A Minor Blueprint of Power

Wasn’t able to get major blueprint of power, so just repeating this in hope I’d get a fraction of it.


I know this isn’t as powerful as the major version but would this replace the soul restoration series? I was planning on buying SR series tonight but I see people saying this does SR’s job and more

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I have all 3 Soul Restorations and play them X1 each, once a week for maintenance.

A Minor Blueprint of Power, which I also own (hoping that it has a bit of “A Major…” in it.) doesnt feel to me like any of the Soul Restoration fields.

This is IMHO.


lol that duck is fucking superman haha.


@Dreamweaver, may I know who is the flutist of the song? It’s really very impressive. And thank you and flutist. :heart:


Here you go


Although it’s not that impressive, but he still flutes much better than I do. :blush::+1:


I hope by listening to this flute (minor BoP), I can be physically strong like those two flautists. :grin:


Sorry, out of topic from the thread. Maybe someone will find the flute video inspiring.


One of my favourites :relaxed:


There is a Minor and a Major Blueprint Of Power. The Major one unfortunately is NFT only so hopefully eventually there will be a Moderate Blueprint Of Power available as a gumroad release in the future? Not as good as the Major but somewhere in between the two as overall levels and standards naturally increase over the years.


Don’t let the title fool you
The minor is pretty major as well :D


Agree Incredible Major as well.

The difference is in the name and simply in the location of the effects and where the source of energy is “harvested” from :relieved::woman_shrugging:t2:

Its like if both were the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine.

The Minor is the Divine Feminine, people can just focus on being nurtured through her and find the Masculine in other fields…


I bought this about a month, sad to say i hardly feel any effects compared to BPoL or Creation.
Any idea what could be hindering.?

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Thats because you cant compare.

Minor is not like those.

We are saying that it is just as powerful but it grows at different places.

Minor feels at body levels and as it grows and expands then it starts integrating into other planes (which is catapulted when you have Major and BoL)

Minor enhances and nurtures the body functions, its like having the core of the Earth, rapid healing, restoration, super robust body that then holds stronger all types of works you do with energy works, it helps you sustain A LOT. Keeps you balanced etc.

and those things are not noticeable unless you do something that would normally deplete you. Pretty much you dont feel what you dont miss.

But compare how u used to feel energy wises before it, how digestion and the power in your plexus and lower Dantien were before it. If theres anything big to point out, it could also depends on what other tools you use for that.

In which case know that it still growing within you, i dont know how old you are but one day youd be glad you integrated this field in you, and while others grow old you would at very slow pace.

Imagine this happening within you

You are that plant. And what its shown in that pic is exactly what is happening, and better yet its like you are the plant and the soil at the same time too. Mirrored the exact within earth but in your body :)

Major will always feel much stronger because the nature of humans is not accustomed to consciously expand to upper levels and dimensions etc like you just had a glass of water, but you certainly recognize changes in your body over time too.

Best way to play this is early in the morning:

Creation (if you want to push your core/inner power faster to manifest in or out)


This way it harmoniously and steadily takes your whole being to an and out transformation at ALL possible thought levels.

Fully present and rooted while fully integrated up there.

Perfect state if you ask Me.


You can also try for like 2 days waking up and playing the aura cleanser from Dream seeds then minor alone x 3 then wait before playing other fields, see if youd feel a difference.


For those who dont have Major BoP:

Last note which is maybe the reason why some of us keep pushing people to try this and work growing with it, because there are other fields that can help getting to a sort of state as Major itd just take longer but its not impossible.

Kinetic Q
Zircoin and Dunburite

And expand your ability to Astral Travel using the new audios for that.

Also if you look at the art in detail you can see it has in it the blue print just like in its name. Dont forget that :wink:


Hi @LunaMoon , seeking your opinion, how would you stack BOL , Creation , minor ,Zircon,Los , Ojas and knight for a night sleep stack ?

To keep you awake? :laughing:


BoL x 2
Minor x 2
Zircoin x 3
Creation x 2
Knight x 1
Ojas x 2
LoS x 2

Because thats how you want

But if I was you id do

As waking up

LoS x 2
BoL x 1
Minor x 2
Ojas x 2


BoL x 1
Zircoin x 3
Creation x 2
Knight x 2

If you find that you cant sleep whether with your option or mind just add the Deep Sleeper x 2 first before the others