New Perspectives

Thank you <3

Nice avatar :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


You are welcome, and thank you! :slight_smile:


i want to share this field with my father, it will work for him?


Yep just make sure they stick to the 2 day listen and not to accidently loop it :slightly_smiling_face:

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How does this compare to the PTSD field?

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The PTSD will fix the physical symptom of trauma in your brain
New perspectives will create new connections that happy event in your life would have created

One removes the changes created by bad situations
One creates the changes created by happy situations

Simplified, but pretty much accurate way of explaining it I think


Hey @Dr_Manhattan does New Perspectives not have Amygdala Healing?


It does say: “The SGB treatment numbs the nerves of the stellate ganglion and then “reboots” the system, stopping them from sending the message to the amygdala. This reverts the brain back into its pre-traumatic state.”


As you recently mentioned in your new thread, it has an overall mild brain regeneration affect and this is a clever improvement of the god helmet thing that pushed for more conenctions between your amygdala and other deeper brain areas to the frontal lobe instead of temporal lobe.

It also numbs the amygdala as an anesthetic temporarily (SGB)


I’m trying to devise a stack that would help me to achieve the goal of psychological healing but not sure which fields will cover what and I’m in need of some assistance from experienced users here,

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I will show up in your other thread, let’s not clog this one :slight_smile:


New Perspectives vs Point of No Return, anyone?

New perspective is in NPOR sammy said this however it’s important to read sammy comment as my comment might seem misleading

@Inspector where can I see his comment? It might be worth for me to purchase PONR instead of New Perspectives since it includes it!

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Go to the new perspective thread and got to inbweem the first post and the first comment. Where it says frequent posters. Click sammys picturethen click show posts in this thread

Mmm @Dyslexic_Professor I feel I resonate with New Perspectives for now :)


Sure, get what ever u want all though if u can’t get the PONR because u spent too much money on the fields then don’t get something for the sake of getting somthing. Done somthing like this in the past.

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Yeah I was thinking about this to, idk why I thought it said " Amygdala healing (+ fear release)" in the description. Im wondering if its safe to use both then, mainly want to focus on repairing and developing my serotonin receptors from heavy ecstacy use

I wish this was still available on Gumroad, I prefer to have my fields purchased there so that I can easily access and redownload them it also gives me a safe feeling that I bought them and they “belong” to me.

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By now, you know about Temporary Invoicing for Gum’s Med Fields.

And if you can’t feel comfortable buying them directly from the creators of the field and they then “belong” to you, well then, I don’t know what to tell you. :man_shrugging: