Negentropic Jing (N/A)

Very interesting perspective, I never thought about those aspects. I thought it might be excess Jing as @Maoshan_Wanderer one mentioned an excess can make you feel heavy/groggy.

I would be able to listen to this 6-7 times a day and feel fine but now if I listen just once I feel tired.

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Ah, well, this might be something a little different from what I was commenting on (because our friend @Psimindset didn’t mention a change as you’re mentioning for you).

You may be right. You might have brought in too much Jing for you, at this time. The way I’ve been taught (which is the lens through which I look at this topic) the 3 Treasures are part of Ancient Chinese Medicine (ACM–a little different from TCM, in my book). I was taught that management of our Treasures is a key of life for each of us (and, when we get it wrong, then our ACM). Without boring you, it’s essentially like Goldilocks. You don’t want to have too much and you don’t want to have too little. You want your balance of your Treasures to be “just right,” for you (because everyone has a different balance).

So, yeah, you might have loaded up on too much Jing for you, which rather than energizing you (as you might expect from some of the reports in this thread) it can make you heavy/groggy, because you’re become out of balance for you. (It’s kind of like Yin/Yang, the extreme of one leads to the seed of the other.)

That’s one explanation. (And I’m sure you’ve played around with how you can best deal with that for you.)

Another explanation might be that you’ve become even more energy sensitive, so that “before” you would listen to this 6-7 times a day without noticing a change (what we usually call “feeling fine”), even though there was the changes were going on (as evidenced by the changes in your listening experience).

If this is the case (and wouldn’t that be nice if it is?) then you’re noticing the changes that were/are going on at earlier, more subtle stages, so that you don’t need to push yourself to listen to this field as much to get the effect that you want. (Good for you!)

Modern life (particularly in “the West”) is very hard on Jing. I see so many people who have Jing burnout (even in little kids, which shocks me) and I get to work with some of them. If we were having this conversation in a professional sense (and that’s not what I’m doing here), I probably would be–without any judgment–very interested in what drew you to this particular field. I would be interested in that because it’s a common thing for us to be aware when we’re burning our Jing hard and fast (and–let’s be honest here–burning our Jing hard and fast can be kind of fun sometimes)–we feel that going on for ourselves, so we get the idea to top up the Jing that we’re depleting. (Kind of like we do with our cars, when they’re running out of gas.)

If this is you (welcome to the “Western” world–haha) then you’re smart. In your desire to top up your tank, you reached for this field (as opposed to those who reach for something like–say–cocaine) to help you out. You reached for a helpful, positive tool (rather than something that would make things worse for you). Good for you.

Edited for fine-tuning.


I remember first time listen to Negentropic jing got me a very good mood and energized day. But afterward every listen now put me into a nap. But i believe im getting sensitive and it affecting very deeply. But after i wake up feel good and energized also the attention i get from the opposite sex is interesting.


Hopefully, “interesting” in a good way. :wink:


Lol yes
Even got me deer headlights several times.

You know when a woman stare continuously.


Do you listen daily? Maybe you got to the point where should listen a couple rounds once a week

No, just twice in while like 2-3 weeks


Shouldnt negentropy prevent excess (and obviously deficency) of Jing though?


am thinking of buying this, any further commentary from people who have ??

I have also noticed references to Soul Care Restoration , I take it that is a paid audio

I take, chinnesse herbs monthly as it, is, and must confess, all this talk of bringing in too much jing when it essentially depletes, every day, gets confusing, but equally, kinda get what you guys mean

does anyone know, if, you can still listen to, other free jing sapien audios, on you tube, along with this paid one, I currently listen to, alchemical charged blood, sapiens old Jing Restoration, audio, bone marrow strenghtening and Shen

Also, do a bit of condensing breathing, using Gary Clyman’s technique,


Yes :)
Maybe the old Jing is not necessary but if you like it, you can keep it, you’re not doing any harm.

Well this one, sounds fantastic, I take, it, its a little more potent than the ones on you tube

Has anyone tried Soul Restoration Care Work or whatever it is called. I take it, that is a paid one too ??

Thank you so much for your detailed response, intelligent one :slight_smile:

I’m going to experiment with this and see if it really is an excess or some deeper work going on that I’m simply becoming aware of. I will report back in a few weeks!

Soul Restoration Core combine well with Negentropic Jing. Recommended!


look up key words soul restoration core in the search bar :wink:
You might prefer it over this one
and yes it isn’t free


The flute music is beautiful, especially the end part, I wanna learn how to play


Someone please enlighten me. Is prenatal Jing means genetics Jing that we inherited from parents?
If someone has low in Jing since birth due to genetics, this field helps in that aspect?
What is the difference between this field and Ojas Marrowed field?

Thank you

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I recommend you the soul core restoration + Negentropic Jing


Guys, if I only wanted to have 1 field. Of all the Jing versions that YouTube, Patreon, and albums have, can it be stated that this is the most powerful and advanced version of them all?




i bought bought soul core restoration and neotropic jing

any recommendations for how many daily listens, 3 of each i take it