Negentropic Jing (N/A)

Everyday is friday or what


I think we all have bro

but dont let corruption bring you down :pray:t4:

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Sammy himself has clarified that this Negentropic Jing field will RESTORE PRE-NATAL JING ! This Negentropic field was specifically made to achieve that, since the previous 2 versions of jing are still available (Jing restoration, Flow of Jing).

Why is here an argument even after the creators themselves have given assurance that this will restore Pre-natal Jing !

PS : @Dreamweaver’s fields are far more advanced & 100% effective than practical Taoist practices or whatever practices available in books & tutorials because he directly incorporates all those mechanism & the process behind compressed into a field and integrated into our body, being !


I was told they also restore/build Pre-Natal Jing.

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Maybe we can just ask @SammyG @Dreamweaver how does this restore pre-natal jing? like the process


first time seeing the forum in light mode


Perhaps we can ask captain how it was done to restore pre-natal jing.


Been using this field for a couple of months now, amazing results as expected, here’s what I experienced.

-Much more physical & and mental energy for day to day life

-Renewed vigour and enthusiasm

-Higher/restored libido

-Much faster bounce back after ejaculation

-Healthier looking and glowy look to my skin

-Faster physical healing

-Faster physical recovery from gym

-More balanced emotions, removing and balancing of any excessive emotional state

-Sharper eye sight

-Boosts the effects of other fields

-Feeling like I’ve been getting younger and younger every time Ive played it for a few hours

-Everything seems more vivid, real, intense and colourful

-Better cognition/mental functioning

-More opposite sex attraction

-More attraction in general from everyone

-feeling more alive, feelings of well-being

-feeling like something ‘deep inside’ is being restored, replenished, and renewed.

-more stamina in gym

One of the best SM fields ever :heart:🪄


Have you been listening to it for hours everyday?
That’s sounds like a lot.

I typically listen to Quadible Integrities 11th power booster formula 2x before I listen to this field, which multiplies the effect of anything you listen to after as if you’ve listened 11 times each listen. It usually lasts for 2/3 listens then wears off.

So the first two listens I get effects as if I’ve listened to it 22 times in a row. Then I’ll usually listen maybe 6-7 more times if I have free time. And remember it’s Negentropic so the more you listen the more and more closer it goes back in time to restore your most youngest Jing essence. You could call me a Jing addict lol.


You’ve definitely inspired me to listen to this one more. I’ve been doing every other day but perhaps I could up that

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how many fields do you listen to per day?

Around 20, plus 3 dog tags and two NFT fields

How do you know it was this one?

Do you know what Jing actually is, my good friend?

An interesting aspect about prenatal jing or jing in general is, that It’s crucial for physical development and perseveration. Considering that fact, wouldn’t It be possible to extend or restart physical development even in adulthood taking into account the restoring of prenatal jing?

What’s your opinion about that thought?


I had the same thought.

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What are you meaning when you’re asking about “physical development”?

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As stated to keep enhancing our physicality for example muscles, stature (height), capabilities (strength, endurance, etc.). I know we are tight to our genetical predisposition, but environmental factors keep changing the expression of our genes - not to say limiting our potential. Therefore, considering that jing - especially prenatal, is a big component of our development as we know, wouldn’t It theoretically be possible If we restore a big portion of It to enhance some of the above mentioned physical attributes (muscles, stature, capabilities - including mental aspects as well)?

I know It’s very hypothetical that’s the reason why I’m asking those who maybe have more insight about the topic.

I see.

Jing is only one component of what you’re asking. Another word for Jing is “potential.” Sometimes, the 3 Treasures are explained using the analogy of a candle. In this analogy, Jing is the wax of the candle. Adding Jing (wax) to the candle increases the potential of that candle to make heat and light. But the simple addition of more wax alone isn’t enough.

To tie this analogy back into your question, if you want more muscles, you’d have to work out more. If you want more capabilities, you’d have to learn and then study and/or practice those capabilities more. Jing alone is not enough.

Not only that, but I was taught that we are born with our Jing, but that Jing is not instantly available to us. It’s made available to us on our individual schedules, sometimes for specific functions (such as fulfilling our Ming, AKA destiny). If we don’t engage in those functions, we don’t access the Jing that we were born with.

So, you might want Jing for “physical development,” but your Ming might be something different or might be something better fulfilled with you being developed in just the way you turned out (usually this is the case).