đź—Ł Negen-Lingual NFT - (Ultimate Cerebral Project) Testimony

What if you could upgrade the mind in all ways imaginable?

Want to attain the pinnacle of intellectual potential?

Do you wish to become the ultimate cerebral?

**Negen-Lingual NFT is the answer."

Courtesy of @El_Capitan_Nemo**

Meticulously crafted for almost over an entire year in the making with Captain, I present to you the supreme “Negen-Lingual”

What’s included:

Negentropic Omnilingualism - That’s right… the ultimate language ability.

  • Every single possible cytoarchitectonic brain regions, memory rate molecules, genes, proteins, white matter density, grey/gray matter, CBF, neuroanatomical differences etc.
    This is just a surface level description, but if you can name it, it’s in there alright.

  • All aspects of ~7,117-7,139+ languages (natural, constructed, fictional,etc.) with including but not limited to - alphabets (abjads, abugidas,etc.) , characters, scripts (semanto-phonetics,etc.), dialects, umlaĂĽt/diacritical marks , tongue twisters, tones, idioms/expressions, turn of phrase, tenses, grammar, writing systems, cultures, consciousness, phonics/phonemes, orthography, etc. Ascend beyond native or even the likes of C2 highly advanced proficiency, etc.
    Become the ultimate language prodigy.


  • Negentropic Neurogenesis -Unlimited brain potentials and growth

Example: "Big Brain" Gene Allowed for Evolutionary Expansion of Human Neocortex | Scientific American

Grow light years beyond any current brain stack limited to TDCS, NGF, BDNF, stimulation etc.

  • To be updated with full research but these are just takeaway nuggets:

Total Recall- Absolute Eidetic Memory

  • HSAM (Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory

Example: https://www.pnas.org/doi/pdf/10.1073/pnas.1802730115

*Absolute LTP (Long Term Potentiation a.k.a Instant Memory with CREB and more)"


  • Five fold synesthesia a.k.a Solomon Sherevshesky Consciousness



Way much more…:)

Negentropic Myelin/White Matter (a.k.a the foundation)



This testimonial will be far more updated, as there was just so much that was included in this project, and ideas that Captain and I had messaged each other to create such an ultimate cerebral project.

To conclude this project is the culmination of painstaking efforts in crafting one’s unlimited cognitive potentials. Let alone one’s benefits with experience dependent plasticity with this field, let it help you make all your fantasized brain gains your very reality. **
Outshine comic book superheroes and hollywood movie characters with your ultimate brain.

No more long-winded debates that lead nowhere on what is possible and what is not.
**No more months, years, or even decades with learning, or mastering any skill, etc. remove all doubts limitations and insecurities stemming from some trumped-up/ fustian opinions or falsified factoids, or sleight of hand science.

****You are all that is needed. You are infinite. And all is possible. ****

Let this NFT be an ace for your all of your brain related dreams and aspirations

This is the apex predator of all brain and language projects.

Enjoy being the Ultimate Cerebral ;P

*Description will be updated this week, that will include a shared link preview of Google Slides Presentation with research and academic papers that were included in this project.

*This project was mandala + audio. *
(The complimentary audio is still in progress with Captain and I)

(Part of my SuperBeings/Superpowers Series)


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Danke fĂĽr alles Captain. :sob:


Wow. incredible project
Is this
Closed or there’s still chance for me to buy one copy? I missed the Ernest Neuron.
Would be most happy and grateful if I can get a copy.


I have nothing to do with it.


No, this is not related to Ernest Neuron.


All of that in one NFT? That is probably the most overpowered field in history


Most of it and really the general ideas and effects that were more pronounced for me personally, simple things like the main two I use for like n-back stuff,etc.

  • Audiographic Memory (Infinite Echoic Memory tbh lol)

  • Photographic Memory/Iconic Memory/Visual

These two giving me like an Eidetic Memory personally or Total Recall, especially with language learning (will be for sure update on this with my progress in a later, more complete testimonial, just try this NFT with an app like Glossika, and I’m telling you will start crying tears of joy… hehe ilonkyynelet)

But my favorite of all is the LTP effects man.*
Think of it like instant memory,etc.

Wow. Was so tired of having to do that sub vocal rehearsal again and again to remember something like with digit span numbers when memorizing math or learning sentences etc. and then also having to keep second guessing myself with the way it was pronounced etc.

But with this, no exaggeration, just hear it once, and I can hold it in my mind without any distortion, like an everlasting sensory impression - as if i was hearing it in person right there and then, online mode as they say in the science community and not having to worry about inaccuracies - like comic book level stuff it’s just right there for me.

Just an overall buzzing phonological loop (my strongest memory system being the verbal working memory system - and will be creating a brain regimen for my fellow members soon. I personally love to pair this NFT with my Tomatis/Fobrain headphones, completely rewiring the auditory system of what is possible (as the sound transmission with bone conduction is 10x then air, etc.)

When I was waiting for this NFT to be minted by Captain, I was just updating him on my results with pairing the Vagus Nerve field with auditory n-back training etc.

Let alone any other fields, to obliterate that critical period factoid or whatever hypothesis, and completely put my auditory memory into overdrive etc.

An example would be using it with a foreign language setting on Brain HQ “In the Know” exercise, which also ties into the HSAM aspects of this NFT for episodic memory of conversations, and all other underlying autobiographical memories,etc.

But yeah just like hearing word for word and being able to just recall that effortlessly like a savant such as Kim Peek would.

This is all just me hastily typing this out , will share more in depth, but this is NFT really capitalizes on the fact that the whole is greater then the sum of its parts.

No more having to max out one stat individually or the time consuming of spamming a brain stack just to get results when you can just simply breathe them in with this project.

A literal deus-ex machina for me, as I use to just rely on my phonological loop for everything, and verbal rote rehearsal etc. But then you just have so many variables also with tying all systems together, and that throughout history it so fascinating how remarkable individuals cognitive abilities like Danniel Tammet Synesthesia or whatever results from like a sliver lining despite mainstream consensus of things regarding adaptation, brain damage, etc.

Just how the brain is to be molded by whatever you chose to make of it.

Regardless of limiting beliefs, past ingrained programming, emotional trauma that is under the surface all holding you back or even how it may not even be obvious to you yet how much everyone like yourself is actually capable of, because your whole life you were raised on the belief of what others thought you were limited to or solely “born with”.

Anyways not wanting to rant, but will of course update with progress on my visual memory and other less strong suited areas that I am looking to maximize with this NFT.

Master all languages, then the stock market,etc.

Of course should work with ,and you must put in work, and that is a thread for another day with how the brain works.

But for those who have watched the movie Limitless, and drool everytime they rewatch it at the houdini Eddie Morra, this might be just as good as a limitless pill and if not even better. If NZT-48 was real lol this would be it.
Even the movie concept is only based on hippocampus, striatum etc. limited to also serotonin receptors - can see for yourself:


Except you would not have a butchered Mandarin or Italian accent or broken fluency when speaking ;) With Negen-Lingual you might as well be a native

So yeah safe to the say Negen-Lingual is my favorite.


can this help me learn programming languages?


probably not focused on that, but can help with learning everything a bit.


Wow the mandala alone I have felt the once thought "impossible"effects with languages and genral learning,

Memory visual auditory episodic autobiographical all flooding its quite scary considering how doubtful I was I could make progress despite other past results with brain fields.

No plateaus at all newbie gains every day and let me say I’ve been slacking with my brain goals.

So save to say as been all NFT workings.

Have to learn to master my mind but even with undue stress and neglect of sleep diet and all my brain is firing on all cylinders.

Just languages alone, it just take me days rather then weeks to master concepts etc,
Or even start with recalling vocabulary word or sentence learning, then deploying with some semblance of conversational fluency.

Have the phonetics down with similar languages like Turkish Mongolian and Kazakh

And then even for ones like Amharic Aramaic Tagalog et c or non related ones different families.

Have no doubts in mastering 20 plus end of the year 2022.
Could put out a video and get actual evidence for those who are cynical to such possibilities.

A middle finger to corrupted science dogma and power tripping propaganda pushers that philipize on moving the goalposts or giving ex cathedra orders on the potential of mankind… NIHIL OBSTAT : )

Overall areas of memory and reasoning have been skyrocketing without the need for my brain training regimen that I get so OCD about.
This makes me quite uneasy as I can then tend to procrastinate extremely or dismiss daily tasks.

Definitely will update in a couple weeks now that I am just starting to reap benefits from daily usage, even then I feel I’m still a little early.

Just imagine now with the audio counterpart especially now as one who is seeing the effects of mandalas, and I will be straight in saying I was doubtful at one time.

For those who have it, make no mistake you can sit back and let it autopilot…

But still try to push yourself as if you didn’t have the NFT for even a better brain building experience. To forge that new life… this makes it even better

Hasty testimonial but thank you destiny for valuing such projects in time I could never had planned for.

Will stack with Arcturian Brain :brain:.


Yes although I would check this link out:


It definitely can, most programming implicates the Parietal lobules/Parietal cortex, etc.

So Power of numbers can definitely help with this, although Negen-Lingual is essentially an NZT-48 pill that ripples into anything that you desire to learn or master,etc.

In a word, I would get Power Of Numbers, Negen-Lingual or both, depending on your budget.

If long term Programming Knowledge is your goal then Power of Numbers.

But if you are trying to cram, torschlusspanik, and your racking your head trying to learn as fast as humanly possible etc. then Negen-Lingual.

I have both from my experience, so as much as I hype Negen-Lingual as the ultimate brain NFT… the PON would definitely be beneficial. Added to the fact you get the greatest minds in history of mathematics, computer science, physics, added so you get to be a genius and more.

Reason why I haven’t sold my copy of it and never plan on it.
But horses for courses, every project has its perks.


Future buyers requesting access to the Google slides, DM Me @JonDoe297

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your profile is hidden cant dm

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@JonDoe297 did you just kick me out of the private testimonials’ group for no reason, similarly as in casanova project?


@JonDoe297 , if there’s a private group for this NFT, kindly add me.


Added man.


Check your DM’s brother.

Its always a friday. I swear to god its always a friday


:joy: :joy:


I surely hope you both squashed that. I don’t want to see any more of it.


Schnee von gestern.