Nevermind... This Thread was a mistake

We learn from our mistakes or at least we are supposed to; one mistake was to create this thread…
Also, I’ll leave it for posterity. :sweat_smile::point_down:

Well, Guess What?

It does not matter how others view me, whether you think I am a nobody or an amazing guy, whether you believe me or not, also it does not matter how I view others, these things change quite fast.

My Latest Update: Many Thanks to Captain and to Sammy and to Anyone who ever helped me, Thank You.

I might come to read messages (if any) or just use my account to read around the forum, since I have a lot of bookmarks, but no more threads from me, since apparently around 30% or more find me untrustworthy. Or I might just leave, it doesn’t matter.

Update: (according to some) It seems that I do not have asthma or allergies either … :disappointed:
Please don;t read my threads if you believe that I’m such a liar.

Update: I wonder where someone thinks that I have lied; I have presented my story, my past, my experiences, my opinions… Anyway, I have to accept Everything and Everyone, so I can go further, and not stuck in low vibes, although sometimes I am low vibe too; the good news is that I can become a writer, since some people think that I write Fiction…
Anyway, I move on. Thank You All, but especially Everyone who knows that I am honest. :pray:

Do you think that I am a liar?
How do you view me?
Max 2 choices.

  • You are a liar
  • I do not trust you
  • You are quite honest
  • I trust you

0 voters


Here, I mean small promises, like “I’ll watch that movie/clip tomorrow/soon”, but I don’t :confused:.

Big promises I do not (usually) make, since I know that I will most likely break them anyway (most of them).

What do you say?
Is this a problem or not?
Do you keep your promises?
Are you a liar too?

What solutions (fields and otherwise) do you know?

  • I’m a liar, I do not usually keep my promises
  • I usually keep my promises

0 voters

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Does it feel like one? I´d say start here.

How do you want to live? How do you want to be treated, treat others, yourself…?

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You didn’t watch the movie? :scream_cat:

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What movie? Lol

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I don’t know. lol


I avoid making promises if I can’t keep them. Maybe I’m too much of a literalist with how I use my words. If I say I am going to do something, then it will be in my mind as an imminent priority… in some way.

As a matter of habit, I don’t lie. But once I catch someone lying to me, then the gloves are off and I’ll throw lies back at them lol

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Better, much better.

Well, I want to treat myself and others in a good way, I just have a few minuses. :sweat_smile:

It doesn’t feel like a Huge problem.

So, you don’t keep promises, big or small.

You tell us. Is this getting you the life you want? Does this allow you to be the person you want to be? Does this allow you to have the relationships you want?

If the answer is “No” to any of those questions, by my definition of the word “problem,” I’d have to say “Yes, this is a problem.” (Of course, you’re free to have a different definition of that same word.)

This is like our pirate friends asking “Do you pirate too?”

Even if 1 other person answers you “Yes,” that doesn’t change how this is a problem for you. It just gives you an excuse not to fix your problem. Is that what you want?

The obvious one is to start to tell the truth. Start small and do it, every minute of your day. ← Dead serious about that.

Because every time you lie, you tell your unconscious mind that you don’t mean the things you say or decide, which means that your unconscious mind–which is always listening–stops obeying the instructions that you want to impress upon it with your conscious mind, subliminals and the like.


Well, when I promise that I will do something, I mean it, at least in that moment, also I do not lie regarding anything of importance, just these small things, like not keeping a small promise.

Didn’t you just say


Or are you lying to us and yourself right now?

FWIW, in my world, there’s a difference between “not keeping a promise” and “lying.”


Yeah, poor words on my part, I do not keep my promises, not that I lie, in fact, if I say that I did something, I actually did, etc.

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Also, if it’s anything of life and death, that important, that’s another thing…
I try to keep my promises, but I realized that I USUALLY fail miserably.

Simple SOLUTION: I will NOT Promise Anything, unless it’s a must.

Now, I did it, people will think I am a liar even though EVERYTHING that I have told you about myself and my past, EXCEPT promises (like I will do this or that), is TRUE.

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Well, now that there’s an additional poll, I’ll say that you’re quite honest.

Most of the time, when we consider the term “liar” we consider someone who is intentionally giving out bad information for the purpose of manipulating people and situations. Frequently to maintain a particular image while also getting away with something that would conflict with said image.

You have admitted faults and explored situations and even clarified your own points of view as dialog goes on.

So I don’t think that you are “a liar” in any severe sense of the word. But you might be somewhat loose in your phrasing and thought process. That’s not a bad thing, though. You seem to be somewhat of a dreamer, so literal truths and cautious conjectures aren’t what define the flow of things for you.

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what if you lie about things that you dont want to do then do it?

I do that all the time for my mother, I tell her I can’t and then I do that to not take me for granted :stuck_out_tongue:

just say no and then do it with your own freedom

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i dont do social interaction
now go watch this movie lol

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Later lol
No Promise though


You described me quite well, although I disagree a little bit on the literal truth part, although I agree 100% on me being a dreamer and using words and thoughts and meanings loosely.


I might have been a bit rigid in my word choice lol

I was meaning more like an Aspergers take on literal truth. I think I have that tendency to a greater extent than you—some people have derided me for being too robotic.


Again, I don’t even know what terms to use anymore, so I will avoid calling myself a liar, but rarely I exceed expectations or say that I won’t do it, then do it lol, that’s good I guess.


I am also a “drama queen” or better said King lol, before your replies, I thought “well, if no one trusts me or is mostly unsure about me/my honesty, then why bother to write anything new around here” (basically I planned for an exit :sweat_smile: - I also Quit quite rapidly)…

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