New item: Best Path In Life

I think this tag contains a lot of ego dissolution instructions, because once again I had that strong emotional feeling, which tarot fans would call “Tower (Reversed)” moments, which I solved by looping Angelic Intercession a few times. . So that the work on the ego, which seems to be much stronger than the audio tracks, is an important part of the work, like sapping the last resistance to bring exactly I don’t know where, but maybe some previews I saw it live. This could combine well with Shatachandi Yagna and perhaps also with Holy Light, the latter already tried a few times, but for the moment I only use Imaginarium Divine, to give that feeling of mini Limitless, waiting to be able to understand and use it well, the legendary stack of the good Philip.
Meanwhile, I continue to wear it for a while, to find out if in addition to the things that he has made appear out of synchronicity, he will show others; I also want to understand if he will see them in such a way that they come to me, not only as an apparition, even if frequently.


So I wanted to give a small testimonal of this field from the direct effects I saw yesterday.
It is not from the tag but from the older version of field placed remotely, but I think it qualifies here.
After party I was drunk asf and while at home I was about to take a absolutely unnecesary loan for things I absolutely not need and I believe the field make it impossible for me.
The internet connection would go off, to companies would have technical difficulties etc.
After sobering I was so happy I didnt get that loan especially because I just got out of debts 2 months ago.


Sorry I did not understand, what does it mean?

You buy advance fields in the past and have them placed onto items of your choice or on a Quantum Energy Pendant (which I personally have, and also the older BPIL too). Before the tags existed, the fields have to be placed on items individually.


Where is the Quantum Energy pendant?

No, they don’t have it anymore, I think it was due to the person charging more and more or something along those lines.

There’s a picture in the thread - Damaged imbued item


Ok thanks

In this last week when I have worn it a lot, 18 hours most days, I have seen the appearance of some models of my favorite car brand increase a lot. So this seems to confirm that BPIL is turning more to things like this for the attainment of happiness. I imagine that for different purposes but always in view of the best route, The Navigator of Awe should be the most suitable one.
I wanted to extend the test time to get closer to 1 month, because I believe that even 4 weeks can be enough to have a picture of the potential changes, at least at this precise moment.
I think that, as far as I’m concerned, BPIL can also replace Draw Abundance and Prosperity tag.


So I recently acquired the matchmaker tag and I’ve been wearing it 24/7, last week I noticed when I go out I get really nervous and I had this constant pain in my heart and around my lower spine chakra, I grabbed BPIL tag and meditated to it as to what is happening it told me so to speak to take off the matchmaker tag. The moment I took it off and placed it far from me I felt this huge relief. I think I had some issues in these specific chakras and the tag was trying to open them but it was too much as an empath or I was over wearing it. I’ll try and only wear it when I go out and see if it makes a difference. Was also guided to listen to the aura cleanser.


Do you sell MATCHMAKER Dog Tag?:smile::smile::+1::+1:


On topic, please.


On topic, please.


Today I read a phrase that reminded why the best path is so important:

"The false has no limits. When you are travelling on a road there must be an end ; but when astray your wanderings are limitless "


The mentality to have with this tag remind me this film.


LOL I imagined the exact same thing


:joy:for sure. I don’t really second guess my choices now. I bought one for my mother and I told her that I’d trust her judgement more when she wears the tag lol


Remember how the tag also “redirects” your choices back so in a sense it leaves a little room for your own choices to also be made as well

Just for you to experience what it’s like not to listen to your higher self :stuck_out_tongue:

Closer people aligned with their best path is also a beautiful choice to look at :))


Hi my tag arrived today…
So to summarize… This basically aligns you to your higher self in a way so that you are still allowed to choose whatever it is you wanna choose. I bought this because i have times when i question myself with whether what I’m working on is actually right. (Curiously a good friend of mine messaged me today and asked me about how to know what I’m doing is right. AND another old friend messages me to ask whether or not I’ve read the law of one)

I’m still a bit vague on what this does exactly. I mean i read the description and the thread but there’s still some unknowns? Or perhaps I’ll keep pondering for myself a while


been getting mirror hours every hour / two hours since wearing this tag, seems I’m being redirected to certain fields too


What mirror hour?