Nervous System (Public Field)

We’ll deal with everything in the group and see how much we can make. We’ll take the time to make an in depth design.


What about including the skill of actively rewriting your nervous system with mental operations & awareness directed to it
As I often experienced “different” “optional” ways to react with my nervous systems to a external input in the same time frame.

Hi, I’m interested in joining as well

  • I want to join

0 voters

Will be easier to keep track


I’m in! Wheelchairuser, progressive neurologic (muscle) disorder (FA)…

Thanks in advance!


this would be a huge blessing! :raised_hands:


Perhaps a reversal of Neuropathy but not just that, how about we can find an aspect where we can fully regenerate CHS and PHS nerves and prevent neuropathy from occurring again in the first place? (Especially in the case of unbalanced sugar issues, anxiety, stress etc)


Pressure in the neck, fatigue, high blood pressure, excited nervous system, sometimes high heart rate… These are the symptoms caused by overload. I have already mentioned that Manhattan Method Audio has helped me a lot with that.


You shouldn’t use fields then, energy manipulation is also magic(neccesary to create fields). Magic is the science of manipulating the world of the mind. There are many types of magic (sigils, spells, use of entities, etc.), but the manipulation of matter energy through intention and will is also magic.

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This will help with an overactive sympathetic nervous system?
This causes severe wet chronic blushing (flushing associated with increased perspiration)


Can this field help in cases of Emotional Sensitivity, ADHD and Emotional Fragility ?

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I think an aspect of sensitization to the reproductive organs as well would be beneficial because of the many things that can cause nerve damage in that area such as neuropathy and nerve damage

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is there any sale going on, or will there be any sale soon?
also i am not able to pay for drops of memory using my visa card from SBI india bank.

I suppose then this will be more geared towards treating the Physical Nervous Disorders such as Muscular Atrophy, Diabetic Neuropathy etc etc

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Hi there, waanabetopper!
Blue buddha welcome


Any update sir @Dr_Manhattan

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The group can only have 25 members, so I guess we’re full.


Let’s get the show rolling :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

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If this field could improve/heal:

  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • ALS (also called Motor Neuron disease)
  • Parkinson’s
  • Neuropathy
  • Stop the Hypothalamus from attacking the myelin and nerves of the body
  • Regenerate Myelin in brain, spine and all of the nerves of the body

Then this field would be an absolute blockbuster.

I know this list is asking a lot, but would certainly help a vast number of people.
