Negentropic Maxilla Masterwork - Gumroad Project

this field by expanding the palates would help any existing beauty field extremely!

Thank you for the initiative!


it would be better if this field focus only the expansion of the upper and below palates. there are enough beauty projects which deal with this matter of overall symmetry like the field on youtube.


Okay this project is ready Captain.

We are ready whenever you are. @Dreamweaver

Take your time.


try add everything to the top so he sees it all


What do you want me to add bro?

No worries, Dream will know.

We’re working on other projects but I can queue this up first if you want.

Plus he got other ones for other people in the works too.


Anybody want to improve their side profile?

This is for you.

With the other creations of Dream.

Easy 11/10 :)


Looks are health.

Hope you breath easier man, also to get rid of those tired eyes.


Yes. Looks = Health


is there any other fields i can use for maxilla apart from auto mewing , even if its another creators

Can only recommend on behalf of Sapien, and other the fields that I would recommend are Ojas, Double Chin removal, and Collagen V1 or Hgh v1.

Of course anti aging and youth recapture before, then with Facial Symmetry Muscle Toning etc.

^ Just my opinion and from my experience.

But try and see what works for you.


am using them they are very good but why hgh doesnt that only lenthen the bones in the body, and why ojas . my goal is push forward the maxllia

Hey Mr. NFT @anon14224340 - with the new NFTs (Iron Doom, Super Serum, InhumanX, Prince, Yujiro) - are Anti-Aging & Youth Recapture still required?


I mean it wouldn’t hurt, I just notice instant results when I use them separately even with beauty NFTs like Majesty etc.

I tend to get all my micronutrients in etc then play these fields.

Anti aging I usually alternate with plasma brain and vice versa.



What other fields (like Anti-Aging, Youth Recapture) do you use/recommend along with these NFTs? I eliminated most and kept only Eternal, Potion and Plasma Flaunt, but now I see value in adding Youth Re-capture and Anti-Aging…


Let memget back to you with suggestions and stacks experimenting with,

Lol freewheeling past few days but I’ll see what I can do.

Gifts keep on giving :gift:


If you have Eternal isnt Anti-Aging unnecessary? Pretty sure its included


Thats what I think too…

But Jon may have a point…

Eternal does a LOT of things while the targeted fields stick to one purpose, so results are probably going to be pronounced!

I take it as a sign. @This_Boy_Here was telling me how he loves the Anti-Aging field yesterday … back to my stack!


This field has been coming frequently to my mind these past few days! I think it is an advanced field tbh! It’s more of a targeted approach also, but stacks are already full! Eternal does have this feature I believe, but also that’s why we have audios with our mandala NFTs :D

Youth recapture is also more for the mind and not for the bodily changes or anything, but the Eternal has the blueprint of life tied to it and then from there to the physical body

Youth recapture has an amazing anti aging effect for the mind honestly, I mean from a mental perspective… It just has this de aging effect… It’s unexplainable, description says it does not and perhaps only partially, but the effects from the part where it does are enough to extend their energy to other parts of the mind!

Honestly, if you’re feeling like freshening things up, then it’d be better to have them catching up on all the effects from the stacks, all these other NFTs accelerate everything… It keeps things fresh and it keeps your mind feeling light. And in return, it helps the body execute all these effects from the strong NFTs much faster for the ease and light it creates…

So I’d say pump these bad boys back up :) if you feel it, then it may be the time… Maybe until it’s not the time anymore and the body has enough of what it needs!


Yeah the collective consciousness really picking up on this.

Yes. The perfect supplemental for those out there looking for one.


Be ready everyone.