Prince to an extent, since this takes a different approach to ensure all bases are covered with the negentropy and device used.
I wouldn’t know about the Face, as that wasn’t my project so not my area of knowledge, etc.
But I would imagine this could accelerate any results you would already be getting with any aesthetic or beauty product/field/NFT.
I myself have many appearance enhancing NFT’s but will still be getting a copy of this.
Many would stick just to Auto-mewing, but this Maxilla field is the prerequisite before any of that.
People struggle to breathe with proper tongue posture etc, because you’re trying to stuff a tiger into a kitten’s cage.
It’s not feasible.
A lot of people have way too small oral cavities or palates to even reap the benefits of the mewing field.
And even then if they were to mew negentropically and properly, the maxilla itself needs special attention with it’s craniofacial expansion and development.
After you get this isolated and fixed, then the the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.”