Soul/Core Energy Restoration

I find it hard to leave these kind of threads alone…

My suspicion is this requires letting go, the ultimate letting go, the letting go beyond letting go?


But then you can let go again!


:joy: always! and always where I keep finding myself. I experience the most profound awakenings and wonder what there still is to let go of, and there it is the next thing. I suppose letting go of life itself while still here in this body is where im headed with this


Yeah man haha and it’s crazy how these things come up on their own too lol vibes brings up a bunch of things too that need work on, but I’m loving the process


Can I just say that this really fills up the tanden in the navel, chest and middle of head… You can literally feel it fill up xD


psst. it’s letting go of the ego/sense of being “separate”… physical death is painless. Ego death…errr…not so much


In my zen tradition… we say the ego doesn’t die, because it has never actually arisen in the first place… (but it definitely feels like it :joy:) like a mirage in a desert which has never actually been real… we just see through it.


feels real to me :wink:


speaking of…@abro… you have one of the best tools for balancing the dualities… ahem

check your pm

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Thanks a lot, man. really appreciated.

I may create a whole another topic and ping you if/when I do. :pray:

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I am listening to Soul Restoration audios from one week (it’s not enough to say much, but…) I put them on loop and I do my work at home. First day I listened to them for like 4-5 hours at night and started some clearing process, i cried a lot and remembered many people from my past. The next day i was feeling lite and good through the day and i looped them again. This time i feeled around my body some cold movements and was refreshing. I had energy whole day. I cried a few times more (not like the first time haha), but today 7 or 8 day of listening I feel very nice. I feel calm, energized and at the same time connected to other people/nature more.


Crying is good for the Soul, it clears up the accumulating debris, so keep crying :blush: :relaxed: :grin:


haha yeah, now feeling a lot better than before start listening so it was worth it :smiley:


I’m very interested in this field, I understand this is one of a three part series. Would it be okay to use only this one for the meantime?


It is always recommended to work in your centers in an increasing way, from the lowest to the highest, but this is not a rule, you can start with this one, it is the recommended one, however speaking roughly you do not need the 3, they work alone.

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You can do as you want, certainly you can get good benefits as it detaches abusive and unwanted connections from your center. I bought it last week, but will be using it in a few weeks.
In my opinion, of the whole series to which it belongs, this should not be missing, so it is good as a first purchase.


Oh I see, that’s good to know. My budget is limited and I can only squeeze in a purchase or two at a time. I feel I’m too emphatic, and I get drained from time to time, this field sounds like a must have. Thank you


Yeah, I think it was one of your post that got my attention about this field. I think I will start with this one from the series. Thanks friend

Honestly, at this moment in this series it is the only title that I consider indispensable for me, not because the others are not good, on the contrary, having to concentrate the investments I prefer to do it on what is really indispensable. I have read wonderful things about this field, and if I think about it I am the answer that is missing in the whole world of subliminals / frequencies / fake morphic fields out there; I mean, even using the best products available, there is always something missing, that you feel part of you draining. The only exception in this speech is the DrVirtual7 channel, which has been doing exceptional things lately, but this is another speech and perhaps not quite comparable to Sapien’s team.


Do you have all 3?