Angel’s The SEE System: Road to Satori (Sapien Edition)

Jan 9th 2021

Video course here:

The SEE System is my philosophy of always finding Simple, Efficient, Effective systems to achieve a goal. Enlightenment was one of those goals.

This post is also my gratitude and appreciation to the people in here that took care of me in my process these last 69 days. ( @uial , you made me feel very welcomed here the first few days and @_OM , Wizards be Wizards…)

Also to ease off the annoyance some experience with the encrypted code messages that are dropped in this neighborhood…

First, let’s set some rules up…

  1. This is what I did to be able to make all of OM’s comments feel like common sense meaning to have a Direct Experience with Truth/Enlightenment/Nirvana/etc. If you have reservations or believe otherwise, I respect you but I have no interest in discussing it. The results are in.

  2. I am doing this because I am starting to get PMs about my process since I’ve mentioned Releasing multiple times around and the fact that I’ve gone through Satori. I rather deliver the message to everyone that is curious than go through private messages with each of you curious.

  3. I am open to answer questions but if I see things repeated, I am notorious (my group) to just copy and paste answers. If you feel it is rude or disrespectful, fantastic, use the same method to eliminate your feelings. OM has more patience than I do for certain things, I still have part of my “Born in the Bronx” ego and while I will shed it soon, I’ll still ignore certain things or be blunt about other things. Always coming with respect but direct to the answer.

  4. By using this, you understand that I am in no way shape, or form giving you treatment, cure, a replacement for “professional” help. You’re using this at your own risk and through your own will.

Why should you listen to me? Who is Angel? (Saying this story before I shed Angel altogether)

The fast version of the story, a kid that grew up in a grocery store in NYC as a single child and therefore accumulated a mountain of mommy/daddy issues along with an equal amount of social anxiety from not learning how to relate to other kids.

Grew up insecure, awkward, confused, anxious, with massive waves of depression. At 19, I took a trip to Armenia, Colombia to a mountain. Read Conversations With God Part 1, The Alchemist, and The Power of Now (no, you do not HAVE to read them) that trinity “woke” up something inside me. The Seeker was born.

25, 2016. I got my first real way of financial success through Forex/Daytrading. Moved from the Bronx to a better area here in NYC. Ever heard that money is just a tool to show you who you are?

Yep… lots of women, alcohol, partying, traveling. What I know now is that the possibility of that abundance was created from a state of joy I allowed myself to have without those things. The moment I NEEDED them. My life began to crumble. I lost my ability to make money, 70% of my body was covered in eczema (autoimmune response to a cosmic level of anxiety), and I lost all my confidence, and all because I let go of what brought the condition… Joy.

2017 - 2020. To finish the story, I learned how the mind works, what emotions are, how to get over them, how to change who I am, and then I allow myself to be “I” (12/12/2020). How I got here is just a story that would be for ego mental masturbation. Here’s what you need to know about these three years, yes Angel suffered, no it wasn’t easy for Angel, but here I am so… whatever. Yes, I got rid of eczema, by the way.

Onto what matters….

How can you do what I did in three years in about 6-8 weeks (relative to the availability of the last step)?

To begin with, understand that I have shared this information with dozens of people and they have completely changed their lives for the better. Suicidal depression, broken marriages, inability to perform for goals, panic attacks, anxiety, etc. I’ve shared this information with people facing those situations, and I’ve faced a good number of them and got over them (older versions, you guys are getting the warp-speed version).

Don’t focus on the stories… question on HOW it happened. The mechanics are what matters and what you’ll receive here.

So here’s the curriculum:

  1. Energy Sensitivity and Emotional Release Training

  2. Vibratory Focus Training

  3. Satori

What were the results of me doing this?

The Seeker became The Lightbringer.

It’s an edgy way of saying a guy that meditated too long, studied too hard and stuck to his vision until it happened.

Let’s begin….

1) Energy Sensitivity and Emotional Release Training

Part 1: Learn the Release Mechanism

NOTHING happens in this dualistic world for no reason. If you “want” something you must “give” something to “receive” something else. That is no difference in emotional release.

Think of your emotions as states, you must exchange the energy (feeling) of that state with another state to receive other energy (feeling). Bear with me, all this “hoopla” will make sense in experience.

So think about them as POLARITIES (this is the one concept and experience you must master). All real successful releasing methods have one thing in common, the ability to collapse the polarities into one. The difference between them is the amount of focus you have honed and the intensity of how they release.

From the beginning to the end, you’ll be honing your focus more and more but everything is dressed around results.

I am NON-NEGOTIABLE about palpable results hence why I don’t entertain things.

“I did xyz with (enter fairy dust words and method here)”. Cool bro/brodette, can you repeat the results every time including teaching it to another person and they get the same result along with a clear sense of progression?

No? Have a blessed day.

What you will learn is how to take any “negative” or less than favorable feeling (energy) and collapsing it by using commands to access other feelings (energy).

The most efficient way of teaching this that I have found is using Ho’oponopono as “Training Wheels”. This means that later on, you have to let it go and use more focused methods.

Before we continue, understand something. It has been my very dense experience that methods and tools are often taught to the capability of the “teachers” beliefs. That said, everything I will share with you I did not learn exactly that way from the source. Often, the source was detrimental.

“Learn to separate the teachings from the teachers” - OM

Something I did naturally through my process in the three years but now it’s more obvious than ever how important it is.

Ho’oponopono As A Release Mechanism:

Ho’oponopono (HPP) is a combination of four commands, each statement is supposed to induce a mental state or a feeling which then creates an effect. The words alone will not do the effect, the focus on the process with the words will. Keep in mind that this way of using this practice is from my own experience and proven through the experience of many others.

  1. Bring up a situation you wish to work on with your eyes closed. Focus on the image and sounds until you feel the emotion/feeling of the situation you’re working on. When you feel the feeling, focus on that, and begin the process.

  2. While fully focused on the feeling, relax into it. It is expected that in you focusing on it you will feel way worse.

  3. First statement: “I am sorry”

You’re saying this statement to the feeling you feel. The effect should be that the feeling intensifies due to the full focus you will give it. This is now your opportunity to work on this situation.

  1. Second statement: “Please forgive me”

As you say this to this feeling, the effect should feel a slight removal or disassociation of the feeling. Another way it has been described is that “a lift happens”.

  1. Third statement: “I love you”

Understand love as absolute unconditional acceptance. When you say this to this feeling you’re to hold the feeling of that statement until the feeling gets completely replaced by the feeling induced by the command. Very often you’ll feel the heavy feeling “lift” from your shoulders. Even if you have to keep repeating the command and getting more “doses” of the feeling, continue until you feel the replacement of the heaviness.

If that is too hard, you’re also open to feel the negative feeling and then switch to the “I love you” back and forth until you do not feel the negative feeling at all. (Collapsing Polarity)

  1. Fourth statement: “Thank you”

Find the feeling of gratitude and hold it for a little bit. What you’re giving gratitude to is the good feeling that is remaining from the process. This encapsulates the session. “You get more of what you’re grateful for”. (Polarity Cementing as I call it at times)


Review the situation, when you think about it, there shouldn’t be any feeling towards it and at times it will be difficult to remember what you just worked on. If there’s still some heaviness remaining, redo the cycle. One to two cycles tends to be enough for any situation. But do as many as you need, a child molestation case in the past took us 10 cycles to fully clear. The person is really happy these days.


Write a list of ten things you wish to work on. Work on the list one item at a time until all ten are completely clear. Congrats, you master beginner’s releasing.

Note: This should take you a few hours, maximum of two days. If it’s taking you longer, you’re entertaining other things other than the effect of the commands. Choosing to be a martyr and entertaining this feeling is pure masochism. Let them go.

Part 2: Learn to Release the Processors. Tuning Fork Effect.

First, thank you Dream. I have nothing but appreciation for you.

If you’re here to practice this, that means you mastered the prior step. If you didn’t and ask about this, I will likely say to master the prior step and if I’ve said it enough in the progression of the thread, I will likely ignore the message.

If you paid attention to your release process, you might have noticed that most of the “negative” feelings were usually in your mid-line. Cough Chakras Cough.

Now that you know how to release, let’s start playing the fast game. You were walking, now we are going to give you a bicycle.

  1. Get Sapien Medicine’s Chakra series

  2. Loop them one at a time. Releasing ANYTHING that comes up.

If you get a thought while listening to the audio, thoughts are derived from feelings, and being that you’re listening to the audio it will probably be derived from the consciousness of those chakras.

Expect repressed memories, traumas, and many other things.

Just hold onto this quote that got me through many times:

“How else do you heal the Devil if not by embracing him?” - Conversations With God

  1. You’re to do the full circuit three times. You will get stuck in some for a while and maybe even days.

1 week for Throat for me, granted I didn’t have Sapien back then

Once you are finished with the first circuit, start the next, and then the next.

Here’s what matters:

By the end of the circuit, you should be able to FEEL the chakras. Their shape and location are all that is needed.

Specifically, FEEL them without the help of the audios.

  1. Test yourself.

Run this circuit…

Bring your awareness to:

Throat, Root, Solar Plexus, Sacral, Heart, Crown, Third Eye…

Did it easily? Cool continue. Couldn’t do it easily? Do another circuit for the Chakra fields until you can.

No exceptions.

2) Vibratory Focus Training


Part 1: Vibration Rising (Your bread and butter)

NOTE: I WILL NOT ANSWER “Hey what you think about this stack…”. Once again, this is what I did. What a few friends are doing or have done and towards the specific result it is designed to give.

Recommended Stacks EVERY DAY:

Torsion Field - Plasma Field - Grounding


Make the effort to join the Mass Meditation on Saturday!

You WILL catapult your results every week.

Highly recommended for those “Hardcore” people. This is what made me advance so fast in the past two months but I will add a few things in my wisdom so that you don’t massacre yourself as I did:

Phase 1:

  • Vibration of Creation (Loop and Release until you need a break), ALWAYS FINISH WITH Vibration of Divine Love (until you feel relief) and Grounding

  • Vibration of Divine Love (Loop and Release until you need a break), Finish with Grounding

  • Vibration of Transcendence (Loop and Release until you need a break), ALWAYS FINISH WITH Vibration of Divine Love (until you feel relief) and Grounding

Phase 2:

When all three are fully released… Get comfortable you’re in for a ride

Vibration of Creation (Full, release whatever comes up), Vibration of Divine Love (Full, release what comes up), Vibration of Transcendence (Release Bootcamp, loop until you need a break). Finish with Grounding.

I’ve done this and did a 5-hour loop of Transcendence. Let’s just say I saw all my demons.

Part 2: Focus Training (Bread and Butter intensifier training)

Get some candles…

Light one up…

Set a timer for 15 mins…

Gaze (soft staring) at it for 15 mins every day…


When thoughts pop up, push them away, make your mind blank again, and put all your focus on the flame. Again… and again… and again until the timer runs out.

The 10-sec focus will become 30 sec will become 1 min will become….

If you can hold your focus for 11 mins… You’ll see that you have been entertaining things you shouldn’t.

Part 3: Vibration Isolation




Remember that “I love you” feeling you use and should be second nature by now?

Bring that feeling up and work yourself up to holding that feeling for 11 minutes.

You figure out what this does and how you can apply it. Not going to take away your free will to discover.

3) Satori

Part 1: Contact Vladimir Stojakovic
Part 2: Get “Satori-fied” as OM puts it.

I already put one of my friends through Satori that has done this same protocol. He is, who he is. We both agree on nuances and Tao Te Ching reads like 2+2 =4 now.

All the people that supported me in the last three years will get the same “treatment”.

That’s it. The rest you’ll have to discover yourself as it’s a lot of “What does an apple taste like? Situations


@Egenuine1 is a close friend of mine and can attest to his process with all this in the last two years along with how annoyed we are because the process is so much easier now compared to how we started. I thought his little brother as well and I’m sure he might mention a bit of that.

@anon48416969, I taught him and he is going at his own pace. He can tell you how much more progress he has made since I taught him how to release.


I’ll be hanging out with “Angel” and answering as I take breaks…


Thank you so much for taking the time to craft such a thorough response for everyone Angelgome.

I’m going to take time to digest this as this has given me a lot to reflect on.



:100: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:


we should


:rofl: :rofl: and I was thinking, this evening I’ll PM @anon22855873 to ask a few questions :sweat_smile: and this super gorgeous post turns up. :pray: Gratitude it’s all I have, thank you.

Ho’oponopono - the below track back in the days it hit me hard in many ways, was like an awake up call, a very useful method and tool indeed.


That’s a lot to process and to act upon, and yet there is a wonderful simplicity to it. Thank you so very much for taking the time to share this with us and to bring us some of your light, @anon22855873 :two_hearts:


Tell me how my way of using it affects you :upside_down_face:


FEEL the statements. Read carefully where I said that it’s not the words.


Simplicity, Efficiency, Effectiveness :upside_down_face:

Follow it linear and the results will be the same.


I am so confident it will ! You’ve shown me a clear path : which tools to focus on among the many at our disposal, and how to use them as a … stairway to heaven :sunglasses:


Even heaven is suffering :wink:

Just take it step by step. Ask questions, don’t get offended if I answer dryly, if you do get offended release it.

“You eat an elephant one bite at a time”



1 Like


“You can’t become more of yourself, you can only let go of the ignorance of it.” - A friend of mine


Good stuff, thanks so much for writing this down, must have taken a while.

Obvious I won’t follow it 1:1 because I need to do things my own way so I can go the more difficult route, haha.
I haven’t thought of using hooponopono for release, I will definitely practice that! I’m not sure I can list 10 things but I’ll make that the mission of the week. Maybe once I start I won’t stop until I’ve listed 20.

And as for Stojakovic, I looked him up more than once and was checking out the sessions, but I have a deep deep feeling that I need to finish something first (though I don’t know what - maybe your 1st point xD ).


aight time for some review, first before I start, I will wait @_OM, one day you will tell me story

but down to the review overall of the method and Angels teaching, I try my best to make it logical

A review in a linear way

  1. How I was before realising

I can tell you how, I was a little crying bitch thinking everything is shit and nobody can help, in a situation which most of us have, either way its all the same shit. I was caught up in my own emotional mess, I guess you could say labyrinth, or how I want to call it “Ego” or better to say, “ME”.
So having this full bag of emotions on me but not having the conscious of these is what makes us what we are now, at least most of the people. On my part I was a sad low confiedience dude with many emotional issues, really man, my emotional response to certain things were just embarassing to some extent, like if I didnt get approvel of someone it would make my heart hurt. The body I am in was always a bother to me, when I looked at certain parts I felt like shit and was feeling like a bird in a cage, that I couldnt change it, I will stay like this forever. And this feeling I had last 7 years. Either way what I want to say and most of the time what I see in most people, you need to release.
What I want to say I wasn’t in a place where I was sure I will get better prior having Angel teach me these things.

So coming how I am different now after using the release technique
I learned a lot, on my own, and trough Angel on things like energy and matter, having the luck of getting to know the energetic feelings of thoughts prior I could say that it helped me to release them, BUT, and this is a big BUT, if you was caught in hate and low vibe vibrations like me, it is really hard for you to bring up love and so I used Vibration of Divine Love as a helping hand to understand what love is. I used this love to help me to release many things, I released emotions and parts of my ego that were with me for years, really low vibe stuff, nothing good only shit that held me back, yes I go at my own pace and take my time but I am a different person now, you either know me from the back days and feel that I’ve changed or you dont, I let my vibe speak for itself.
Alright, fuck the linear thing, I have a list to go trough now so I try my best to sum it up

Having said all that, I progressed enormous faster, its the best way to progress people, to change yourself, say whatever the fuck you want, you wont find a better way for the broad society, believe me, I tried law of attraction, read the secret, tried 3 months of some subliminal shit, its all bullshit.
get that into your head people, shit wont change, shit doesnt change because you are you, fuck what people say about just belief, nah man, dont believe, release first and get your shit toghether, its just a life, dont be a litle crying baby like I was, use what has been given to you, Chakra Series from Dream, th Vibration Series, and oh boy do I love vibration series, Divine Love most of all.
If you have problems with releasing, use divine love, get the feeling and vibration of divine love down, its always aviable use it to your needs and become better. dont be stuck in useless patterns than wont let you advance.

Ether way I hope this makes justice to angel, if not I am sorry but thats the best way my Brain right now can reproduce and sum up the benefits and my advancement.

Having said Advancement, I am advancing now and here again, I wouldnt be not in the mind I am now, which btw I really like because I am free of most of the but as I said, going at my own pace I have to work on some shit BUT overall I am relaxed wiith myself and happy, things that hurt me before I dont even give a fuck about them, they arent part of me anymore. What I want to say, you can only advance if you leave things behind, and that is if you leave yourself behind. This whole process will teach you more about yourself and again to understand what your heart truly wants and not what your ego wants because it doesnt have it.

You can be free if you can let go of yourself and release everything, I really hope I made your post justice Angel.


Haha! Great post bro.

You’ll continue reaping benefits as you keep going up.

That “youth” energy in your messages… I love it.



I’m glad to see this.
I was thinking about you yesterday, I thought about tagging you in the SLR tag topic because I noticed you were not messing around much anymore :D


I mess around but like I said, most of the time egos act upon needs and not the heart, listen to the heart and you will find what you are. Clichee way to say things, but it is what it is, doesnt suprise me why bad emotions feel bad, they feel bad because they arent your true self.


@anon48416969 :wave:t4:

One day… One day :slight_smile: