A Dream of Purity

Can we compare this audio to BPIL tag, maybe? :thinking:


Bought this with hesitance because I just bought the negative ion field :man_facepalming:…can’t resist. Thanks @Captain_Nemo


Nah but this would be amazing to see what BPIL would bring you! (While wearing it)

Ohhhh man! Oh man oh man!


Yeah, get a preview, and it can also be used to correct shooting, better adapting the fields to goals


Perfection of Life basically, Play those with your side fields, and whatever you desire. you achieved the perfect life


This field is not about strategizing outcomes or computing Dr. Strange like calculations. Complex programming, which is smart, presents before you energetically the best version of you, something you can strive to become. This is not a dumb field that just applies the same criteria for everyone. It calibrates your energetic system now, takes into account your deep ideals, aspirations, things you hold dear inside (and other factors), extrapolates those dynamically to arrive at the version that is the highest, purest expression of yourself - something you can strive to work towards without hesitation because now you know you have the potential to achieve it…

Having an energetic glimpse of your own highest expression (which was very very physical and vivid for me, as it will be for some of you), may bring feelings of joy and ecstasy, a sense of fulfillment, and deep content (all of which were experienced by folks testing this field). This is not merely about planning, or strategizing, although it can be used for that, it is much more than that… This is to glimpse the glory of your highest expression, your Godhood, to see yourself in all your possible glory.

And remember, knowing what you can be in the future influences what you are today in many ways :slight_smile:

Again, what you experience is going to be very unique. So, give it a try if you resonate with this field, and no, this is not similar to other fields out there today. A tip - use it with Vibrational Guidance :slight_smile:


me to my “to buy list”


There is new version of iPhone, iPad, Mac, Xbox, Apple Watch, etc., every year, and sometimes sooner. Do we buy everything? I guess people that can afford do. Rest of us, we prioritize what we need most at this point and buy that… there will always be newer and better things, and our needs evolve with time as well. That does not mean what we bought is no longer useful.

I would apply the same strategy as any other consumer product to these fields as well. Nothing different… :smiley:


Ok guys, not just you, but we have many people complaining about prices on every threads.

  1. It’s derailing the thread
  2. Dude, it’s like Dream spent all day cooking a meal with attention to details and new flavors… and then we get to dinner and complains about the table, weather and sht.
    Dream doesn’t need to be doing that sht, he could be making fields only for himself. I want to keep getting new fields.

Even if it’s a joke, he keeps reading that everywhere , he’s going to wonder how many people think like that and how much of it is serious

@moderators when you see it, start deleting people complaining that they can’t afford x fields at their release or that there are too many releases


Yes you can. But you do it by yourself, with some discipline. You get an envelope (a real paper one if you use cash, or digitally in the form of an account you don’t have easy access to) and drop in a little bit each month, and after a few months (or several) you’ll have your goal amount.:+1:


what do you not understand

and how does this relate to dr strange?


For me, your English contains philosophy and conceptual realization.



In “Avengers: Infinity War”, Dr. Strange looks into the future, or more specifically - all possible variations of the future. He looks at 14,000,605 possible timelines and sees that there’s only one possible timeline in which they “win”. I think this is the comparison they were making - being able to look into all possible futures and seeing which one would work in your best interest.

this doesn’t do anything like that.
this doesn’t look into all possible futures at all.
or look anywhere for that matter. Except in you.
Nor is it your best possible outcome, it is simply your outcome.

But okay, I guess shrugs

Master Strategist: This field will allow you to formulate foolproof plans. It will give you the ability to run mental “simulations” of your plans better
I still dont see how mental simulations relates to a dream of purity.
But okay then


Listened once and felt a really strong overwhelming feeling

Although I think this may be due to me knowing i have some huge things coming up, im quitting my job today and moving countries in a couple of months lol. But I haven’t felt overwhelmed or anything about it until i played this


I mean, yeah… Maoshan was saying that it’s NOT anything like Dr. Strange. I was just explaining what that reference was about since you asked what the Dr. Strange reference was about. Anyway… I already bought the field. To me the description was pretty self-explanatory, sounds like it will complement my Best Path in Life tag and of course, Blueprint.


I hope it carries you far in your journey to lands of wonder and understanding.


All of you that are complaining like @TheAmbiguousSoldier, keep in mind that these fields are a GIFT that is being provided by Dream. They are here to help us.

Seriously! stop complaining. :angry:

He will STOP making these fields for us if this continues. It’s been communicated several times now on this forum.


:exploding_head: Thank you for this beautiful experience :star_struck: this was intense :exploding_head:


gracias, a veces me siento perdido y me estanco. @Captain_Nemo

todo esto :sneezing_face::purple_heart::blue_heart: