SLR and Ego Dissolution would be added at the start of the playlist
possible playlist
Auric Cleanser/Energy Cleaner (Every Sunday is fine) after using Auric Cleanser, wait 1-2 hours
Exorcism (Optimal, but would add it at the beginning of every playlist every day until you feel relief or don’t see any results, which is good, cuz no bugu gaga thingy in your energy system)
normal everyday possible playlist
Ego Dissoulution x1
SLR x2
Plasma Beach x2-x3
Parental Love x2-x3
Automated Grounding x2
Love,Gratitude and Appreciation x2-x3
tho all this will not amount to drastic changes in yourself until you put work in yourself and release blockages
therefore highly advised
and if you ever want to get a better idea of the world you live in or maybe a little bit of truth, if possible read
(recommended book by _OM)