Negative Karma Removal Tools (Fields)

If possible i ask the Dreamweaver to create a tool or a field that will help to Remove All Negative Karma accumulated over the entire time of reincarnations, as well as delete all soul contracts and break all negative connections of cause and effect. This field would help many people to change their fate and life in general, to stop the wheel of reincarnation, to realize the real goals of the soul. It would be a salvation for many, it would be a gem among your tools.


There is no such thing as karma. The reason “bad” things happen when you do “bad” things is because subconsciously you believe it’s bad and deserve to be punished, hence you manifest it.

Religion is the cause of all suffering, when you put your faith and hope in an external power, you will become a puppet in the hands of that deity. So you either do as that deity says or you keep “sinning” and get “punished”.

If you had any idea how many people there are who do “evil” things and get away with it you wouldn’t ask such questions.

It’s 2020 and people still believe in karma lol…Evolve already people.


So what is then solution? @Roku
You want to say if there is field which remove subconsciously unwanted thoughts, beliefs, removing of all our “bad labeling” and if we constantly use that field, then such happenings wouldn’t even exist??

And what about regressiontherapy where almost all people in hypnosis remember on their past lifes and their unfortunate contracts?
I don’t want to believe in it but man there are ton evidences of it and I am pretty sure if you go in regressiontherapy you would experience same as they’ve

Well, Karma, that is, it’s something like the laws of physics, for example, you may not believe in phisics, but if you decide to jump from a height, then there is a high probability that you will break. even if you don’t believe it. You may not believe that evil is, but it is. What to believe is everyone’s business, but these things exist no matter what you believe. Tell me, if you stop believing that there is evil and you believe that there is only good, do you really think that evil will disappear somewhere? Do not limit yourself and your worldview.
I’ll tell you something about this all we all live in one reality that has its own laws and even if you decide for yourself that something is not there, it will not cease to exist, but on the contrary it will declare itself in your life.

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We all have freedom of choice and we ourselves decide what to believe and what we strive for, everyone gets their own experience. I don’t really understand why people believe that if they think in a certain way and are 100 percent sure of something, then this will be so, are there really examples in this world that this works? Did anyone manage to completely believe in something and it changed your life and your reality?

It’s the “higher” beings that “regulate” these lower realms that tell mankind such things.

It’s to keep the “balance” you can say, and I do agree with it, maybe certain souls want a certain experience , so things happen differently.

But there is no universal law of “love beats hate” etc. because it all depends on the being who channels the certain “energy”.

All things originate from the void, and the void doesn’t give a fk about the fragile beliefs and laws created by lesser souls.


Well, if so, tell me at least one example of how higher beings regulated lower ones in this reality? If higher powers control this reality, then why is there so much evil in this world? If there is a lot of evil in this world, then does the higher power control it? Nothing at all clear. Many questions, few answers.
Believe me this reality is the freedom of choice, if this reality were regulated by higher spheres, this world would not be what it is now. Nobody regulates your life except yourself. Karma works regardless of what you believe. I think that writing about this makes no more sense.

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Lol. First we have to define if evil is evil and if good is good, making karma absolutely worthless. The universe doesn’t care if something is good or bad, that’s just concepts we made, they don’t really exist. However it does care what we believe is.


LOL.I’ll explain it easier to you if you wrote it. No one here said that good is good and evil is bad. This called judgment, it was not made here. When we say evil, these are negative energies, good are positive energies.It is neither good nor bad, it just is.This world has laws and they work regardless of what we think about it, like karma.

That’s my point genius. 90% of the population is poisoned by those “higher beings”. There’s evil in this world because people are confused and brainwashed.

Most people pray to “god”, most people are “nice” and believe in “justice”, yet look how their lives are fked.

Those who can see trough the bullshit usually end up ascending, and have more important things to worry about than to be “evil”.

But you also have people who take advantage of that, for example mexican cartels and drug lords.

Most people are clueless fuks but the reality is that these “drug lords” are advanced magicians who do some fked up rituals.

One example is human sacrifice to “Santa Muerte” for protection.

And these drug lords are the weakest of the bunch.

Now if everyone was aware of it, we would all work together collectively and start evolving properly, you don’t see aliens fighting eachother in bars do you…?


there is the law of gravity in this world, but yet there are human beings who are able to avoid it. monks for example, are people who break the laws of physics, without problems or negative consequences, and all the scientists are shocked.laws are made to facilitate relationships between people and their environments, not to limit them. laws are made for men, not men for laws, which means that we can change a law, make it evolve or completely remove it. this has been happening for decades in our constitutions / governments / states / national assembly / senate / society / family / etc etc.

Edited: and we are not even talking about people who have the law in their pockets and melt those they want as they want when they want (in short you understand, it all depends on their will). And to tell you, there are even those who create their own laws themselves and which they subject to others (and yet without respecting them themselves sometimes). In summary, i There is always a way around the law when you put in the means.


I have not seen a single flying monk, although I have been living in this world for a long time, you yourself try to avoid the law of gravity. Do not compare the structure of the universe with the US constitution.Please remove the law of gravity or try to refute at least something from physics. Fly like a bird and invent your own laws. All this is actually more like crazy. If you can do all this, fly like a bird, you can not follow any laws and everything in your hands is unclear why you are writing it now, because you are most likely gods and not people and you are writing to me now from a parallel universe where all this is really possible.

Let’s leave it at this. Ask your higher self because no forum will give you answers. As for the field, just ask for it in the requests section, if Dreamweaver believes in it, I’m sure he will make it.

This post is just the request. The section is correct.

Wrong section. 20chars

The eye is programmed to see what it is looking for, without forgetting that the consciousness of an observatory influences the experience of what it sees. Everything I just said has been scientifically private. Me too there is a lot that I did not know, but that have always existed (nothing to do with beliefs), s If you do not believe because you have never seen or any other reason, there is no problem, I agree with your choices without taking them for me.

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If you believe that you can change the laws of the universe and no laws are written for you, that you can fly like birds and if you believe in something it will be so then in principle there is nothing to add. All these considerations are more like a little child’s idea of the structure of the universe and how it works.

I think some of you misunderstood my previous post and it escalated in another direction
I don’t know if anyone of you have read any book of Michael Newton ( when you read it then you see it all has logic), but it’s generally opinion where is our life and our next life and after that one previously all planned what we will all experience and some of them have negative experiences even though they are after that good for us and we have spoken I and adm how to remove those negative plan for our lifes, and he called that negative karma and I called it Soul contracts which has a lot negative experiences like car accidents, deseases, hard heartbreaking experiences etc
We don’t need that bs you know
And we only asking how to remove that from our “destiny”

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It hard not to believe that he hypnosed trough regressiontherapy so many people over thousands and they all had almost same experiences after life
Almost all exactly Spiral path person went after death, stepping on door of heaven, soul guiders, soul groups with same lessons etc
It’s unbelievable that all people had same experiences trough regressiontherapy, it’s not coincidence, and he isn’t alone he discovered it, almost all regression therapists in the world showed same “path after death” of patients

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I don’t think that these people will understand what you are writing to them, if a person is convinced that he can fly, if he wants, and that he can not obey the laws of this world, I think that writing something is useless to them just a waste of time . Let them believe in what they want to believe in, I don’t understand why you need to convince someone of your truth. I regret that the proposal to create such an instrument has turned into such a tough and stupid discussion. I don’t want to convince anyone, I definitely don’t need it, I just wrote that it would be great to make such an instrument. If someone does not believe in something, it is his right, let him not believe and live as he likes. I don’t understand why all these people want to convince others of something.