
Check out Angel’s thread on his SEE system

Ho’oponopono As A Release Mechanism:

Ho’oponopono (HPP) is a combination of four commands, each statement is supposed to induce a mental state or a feeling which then creates an effect. The words alone will not do the effect, the focus on the process with the words will. Keep in mind that this way of using this practice is from my own experience and proven through the experience of many others.

  1. Bring up a situation you wish to work on with your eyes closed. Focus on the image and sounds until you feel the emotion/feeling of the situation you’re working on. When you feel the feeling, focus on that, and begin the process.
  2. While fully focused on the feeling, relax into it. It is expected that in you focusing on it you will feel way worse.
  3. First statement: “I am sorry”

You’re saying this statement to the feeling you feel. The effect should be that the feeling intensifies due to the full focus you will give it. This is now your opportunity to work on this situation.

  1. Second statement: “Please forgive me”

As you say this to this feeling, the effect should feel a slight removal or disassociation of the feeling. Another way it has been described is that “a lift happens”.

  1. Third statement: “I love you”

Understand love as absolute unconditional acceptance. When you say this to this feeling you’re to hold the feeling of that statement until the feeling gets completely replaced by the feeling induced by the command. Very often you’ll feel the heavy feeling “lift” from your shoulders. Even if you have to keep repeating the command and getting more “doses” of the feeling, continue until you feel the replacement of the heaviness.

If that is too hard, you’re also open to feel the negative feeling and then switch to the “I love you” back and forth until you do not feel the negative feeling at all. (Collapsing Polarity)

  1. Fourth statement: “Thank you”

Find the feeling of gratitude and hold it for a little bit. What you’re giving gratitude to is the good feeling that is remaining from the process. This encapsulates the session. “You get more of what you’re grateful for”. (Polarity Cementing as I call it at times)

Review the situation, when you think about it, there shouldn’t be any feeling towards it and at times it will be difficult to remember what you just worked on. If there’s still some heaviness remaining, redo the cycle. One to two cycles tends to be enough for any situation. But do as many as you need, a child molestation case in the past took us 10 cycles to fully clear. The person is really happy these days.


Write a list of ten things you wish to work on. Work on the list one item at a time until all ten are completely clear. Congrats, you master beginner’s releasing.

Note: This should take you a few hours, maximum of two days. If it’s taking you longer, you’re entertaining other things other than the effect of the commands. Choosing to be a martyr and entertaining this feeling is pure masochism. Let them go.