Negentropic Jing (N/A)

I listen to each 2x per day.

I’ve found that following the recommendation of Team Sapien and starting slowly with a new field, to see how I personally am affected by my new field, and working my way up has been good advice for me.


Soul core can be as many times as you like, you can’t overdo it. Most of us are very leaky in this centre, just based on how we’ve lived… physically emotionally, energetically.


Does this help semen reflux?


hey abro, thank you

does the same apply for Negentropic Jing ? or not as much


I don’t have it so I can’t really answer with authority. I’ve read a few times on here, that there can be a downside to using any of the 3 negontropic treasures too much.

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Yeah the negentropic elements adds more work to be done since the same about soul core goes for jing but with the added negentropy the feeling/work is different

It’s one of the few fields that I actually used only 3 times and it would make me real tired (and everyone here was raving about the energy) it took me like 2-ish weeks to balance itself out

Unlike soul core that immediately felt restorative and energizing

So you might experience energy or a bit of imbalance that’s eventually leading on to more energy


thanks, abro and desiree

think I overdid,the negeotropic jing yesterday(exhausted after a 4 day, shift pattern of longer days and shorter days) so was hoping to restore some energy,

have noticed, a rejuvenating feeling from the soul core, too, so will stick with that as a foundation and more plentiful and, keep negotropic jing to the normal 3 times, I still listen to the free bone marrow strenghthening one on you tube, too, and Shen too

I find occassionally the deep energy body clearance and etheric cord cutter, from dreams channel work wonders too

have you guys tried, the heart and brow, soul restoration as I was wondering about buying them down the line

thanks for your help


Desiree, what were they saying about the energy Negotripic Jing provides

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I have all 3 and listen to them daily once in the morning.
I have a large amount of fields and still these 3 doesn´t leave my daily stack (which I try to keep slim).
When you´ve been listening to the core audio for a month you can add the heart storage audio. Then after a month add the brow audio.


I have all 3 and they are part of my nightly stack. I feel they are fundamental, like daily plugging the leaks to the container. Good fields you’ve chosen :relaxed:


Its more like filling the leaky container soul restoration and auric and energy body repair is fixing the container so you dont lose it as fast or at all in the first place.
One can also add Etheric cord cutter when it comes to energy leaks


What this does is work on repairing your core energy center, it seals and removes any energetic drainage cords and links that may be draining your energy or taking advantage of you.

This works towards sealing those leakages and external attachments that try to remove your energy (parasitic types of beings and people)

:relaxed: It does both.


My bad i missed one of the posts all good sorry
Thought you were talking about the 3 Negentropic treasures of Jing,Chi,Shen

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We went a little off topic I suppose to answer a question about the soul restoration series. These fields are very much related though.

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All g haha crossed wires

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so baya, was talking about, something else, with regard to the leaking aura and energy body repair

you mean another paid field ?

I was talking about soul restoration series and what i mentioned above not about Negentropic jing chi and shen.

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Maybe a @moderators can move those posts to another thread, so as not to confuse others too?


the soul resotration seems to really help, the jing is more gradual, it seems


Yes. With daily listening it fills slowly. Meditation will speed the process.