Negentropic Maxilla Masterwork - Gumroad Project

We can figure something out.

If anything, I can just make it a revision project that works negentropically, as if you already had the maxilla changes or ideal appearance etc., but will see.

no its ok , that only happens when the front 3rd is widen and the rest of the maxilla is not pushed forward or widen with it

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also may i ask what do you mean by negentropically, i dont undestand how it plays a role

i thought captain has already created this, and we are just waitting for him to release it

Meaning changes will be working with negentropic principles like past fields such Auto Mewing etc.

We can even do an age recapture or something.

That way we transcend all the naysayers and medical pedants that ex cathedra tell us maxilla changes or even mewing benefits are a dead loss.

Despite many testimonies contradicting their dogma.

But it’s whatever.

Just looking for an ultimate approach to make humans beautiful again, their natural state.


ohh , you was the one who made the prince aswell. i liked that protect i even bought it, any way back to this. you could stick with the original plan and make it as a dental appliance

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could you please message me about the prince being tailed to each individual. enjoyed your work by the way

When I get time, remind me later tomorrow.

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damn. Dream really pulled up to this and just posted it here. Lol

Man want u guys to stop talking on his name :joy:


Best week ever.


Is this aiming for perfect face ratio?

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It should help, my front and side profile have improved immensely from the last few days.

I also breathe much deeper and less shallow


Hi I’m new to this community so sorry for dumb questions … I’m highly interested in this project and I’m a female … is it also suitable for me to use it ? At the same time … should I play it on speaker or just use it as the same way as subliminals ( listening for an hour with headphones). ! Looking forward to your reply !! I


Hey there, welcome :wave:t4:

Absolutely suitable for you. This is not a gender specific field

Speaker or headphones both work, so whatever you prefer :)

We usually recommend listening to an audio three times to start off with, unless otherwise stated in the description (so three loops of this audio in a row per day would be a total of nine minutes per day) This is to gauge your tolerance to a particular field. You can up the usage from there if you feel it is required.

Dreamweaver’s fields are robust :mechanical_arm:
I typically listen to this audio 3x per day and am loving the results


Thanks for your kindly reply! I already bought it and listened for 3 times today :relaxed:


This project is awesome maxilla is important for facial attractiveness

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U would be glad to know, its aready out, on gumroad

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No way I didn’t even see that. Did you purchase already?