What if you could upgrade the mind in all ways imaginable?
Want to attain the pinnacle of intellectual potential?
Do you wish to become the ultimate cerebral?
**Negen-Lingual NFT is the answer."
Courtesy of @El_Capitan_Nemo**
Meticulously crafted for almost over an entire year in the making with Captain, I present to you the supreme “Negen-Lingual”
What’s included:
Negentropic Omnilingualism - That’s right… the ultimate language ability.
Every single possible cytoarchitectonic brain regions, memory rate molecules, genes, proteins, white matter density, grey/gray matter, CBF, neuroanatomical differences etc.
This is just a surface level description, but if you can name it, it’s in there alright. -
All aspects of ~7,117-7,139+ languages (natural, constructed, fictional,etc.) with including but not limited to - alphabets (abjads, abugidas,etc.) , characters, scripts (semanto-phonetics,etc.), dialects, umlaĂĽt/diacritical marks , tongue twisters, tones, idioms/expressions, turn of phrase, tenses, grammar, writing systems, cultures, consciousness, phonics/phonemes, orthography, etc. Ascend beyond native or even the likes of C2 highly advanced proficiency, etc.
Become the ultimate language prodigy.
- Negentropic Neurogenesis -Unlimited brain potentials and growth
Example: "Big Brain" Gene Allowed for Evolutionary Expansion of Human Neocortex | Scientific American
Grow light years beyond any current brain stack limited to TDCS, NGF, BDNF, stimulation etc.
- To be updated with full research but these are just takeaway nuggets:
Total Recall- Absolute Eidetic Memory
Ultimate Negentropic Visual/Iconic Memory-
Example - RGS-14 Protein a.k.a the Nikola Tesla Cheat Code
https://www.popsci.com/scitech/article/2009-07/memory-problems-new-drug-could-give-you-photographic-memory/Ultimate Negentropic Auditory/Echoic Memory-
What if you could remember everything you’ve ever heard?
Example -A New Study Has Uncovered a Way to Potentially Improve Auditory Memory in Adults
- HSAM (Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory
Example: https://www.pnas.org/doi/pdf/10.1073/pnas.1802730115
*Absolute LTP (Long Term Potentiation a.k.a Instant Memory with CREB and more)"
- Five fold synesthesia a.k.a Solomon Sherevshesky Consciousness
Way much more…:)
Negentropic Myelin/White Matter (a.k.a the foundation)
This testimonial will be far more updated, as there was just so much that was included in this project, and ideas that Captain and I had messaged each other to create such an ultimate cerebral project.
To conclude this project is the culmination of painstaking efforts in crafting one’s unlimited cognitive potentials. Let alone one’s benefits with experience dependent plasticity with this field, let it help you make all your fantasized brain gains your very reality. **
Outshine comic book superheroes and hollywood movie characters with your ultimate brain.
No more long-winded debates that lead nowhere on what is possible and what is not.
**No more months, years, or even decades with learning, or mastering any skill, etc. remove all doubts limitations and insecurities stemming from some trumped-up/ fustian opinions or falsified factoids, or sleight of hand science.
****You are all that is needed. You are infinite. And all is possible. ****
Let this NFT be an ace for your all of your brain related dreams and aspirations
This is the apex predator of all brain and language projects.
Enjoy being the Ultimate Cerebral ;P
*Description will be updated this week, that will include a shared link preview of Google Slides Presentation with research and academic papers that were included in this project.
*This project was mandala + audio. *
(The complimentary audio is still in progress with Captain and I)(Part of my SuperBeings/Superpowers Series)
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Danke fĂĽr alles Captain.