New Release - Album 3: Probability Alteration and Luck

I have a question: does anyone know if this version, or patreon version (outside of album 3 release) is an updated version of field that has been available on youtube?
Or are those pre-upgrade versions of field?

I wish I knew about that…but I have been using both, the youtube abd patreon versions, whichever is available to me at the time.

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Received an art course that I was planning to save up for and study later this year!!!
Super Lucky :four_leaf_clover::green_heart:


Was going to apply for a lottery ticket for a bumper lottery today, and started listening to Probability. By the time I reached the place, the time of purchase had passed and it was the exact time of closing, down to the very last minute of 5:50.

May it wasn’t my time today, and I saved money? :sparkles::sparkles: