Negentropic Marquardt Masterwork

Basically, in my mind its a whole conversation with a greeting😂:
“hello, how are ya? Today I’d love to get my insert feature + add description… Thanks!”

And only then I can listen passively :hugs:



This field started on my eye area from the first time. I posted above about it working on the circular muscle around the eye. It appears to have worked on the entire eye area, including skin under the eyes.
I didn’t really have crows feet, but now i definitely don’t! The under eye skin appears more plump and very youthful and glowing :cherry_blossom:

I think it is increasing malar fat, the fat under eyes and front-facing cheeks, appears more plump.

I have high check bones already so I have not noticed anything there.
I also have a very symmetrical face, but there seems to be a better harmony to it.

I have been using Stem cells to face to support it. I will probably get Maxilla too.
I have been instructing this field as well, but not every time, but I may start doing that.

I would recommend this field, but especially to anyone wanting to avoid fillers, botox and other tox substances :grin: :pray:


Haha it is a funny way to use it! But yes same for me i really feel i need to state what i want ! Definitely not the kind of field i use in the background while doing something else !

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Do you feel any sensation while listening to Maxilla ?

I mean if you feel your bones moving, especially with the maxilla one, it is working. Maybe it is the lack of self love that avoids you from seeing results if that is a problem for you… In period of low self esteem, and concerning certain area of my appearance where i have big insecurities, it will be the same for me: i will hardly see any result coming from fields, no matter what.


Another update with this field+Maxilla:

I’ve been noticing that my jaw and chin are getting more prominent and pushed forward… Then a few days ago, I realized I no longer have an overbite… My teeth now rest perfectly together when my jaw is in its natural resting position. Trying to return my teeth to their old position feels unnatural/unpleasant… new position feels much stronger. Mouth feels more spacious/cavernous.

I wasn’t sure if this field had plateaued for me, so nice to see that growth and movement is continuing to happen. Just feels like facial structure shifting is a subtle thing… stay on the lookout for subtle signals. It probably took me a week or two to actually understand and process that this change had happened.


Ladies and gentleman, my iPhone Face ID has a hard time identifying me lmaoo. I was trying to sign up for an account with my Apple account and it was asking for an Face ID and it wasn’t registering, I was getting so angry then I was like “wait a minute….”

I checked in the mirror, I see gradual changes but I didn’t expect for my Face ID to quickly not recognize me.




The Ultimate test results tool LOL :rofl:


I suppose we should hold a little celebration every time someone reaches the Apple ID failure threshold :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Well, put it this way, you have one more defense against AI and for your privacy. This is an added value to the other qualities of the field, in my opinion.


For the past few days I have had mini muscle contractions in my left cheek at times. I think it’s due to intense muscle work. At the moment it’s more the left side that works. Visually it is the one that needs the most because a slight hollow on my left .

I find that my face is a little better due to my cheekbones which seem more present to me. The maxilla field could bring a lot more. I am thinking about buying it compared to the mewing field.


I bought it, the reflection did not last long :sweat_smile:!

Right now I’m listening to it (very pleasant music :relieved::notes::heartbeat:) and I feel that its already working :grin:. Just before I listened to The Microcurrent Facial Simulant + and Nose straightener audio.

The next testimonials I will try to share them on the 2 discussion threads, Maxilla and NMM.


Hey @Limael can you message me in private? I can’t. I want to ask you something.

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Just bought this today, and plan to use it in conjunction with the Maxilla and Auto-Mewing fields.

Above, someone asked about the meaning of “smart activation.” The question was never answered directly (unless I missed it). Can someone in the know enlighten me about exactly what smart activation means?

It seems that a user can tell this field what specific features of the face the user wishes to change, and in what way. That much seems to be included in the meaning of “smart activation,” but must one identify specific features in order to get the field to work? Does the field “know” what to do, on its own, to get a face to look more harmonious etc.?

I have one or two specifics I’d like the field to work on, but mostly I have a general desire for the face to look better, handsomer … . Is that enough of an instruction?

Thanks in advance for any insights.


I think the designer left the forum, so we don’t really know. We are just sharing our experiences.

I told it to do my eye area, said:

“Name of field, do xyz to undereye, do abc this spot.”

I did it in front of the mirror and pointed.
It seems to have acted on these instructions.

Now I’ve been telling it to do something else, and I’ve been getting pain in that area.


Thanks for the reply, Muse. I am new-ish here, so I didn’t realize the designer had left the forum. (I was assuming the Marquardt field was designed by Dr. Manhattan.)

What you describe is my experience as well: When I first tried the field yesterday, I told it to work on a specific area, and sure enough that is where I felt something happening. My problem is that I have a hard time zeroing in on what else specifically needs to be changed. My “instructions” are more along the lines of: “Give me a profile that doesn’t make me want to retch.”

If the field is indeed “smart,” hopefully it can figure out what needs to be done from my pretty vague guidelines.

Oh it’ll work without instruction. The thing with this field is that there are LOTS of instructions built into it… which you can see in the designer’s original design thread:

So — without your extra instruction — it’s working on many many elements to return you to your negentropic ideal … which means that the changes may be all over the place but also imperceptible to the naked eye… until they aren’t. For me that meant my iphone faceID stopped recognizing me and more recently my resting bite is different…

The Maxilla field is faster working in a noticeable way, in my experience. I believe that’s due to that field’s built in focus on one single bone.


That’s really helpful. Thank you.

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I got this gem a few days ago.

It starts to shape my neurocranium. I can see and feel it. The Maxilla field is expanding my upper palate and growing/pushing my maxilla more outside.

A recommendation:

At least in my case, I can say that using Blueprint of Life with it slows down results extremely. Maybe because resources are used elsewhere… not sure.

Using the Quasi Kinetic fields is enhancing the results much more in combination with the Integration Tool.

Furthermore, I would recommend to use extra minerals like calcium etc.