New Releas: Schumann Resonance T-Shirt

Schumann Resonance T-Shirt

Schumann Resonance Raglan Baseball Tee

Schumann Resonance Tank Top

Schumann Resonance Long Sleeve T-Shirt

This field vibrates your whole energy and frequency with that of the Schumann Resonance, 7.83 Hz. The Schumann Resonance is the resonance of the earth or better yet ‘the heartbeat’ of the earth. Become more spiritually in tune with this vibration that also puts you in the alpha brainwave state. Much more relaxed, focused while also repelling negative and unwanted energies.

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Is is possible to buy those on teespring or somewhere where they ship to europe ?

Also @El_Capitan_Nemo can you upload the schuman audio on patreon ?

I believe dream got to open up an amazon Europe store. If he wants to be able to sell to those in Europe. Also I believe they stepped away from teespring because of print quality.


Yet he still uploads new shirts on teespring ? Doesnt really make sense . Plus I have like 5 shirts amd the quality in all of them is great . Size always seems to vary a little bit but not enough to matter

Be it as it may, I hope he’ll at least upload the schuman frequency to patreon !:)

Can I request one with whale energy embedded to go with my new tattoo ? :grinning:

I’m not sure what’s the difference, but there is Schuman Resonance on Patreon.

You mean emf protection and conversion ?

No, I mean The Schuman Resonance from Album One:

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Thanks. It didnt come up when I searched for it in the app .

Anyone have experience with these?

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Been looking for tank tops. Nice :sunglasses:

You’ve already tried them?

No. That’s why i asked :thinking:

Ah, thought you maybe did since december.

Would be cool to have some grounding working 24/7.

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