New here, how is my playlist?

Hello I’m new here, my goals are to become really masculine, heal my physical body and achieve longevity and long long life and also be able to achieve all of my earthly goals (I want to compete in the UFC)



Architect of Reality x10
Kōritsudō x10

This is for achieving the best life and achieving all of my goals


The Manly Man x10
Quintessence of Hypermasculinity x10

To become the most masculine version of myself

Before sleep:

Radiant Sexuality x10
Plasma Flaunt x10

To heal and live longer, I use Radiant Sexuality to raise my sexual energy before Plasma Flaunt so my body can use the sexual energy for better healing with Plasma Flaunt and it also helps with semen retention

What to you think about this stack? Is it good?


Overall as a core stack it looks pretty decent to me.
You have clear goals, a clear amount of loops, a division of when to play them. You even have sufficient rest time in between.

I quite like it. Succinct, smart, to the point.

What you can do is experiment and tweak a little, like adding in 1-2 fields at a time that has a synergistic effect. For example, if you feel the morning stack could use more brain power, look at available brain fields. Or if you sense you need more focus, Resilience Max.

Same for the stack at noon. You could see if Classical Goat is a cool addition. Or Auroch potion. Etc

And the evening stack, maybe you feel you need more healing. Advanced Healer ++, etc

Just some ideas.

Good luck. That sounds awesome :sunglasses:

Are you considering to add workout related fields as well?


You want to compete in the UFC, which weight division?


If you are really committed to becoming one and your using those fields…

We shall see you on our screens with in no time :wink:


Thanks for the encouraging words :pray:t3:
I’m a prodigy in fighting I improve super fast, it’s like my genes are made for fighting, but I wish there was a fighting/martial arts field to make you the best martial artist

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Maybe something in this search will help: Search results for 'martial arts' - Sapien Medicine


Is this a good stack?
I do everything in a row in one session each field is looped 3 times before moving on to the next field

Point of No Return x3
Architect of Reality x3
Kōritsudō x3
The Manly Man x3
Quintessence of Hypermasculinity x3
Radiant Sexuality x3
Plasma Flaunt x3
Deep Facial Remodelling x3
Negentropic Maxilla Masterwork x3
Face Grooming x3
Plasma Glass Skin x3

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Hi @Orel. I have moved your new post here. No need to open a new thread for the same topic.

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I feel overwhelmed I want to use all of those things but I think it’s too much, something in my tells me to use only two fields and if I would use only two it will be Architect of Reality and Kōritsudō

I feel with Architect of Reality you can manifest results of other fields as well but I don’t know

I will just do the stack in my first post

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If you’re just starting out less is more from my experience.


yeah you will get used to it. enjoy and keep up the journey


I would say 1x for now is fine.


And how about the other fields? I’m thinking of doing like this

Point of no return x1
Architect of Reality x10
Kortisudo x10

Point of no return x1
Manly Man x10
Hypermasculinity x10

Before sleep:
Point of no return x1
Radiant Sexuality x10
Plasma Flaunt x10

Or should I do less than x10?


Plasma Flaunt 10x might be too much and I would do Point of No Return just morning and night should be fine

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@Orel Start slow on Plasma Flaunt, it is quite powerful. Start with one in fact, to determine how it goes first.


So I should do point of no return once in the morning and once before sleep? And can I do all the rest 3 times or what?

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try adding 3 treasures and enrrgy expansion card or energetic being to handle more fields :raised_hands: