about heaven and see animals as lesser than them.

They simply don’t care for the earth and the physical beings, I DO.


Well everything has Soul of One, everything is alive
Everything and everyone is important one
So many pieces of One

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@anon6431808 if you want please explain according to NG Golden Rule and what will happen if it’s doesn’t respected been, in theory I mean
I think it’s fits here fine

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