A theology discussion

hmm…What would you recommend to read?

If that is so, then I really don’t have any control of my life/path. Everything is already planned out in the bigger picture … ? The choices that I’m making are not really choices then. That’s a depressing thought

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If only there was some technique you could use the integrate the seeming polarities of Destiny vs Free Will. :thinking:

Pretty sure there’s a “OM” reading list around here somewhere… thought even in this thread but I might be mistaken.


ahhh yes…thanks for reminding me. :) I feel the question might still be valid even after reaching neutrality. :thinking:

Yes, there is one somewhere. I didn’t know if it tackled this subject. I’ll look for it.

Thank you!! :pray:


If you haven’t reached an answer that satisfies you then it hasn’t been integrated completely.

Meh, it should be beyond Neutrality. See our PMs about that.
True integration should leave one in a state of bliss, if not momentary ineffableness.

So, either there’s more “polarities” around the subject that also need to be integrated (which is very common with most issues)
the technique was taught to you inadequately.



It’s only depressing if you view it like that. I’m quite happy just being an observer of destiny. An observer of not just what will happen to others but also to me.

There isn’t anything I can do about it and whatever I have done and will do has always been part of destiny.

Although I have to pretend I have free will to function in society as a human. Still…I understand that destiny might be all there is. Could be completely wrong though.

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I’m familiar with Grumpy Cat, but what is that…murder cat?!? Yikes…


There is a term for that ;


Are you a slave…?

Wake up man, nobody gives two fuks about some human on earth. We are so insignificant in the grand scheme, I sometimes wonder how our egos manage to convince us we are special.

There is no destiny, only growth.

Only thing keeping you in chains is yourself.


100% disagree

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Sure thing snowflake.

Play vibes of transcendence and tell me how special you are :roll_eyes:

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But then how does me deciding to be an observer mean that I think I’m special? Just happy to be born and be given the chance to explore.

Anyway, unless you were to read my mind, you wouldn’t understand where I’m coming from. It’s extremely hard to verbalise this particular perspective.

I keep forgetting im evil, im not supposed to help you guys -_-

So yes

You are all very special souls, with mighty guardian angels that look after you, and you decided your own destiny.

After death, you will definitely still be you, and youre gonna get together with family and pets in heaven, along with the angels, for all time.

So be good, and dont be earthly, for your place is in heaven, my beloved.

Love and light x


:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :sweat_smile:

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You forgot 72 virgins :rofl: :rofl:

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Are you / Is he talking about an @anon22855873 course, yoga, or what pls?

Wow… blast from the past! This is an old old thread. :slight_smile: I was in such a different place

Om was talking about the Satori technique that was developed by Zivorad Slavinski and taught by his student, Vladimir.

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New to me :) I’ve still got so much to catch up with :P

Looks like this would be based on / inspired by the Satori Protocol? (@anon22855873)

This being an evolution of it?

Yeah… From my understanding, Angel took a few courses with Vlad and added other things to create his course afterwards.

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Thank you! :heart:

I haven’t read any of the answers but as for the first question, my conjecture is that it’s about Cause. Basically, way back when people didn’t know anything about how the reproductive system works, all they knew was that women of childbearing age bleed every month except when they’re pregnant, and that pregnancy only happens when they have sex with a man. From there, I expect, came the idea of the man causing the child to come into being, and that expanded to the idea that the Causer of the Universe was male too.