Conceptual Realizations

Thank you @GoddessesAndGod :muscle:


Was reading David Hawkin’s work with BoL on the back.

Will definitely try with Conceptual realization, thanks for the tip :pray::grin:


This field (Conceptual Realization) and Imaginarium divine are great combo to predict things.

I still not have capital governance but i think it is also made for the same matter.


and notice patterns in your life that empower you with more choices!


Just looking at the description is amazing, the list of future pockets❤️


I don’t know if anyone else noticed it, so I’ll share this observation in public.

This field previously helped with empathy, reflection etc, but now it’s a whole new level of metacognition.

The Emanuel Kant type, where my thought break apart and I get to feel, understand a serie of sub-thoughts contained in my initial thought and learn about their deeper meaning, influence, images, foundations. Sub-thought I didn’t recognize before, somewhat like a sequencer or autopsy of my mind.

Pretty cool stuff.

I have been surprised more than once when seeing the open bag of my mind. It is to the mind what linguistic is to language.


Yes i have !!!

Its like opening an excel spread sheet in your mind

I gotta say tho it wasnt this field.

Ive always thought like that but this field boosted that to a perfect refined map of thoughts with their own spread of analysis


So if I understand this right, this allows you to understand a person as if you’d known them all your life, or a culture as if you’d lived in it all your life?

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I think it gives you the neural connection and mindset to analyze the content of messages passing through your mind.

Duh lol… let’s try again

Imagine a message or sentences that you think (interior) or hear from someone else or beings (exterior) you will read it not just from a linguistic perspectives, but from a universal truth perspective, from the concepts and deepest meaning.

When you get older, you stop taking messages from a superficial look and you understand why people say the things they do. They might be complaining about the dirty plates in the sink, but it’s really about your attitude of being lazy. Their not making a big deal out of a dirty plates, they are worried about you and their attitude makes more sense when you see past the plates.
Take it to a whole new level, way beyond maturity.
What is it all about ?

People mean to say so much more than they can articulate with their mouths or keyboards, some of it might not be conscious or intentional, but you’ll see through and understand on a psychic, intimate level.

I you think something, you may not realize all the assumptions or ideas you are expressing with your seemingly simple thought, yet it is complex when looked from an energetic/ spiritual/ universal level.

Imagine you were watching a movie, you would get one understanding of it, imagine now that you were watching a movie with the directors comment, with subtitle, with easter eggs highlighted, that you read the script and draft. You’d know what the movie tried to say, what choices they made and how it impacted the end results, you would know the compromise they had to make, what they cut, what they left.

This ability to read life accurately makes you learn life’s lessons MUUUCH faster, it becomes supernatural. You skip a whole lot of experimentation and learning. It teaches you to listen, then you will hear what you can’t for now. The whispering of life in your hears.

Imagine being the wiseman that understand everyone like no one else, who understand life like no one else, who understand himself like few ever know themselves and understands you better than you understand yourself.
Want to be that wise man ? Get that field.


As it involves brain connection. Is this safe to loop 24hr? What would happen if you over do?


I already did (last minute decision before the sale ended - starting to wish I’d gotten Muscles Beyond Limits and a few others as well, but at least I’ve gotten CR), just wondering what to do with it
(I got it because it was recommended to pair it with Increased Psychic Functioning for creativity)

I don’t know, I tried eating it, didn’t work, i tried listening, I think it worked… you should try.

Anyone else knows what to do with it ?

Just messing with you, what’s the dilemma ?


In my experience , some brain connection or neural wiring , evolve better with few listens in the time of lets say x months , than loopinng 10 hours daily for 10 days .

it depennds alot of your purppose .

Of course there are some specific cases , that you know what are your doinng ,and loop the time you want/need.


It can help with psychic work?

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?? Yess!!


Ha ha ha

There’s no real dilemma here, I’m just not sure all of what I can expect from it (like, will it cut the time to learn guitar or for calculus to make sense, or is it geared more towards abstract concepts?)


It hurts, you’re breaking my heart man, I took the time to write metaphors and everything :cry:

No, it’s not going to help you “conceptually realize” how to play guitar. Get brain growth work.


I’ve got that too. I thought not, but no harm in wondering if CR would also help there

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Better try the audio , see what it does , and try to find if the effect help you to learn guitar.

I believe it can help you , perhaps not directly , but in a creative way .

(Thinnking about it , it can help you directly too , why not )


Just to explain myself a bit more: I got this for art (specifically, I want to write stories that have wide appeal, among other artistic pursuits), but if it could help in more practical skills (like technique) as well that would be fantastic. Besides more fun stuff like guitar, I’m (unfortunately) having to take human physiology/anatomy right now and I’d really like to make it as painless as possible. I do have Brain Growth Work too.