Negentropic Maxilla Masterwork


Every human has a maxilla, you can’t uninstall this program with your skull, you don’t have admin privileges.

If you want to look and feel the absolute best, then look into the maxilla.

Nothing more needs to be elaborated.


Always best to check, especially when a lady is involved :wink:

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I’m sure whoever it is, will be thanking you a lot soon. :)

Well, im sure anyone can get health benefits from this, better breathing, better tongue posture, healthy sinus, etc … yes sure. But from a physical point of view, I for example, am wondering if it would suit my face. Or even if my maxilla is already living its best life and is sitting in its optimal place…

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Well then use your own discretion.

Optimally designed or whatever, I can’t make your decisions for you.


So how’s the results after buyit thinking to buy it let me know brother

Can’t buy it after added to cart help me through email pls?

(I have updated this comment- fixed some typos and phrases)

Just wanted to quickly jump on this discussion and let you guys know a little bit about my journey in case you were not sure about this field
(long comment for those who like to read while using fields haha)

I combined this one with Face Sculptor, and the results are unreal!
My face has this new sense of stability, everything is more balanced and I can wholeheartedly say that I enjoy my current face. (although I know I’ll keep on using this combo for a while, to really give it time to become my true, healthy alluring face.) I’m finally feeling confident to be me.

I wanted to share a few things,
First how I changed my approach to facial symmetry and beauty, and also the reaction of my family and close friends about me changing

Facial asymmetry was one of my biggest insecurities, as a person of art and visual harmony, I felt like my face didn’t represent me well… My personality didn’t shine through, and my smile was not genuine.
After years of trying to use the YouTube version of facial symmetry and Quadible Golden ratio, I saw really minor changes (and was really annoyed, because I spent so much time listening to the fields)

I realized I couldn’t really detach from the process, and not getting results was really hard on me emotionally. I didn’t want to accept my face. I felt stuck.

I decided I was going to do 3 things:
Detach, take physical actions, and work on my “inner self”.

1.Detaching -
included changing my phone camera setting to not mirror my selfies and videos,
and then recording myself talking about life, my experiences, and random things. The point of it is to watch it later and spend time watching myself - in order to make amends that this is how I look, this is how people see me everyday, and they still love, appreciate and enjoy being with me. This approach really showed me my real me. Not the mirror version which is a lie. (still doing it on a weekly basis even now.)
Also, looking at photos of my self as a cute child really helped me remind myself the potential of my body.

2.Taking physical actions-
Included forming a skin care routine(sometimes using Gua sha etc.) drinking enough water + making sure I’m not an emotional eater anymore. literally started listening to my gut.
And for the silly bit, I started practicing my smile. No kidding. Like a daily 5 min workout of exercises I found on YouTube.

3.working on my inner self-
Which is an ongoing process… But still (:
I am doing it because I have a belief I CHOSE to own. Which is outer beauty can really catch attention. therefore, I want to do good with it in the world. have compassion. I want to learn, and have the knowledge to help myself and others. Otherwise, why do I seek this attention?
I felt like my face didn’t suit my real personality, but in fact I still have a lot to learn, develop and work on.

In regards to people’s reaction.
The past 3-4 weeks with these 3 fields were a game changer. (balancing brain hemisphere , face sculptor, and this maxilla one)

One of my siblings doesn’t live at home, and I see him once a week, and he literally said to me “you know, from week to week your face look sharper” (and my inner voice said, well… I’m using the face sculptor dahhh!)

The one sibling the lives at home and sees me everyday, set down to talk to me. I was sitting on a chair in the middle of the room underneath the lamp, and he said surprised "Wowww, from this angle with these lights, I can reallyyy see your cheekbones clearly!! "
(it was a week and a half after buying this maxilla field, before I even combined it with face sculptor.
And believe me when I say, I DID NOT have cheekbones before lol.)

This is my take and experience with these fields. This month was the MOST rewarding month in term of results from fields in general! (AND I’VE BEEN TRYING TO GET SERIOUS RESULTS FOR THE PAST 4 YEARS!)

Hopefully it gives you some ideas and faith to find your magic combination of fields and actions… And if you really struggle - try to add ego dissolution for a while(also a gem in this process) but I personally don’t use it regularly. Listen to your body, and take breaks if your body tells you to.



Are you female?

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Wonderful testimonial, it’s great to hear you are getting the results you wanted. Thank you for sharing :partying_face:


Yes, I’m a female (:

Of course :purple_heart:


Thank you. Did you nose get wider/ bigger? I read some comments on widening nose.
I am happy with my nose so that would not be not ideal.

I had some slight crowding of my teeth (on one side) from a subliminal unfortunately.

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Personally, I didn’t experience that :slight_smile:
My eye area, eyebrows and cheekbones are now the center of attention… So even though my nose didn’t change - some of the proportions around it seem different, it’s hard to put a finger on it

It’s like my face didn’t have any strong features (was more of a square face) and it morphed the proportions of my eye area (in the most awesome way) and got a hint of a diamond face shape

I guess it’s also because I’m using face sculptor and the muscles are now firmer…

So yeah, slightly more of a diamond face, very natural change, I dig it! The nose did not change, in fact it feels narrower to me, just because of all the changes around it

I guess you can always stop when you feel you are satisfied with the changes and every once in a while, listen for a ‘touch up’ if you feel the need

(you remind me that the last piece of this puzzle for me is to get the rhinoplasty field for a while and seal the deal) :heart:


This field is really effective.


The benefits will definitely compound in time :)

Do you still notice New changes in your face ?
I am more and more tempted to buy this After reflexion :slightly_smiling_face: 100% sure it will benefit me from a health viewpoint (i have trouble breathing from my right nostril and i snore a little bit a night… + I often have what could seem like light headaches but is in fact a little pain in my cheekbones and temporal bones :thinking:)

My only main goal from an esthetic point of view would be to have shorter midface and shorter philtrum… This seems to be appropriate for that ?
I have a really flat face for an european girl, and that is what makes my look, i really like this feature, and in a sense i want to enhance it but am scared to mess with it… Will i loose my little flat nose ? :laughing:


Yeah actually let me post an updated testimonial by tomorrow.

I’ll also answer any questions you may have.

Take care.


I would say just do research on the Maxilla, as ironically all these areas are heavily influenced by the maxilla itself.

Your cheekbone definition, eyes sunken or not, breathing problems when awake/sleeping.

Your midface is basically comprised of maxilla anatomy as well.

All things I’ve noticed myself, real quick to share:

  • Symmetrical beard growth (beard is very even and this ties into other benefits listed)

  • Side Profile enhancement (many people complain about nose from side angle, when it really could be a recessed maxilla)

  • The Smile (it has this full feeling to it, like an optimal level of width, etc. more photogenic.
    I can actually feel confident in my smile as I believe this ties into the benefit right below this one)

  • Verbal fluency (because my tongue has room to breathe, pun intended, my verbal fluency when talking or calling is on the dot. I don’t get tongue tied like before or even after the brain stuff, sometimes it’s just this confidence in speaking. Maybe it’s also to do with not shallow breathing, because I can breathe do deeply when I mew or just go about my day naturally).

  • Eye Areas are more hunter like, less eye folds, and more deep set. But this may have been from other things to like high T or something.

These are off the top of my head, but all I can say is this my favorite beauty field Dream has made of all time.

It’s the hack to being the closet thing to a 10 in looks for the face itself.

I’m just so grateful, but it will be a while before I can shake of past sense of self illusions, and sabotage with self worth.

Let me know how else I can help you with this field.

Look forward to your maxilla upgrade :)


Oh yeah it’s impressive all the benefits you’ve had! I have researched the maxilla and yes everything you say makes sense. I think I’m going to buy it too…

I had a fear about my side profile but it can only improve it actually… especially since I have a lot of space available on my palate because it is really curved… (Haha being really shy when i was a child i was always sucking my thumb :baby:t2:)
Well ill delete my pictures cause im not really confortable with that… Now im convinced it will really benefit me :slight_smile: Thanks again for your explanations!:fire:


Actually I wanted to comment this.

Every one knows that the sucking reflex is innate, the bio oral survival circuit etc.

A lot of issues with maxilla from what I read, sometimes stem from this congenital trauma.

The breastfeeding process etc.

This ties in to my crooked facial appearance or smile benefit.
When you making a sucking posture with your mouth, and the maxilla becomes clear if it is recessed or not.

From birth trauma in the womb/pregnancy or post childbirth etc.
Prenatal presentation of fetus in womb,etc.

Let alone the allergenic deficits from mouth breathing during childhood because indoor pollutants etc.

That’s why for me personally I look at the Maxilla is end all be all, if you have other features already in good health.

And the cherry on top is that this is negentropic!!

Dealing with those defects from infancy etc.

And the quality you’re getting etc. compared to the health care systems charging procedures for it, that can’t even hold a candle to half of what this does.

So there is truly nothing like it, and the field itself has such a relaxing and pressure melting feel to it, it’s the absolute best.

But see other reviews of course, don’t want to peddle anything.