Alchemical Mind Expansion Blend - N/A

That profile photo looks so outstanding :heart_eyes_cat:.


Credit goes to Dream :blush:


Do you have any points to share with us?

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Tbh, I am using it once a day and being guided to it, but still divided with this investment (let’s see with more time).

Though I have been for the last few weeks “roller-coasting” into a hard-core inner fight (ego dissolving), so I am lacking much Clarity as well.
Will let you know if you follow up guys :slight_smile:


One week update: still bringing me a sense of Clarity, no mind-blowing experience, but I am guided by my Higher Self every day to use it.

Definitely a nice tool, though I guess this is mostly for people with a “Strong Mind”, meaning people over-thinking and with difficulties to let go.

My experience here is subjective though


This field feels so smooth in combination!

As @_OM put it in another thread, about another combination, it feels like…



Anyone with further feedbacks?

Still using it now and then, and wow such Clarity using it today.

@anon17734191 you were asking me yesterday about a field for resting the mind, I felt the Essence of Mantra is one of the best but have you tried this one?


Im listening this still too.
I can remain calm at weird situations and my mind is always relaxed


Niiice, I have been looping it quite a while since this afternoon and this is exactly what I am feeling.

Clarity + Relaxation of the Mind = Well-being & Expansion :heart:


Depends upon why one’s mind is busy or in need of rest but I feel Five Elements Balanced can be excellent for this too, particularly if one is looking for a free field option, as it balances the many energies in one’s system and affects the purity of the mind and nervous system. :smiley:


Right on uial, thanks for the reminder :)

I’ve been looping Alchemical Mind like crazy since yesterday. Always being sent back to it, and always bringing so much relaxation, joy and clarity.

I’m not feeling yet if I should take it easy and use it with balance as this is a chemical thing? Or if the field is orchestrated well and is managing this balancing?

Anyone with a nice pov about that? Backed on experience & research.

Thanks :pray:

Ps: my gut feeling is telling me fuuuuuck the doubts, go for it man. Though I tend to be cautious with whatever chemicals, as too much of a good thing…


It’s safe, even on higher dosages. It’s not comparable with normal minerals.


Your feelings and/or personal research?



Of course it can overload your system, it depends more on your own capacity.


Nice, thanks for contributing Daniel.

This is actually the overload part I am being cautious and conscious about.

Anyone wanting to add more data, it would be lovely.
So we can all spam this beauty in parallel to Blueprint of Life & Negentropic Treasures :grin:


This is a very good side for more information about Mstate elements.

Often people just describe the physical health aspect but every monoatomic also works on your consciousness.

Had better experiences spamming this one above and ojas than mstate.

You might wanna try the bottle from the link above(when its avaiable), it’s very strong stuff, so far the most potent mstate i know. ( if you like mstate elements so much as i do :P )

Well yes, it can fry your system and destroy cells but like i said, it really depends on the user. If you are used to it, high dosages are not a problem at all.


Yes exactly my feeling, working on consciousness and energies as a whole.

Will be patient for the bottles.
I am kinda feeling Dream has put some kind of “safe guards” so even if we spam it, we get the right dosage.

Like each mstate in the alchemy complete each other and you get the one your need whenever needed to balance everything out.

Would love a confirmation about that


Hmm…If it’s energetic it’s always safer than physical, the aura has better self-defense mechanism so his energetic stuff is always safer.

This counts for sure for gold, it boosts every other element. Some element works better together, some less but as far i know, they never contradict each other.

Often people forget that this stuff is very high intelligence and you are able to communicate with it. Dont forget to use your intention on plasma and mstate. Once i had some subtle knee pain and i just told the elements to increase the flow and release some blockages there…After 10s it went away.


Just bought it mfkrs !!!

Interesting… a new type of brain pump. It’s going to be beneficial. I have been documenting the different type of brain pumps, who knows how useful it will be


@DR_MANHATTAN this field is just right for you :)
It seems to me a rather underestimated field.
I felt something similar when I did a meditation in the past with my favorite product “Monoatomic Gold” (Eric Thomson). But it was a long time ago.

Now I decided to do a little meditation with headphones and made a playlist like this (57 min 11 sec):
Sapien Medicine - Alchemical Mind Expansion Blend х2
Dreamseeds - Ego Dissolution х2
Dreamseeds - Higher Self Connection х2

and I was carried away somewhere very far. I didn’t have any specific goal, I just wanted to relax and rest a little.
Probably this is how a caterpillar feels, which is wrapped in a cocoon and is soon going to become a butterfly. This pupa caterpillar lies in the sun and prepares for its flight …

And you lie in this cocoon of light, but your attention is immersed in some depths of the mind … You become an observer, but everything that you observe is difficult to describe in words. Floating memories, some unfamiliar pictures and people, flashes of light and vortices of energies …
If I were doing a meditation with the field: Echoes of the Past, these feelings would be more understandable for me …

Amazing. Now the whole face and the right hand are on fire :slight_smile: