Negentropic Jing (N/A)

I guess, chi kung, a moving meditation could count too, in helping that

by the way, has anyone tried the heart and brow soul restoration audios ?

does, the first one cover, the base, sacral, and solar plexus area, the heart one, the heart and throat and the brow, the third eye and crown ???

does anyone know ???

look up dantien on the net, it’s a different system from the chakra system


you mean, the triple burner thing

There’s correspondence yes… however it it is a different way energy is perceived to move and change. Just as we are all individual fractals, or diverse expressions of source, there are different layers to the bigger picture also.


Triple burner is not the 3 dantiens.
Take care not to relate the Dantien-system with the Chakra-system. Separate them!


Dantien are energy storages
chakra are vortex where energy is transformed / transmuted ( if I remember correctly )
the takeway is that it’s they are two different things


Quotes from What is Jing Energy? (How to Restore Youthful Energy)

Jing energy is our material body, cellular density, energy stores, our reproductive potential, our DNA and our seed.

Imagine Jing energy is like your “savings account” of long-term energy. It is our generator or our battery of stored energy. It is the vitality that we utilise to bring forth new life and to ensure good health in our older years. When we experience loss of this Jing treasure we feel devitalised and can show signs of premature ageing.

Jing governs the strength of our structural frame, hair, nails, our healing powers, our sexual functions and reproductive potential, our youthfulness and ability to handle stress, adversity, overwork, illness and the many other challenges that we face in our lives.

quotes i made up:
“Jing is King”
“Get Jing to Reverse Aging”

work has been energetically draining as i play team sports for 5 hours a day. super great for chi and shen, but jing energy was needing more love.

two loops of negentropic jing this morning and i’ve already felt my body wake up and my heart flow better.


i can feel, it slowly improving my energy, along with soul core restoration( the first 1), which sometimes feels more palatable, as the jing builds more slowly, I am 47 after all, so there is only so much, I can do, given job hours, lifes bombardment etc, would love to hear any further stories of how, you guys progressed with this, anyone in their forties here


I will soon be 48, so the same age!
Fields like these (Jing and Core) will let us age with grace.

Negentropic Jing might be hard to feel at times, but with time it will leed to a sense of deep contentment. It will also have a bolstering effect against the draining world we live in.

Try it sitting cross legged with the hands over Dantien, or in Dhyana Mudra. You will feel the energy rising in the lower back and settle in the kidney area. Very good!


Hi! I’m around your age and I’m wondering how often you listen to neg jing and core? I feel like there are so many fields I could be listening to to help the many things I need help with, but I don’t want to drain my energy. Sometimes I think focusing on jing, ojas , core ,etc would be best with a few targeted fields added in. Would love to hear your opinion.

I try to use the core-audios once a day, the same with Neg Jing. These together with Plasma Protocol is in my daily stack. Somedays it´s the only thing I listen to, other days the stack is dense. I try to keep it slim though.

Thank you- that really helps.

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hi ethan, am no expert, I just listen to soul core, and Neg Jing, and am experimenting with the number of times , I also take chinnesse herbs, and was until about 8 weeks ago, practicing chi kung daily for 30 mins, from a you tube guy by Don Fiore

getting older, suddenly and feeling older, has really hit me, quite hard in the last 2 years

I occassionally also, use deep clean of energy body and etheric cord cutter and sometimes entity removal, as they seem to, sometimes hitch a ride

if you want to chat further, would be great, if not no worries, but its good to chat, to someone similiar age range about all this


hi bootcamp, do you still have sex or not

that is one of the worst hitters, for me

so I avoid it all, though still feel desire occassionally, but, its mostly just the pre stuff,

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Yes, I have sex.
Sex is fantastic and will help me stay young.
It´s the ejaculations that are the culprit.
Have lots of sex, but regulate your ejaculations is my advise!
(Around 2 times a month is ok, no more.)


I mainly have slight energy sex with the odd camgirl, but just as a viewer, I still feel some desire at times, but, havent, had an orgasm in 14 months, except one, brief, dream, where my body seemed to want to clear something out, a bit, but it was slight,

I lose too much energy from just one orgasm, it is something I had to say goodbye to, in order, to keep focus in other areas of my life, like working and a course I am doing

I lost weight, after a diabetes, diagnosis, quit drinking, its, just the smoking now


Had a very cute experience with this one :baby:

My one-year old nephew is currently at home and I tend to avoid morphic field on speaker, as his parents are closed to it.

Played it discreetly on my way to the shower, and he stopped all activities and came straight running into the bathroom.

Then asking to be in my arms, being curious and kind of meditating to it for a few minutes. Until my brother had to pick him up for lunch :))

Life recognizes Life :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


OMG, I can’t even. This is sooooo cute :scream_cat:


just re-read the description and as always didn’t pay attention to a detail…
so this could affects both genetics AND epigenetics, ? amazing.


Since epigenetics is the expression of genes … the concept of variability of expression under the influence of different environmental factors… I’m guessing when you add Life to your genes and spread it to your biological environment it definitely makes sense to have Life changing your inner make up and more of its appearance! And expression!

I was typing this as a what you mean? Kinda post but i was like… oh… wait a minute!