New Item: Armor of Light and Glory tag

Lol now I know what has been ‘merging’ with my own field for the past few days.

Looks sweet by the way, just opened it.


Been wearing for a month or so and this makes me worry less about f*king up because I don’t feel like there’s any space for such thoughts. like why would you worry if you’re invincible armor :0


I haven’t gotten to that point yet (ETA: but then I haven’t been wearing mine as long), but I understand what you’re saying. I am looking forward to experiencing that for myself.


yeah + my workouts slap. you tend to push yourself. this reflects the armor within, you value urself more


Just recived mine today! I m really happy! Just for a 7h wear i can notice some calmness… It really is diferrent it s hard to explain! Can’t wait for the long term experience :slight_smile:


Thank you Reform! :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


WIll this field will help me a bit mental and glory of Achilles? Im a big fan of him!!!

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I would say yes, because it has elements of the armor of Achilles, so… :slightly_smiling_face:


@Xoalegend You better get on it now family! The shop is open again, Hopefully this message finds you well!

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Hey guys,
If anyone interested in selling his/hers hit me up plz, coz i didn’t buy it at that time when it was available, though i bought the audio recently and absolutely love how it makes me feel.

May the force be with you


Wore this tag this morning per usual along with SLR, BPIL, and Matchmaker. Almost got hit while driving today, two women running a red light extremely late, my light had turned green. Literally almost smacked my cars left side at full speed, never been in that situation before.
Thankful for this tag, or whatever force that protected me today :pray:


Welcome to the Forum!

Why sobbing? The audio does just about the same thing as the tag. You just get to wear a cool piece of jewelry with the tag. No need to cry. :slight_smile:


This is my most used tag, Im for sure more confident, I feel a sense of protection also.


Yesterday, I almost got into a car crash. Right after it was averted, I felt a strong energetic pressure around the part of my body where I was wearing the tag. It was very noticeable and distinct. I was so shocked and moved at the same time. I immediately double-checked with myself if this was adrenaline, but that particular sensation was definitely not caused by that; it was not something that was felt inside my body, but clearly an inch or two outside. If I had to describe it to someone, I would honestly say that it felt just like there was an energetic armor around me that was heavy at work. Which is what it was. It was like it was telling me “I got you” in that moment :sob: :two_hearts: Thank you so much @Captain_Nemo for putting the time and effort into making this item for me so that I have extra protection!! :pray: :sparkling_heart:


Hello! Does anyone have the full tag description for this one?

@MonkeyOwl @uial

@SammyG maybe
Based on what’s visible it seems like it was copied over from the audio description


Indeed it was


Thank you, @MonkeyOwl and @SammyG !!


I have worn the Armor of Light & Glory tag for about 6 months now. Here is my review.

[Month 1-3]
The first time I saw this tag being sold on The Sapien Shop, I knew this item was something I immediately needed/wanted. Wearing it for the first time, the security and protection I felt was unusual, but in an extremely-good way. I feel as though I can 100% be myself, no matter how I’m feeling and/or whatever state of being I’m currently in. I can go anywhere I want, without anyone “testing” me.

[Month 4-5]
I still can’t believe something like this exist. I removed the chain, that came with the tag, and placed the tag itself into a little pouch, so that it’s easier to carry with me. I can easily recognize the tag taking me to those different mental states. I can feel the energy of the tag encompassing my entire body. The tag & I have grown together quite well. So well to the point where It doesn’t energetically wear me down at all. I never want to leave my home without it. I am okay with this item being apart of who I am. This item is something that I WILL treasure forever.

[Month 6]
Okay, I’m now getting to a point where it’s alright for me to feel invincible and owning it. When I look into the mirror, I can see my aura glowing this rare golden color. I think I have witnessed the Z = 145 effect two times now. (While, messing around with my co-workers, they have playfully thrown items around my vicinity and the items always seemed to miss.) Other people around me notice that I have a certain “vibe” going on but I never openly talk about it. I have visualized how I wanted my armor to look on me but the image that I like to see myself now is Excalibur Sonic from the video game Sonic and the Black Knight.

(Excalibur Sonic is basically Super Sonic with invincible armor :heart_eyes:.)