New Release - Album 3: Probability Alteration and Luck

So, keep using this one and you can also add Abundance mindset.


I’m not sure why while I listen to this one I always feel a little bit more anxious or like I am going to cry. Could it be resistance? I wonder if it is just something to do with the beat of the music itself.

Still going to use it… Going to try playing it when it is just coming from earphone in a pocket so I can’t actually hear it.

Can I buy this on Amazon music, Sapien has it on there will it still work? Also I know speakers are better but is this still effect with headphones? the music is very loud wish there was a quieter version I will pay for that.

Yes, it works. This is also on Patreon by the way in case you subscribe. But yes, Amazon purchased audio works.

Yes, headphones are fine and will work as well as speakers here.

You can just keep 10% of the volume so that while the audio is not fully muted, you can barely hear it, it will still work. Music is subjective and one’s cup of tea is another’s poison (I’ve had my things with Desna music lol) - playing it at a low barely audible volume is the solution.


Is this stronger and better the old Attract Good Fortune and Miracles W/ Law of Attraction Vibration? Does it last longer be permanent in long use?

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It is stronger, It probably isn’t permanent and how much effects stays with You depends on “energetic wethering” If You use energy tools afterwards or interact with many people the effect may wear down faster. In my experience it stays with me for 6 to 8 hours

Was listening to this field because of it’s catchy music and received an email with a link to course with a 80% discount and bought it!!

Also found out that a card that wasn’t working before for international payments, now worked for this transaction!

Was also able to tip a little from my savings to an artist that was struggling financially at the moment, but who is well deserving for her dedication and commitment to her art with this card!

Thanks @Captain_Nemo !


Guys! Just won 100 bucks in the lottery!

The winning numbers:
1 sep winnings

This is the first time I won after trying a couple of times, and after listening to Probability Alteration and Luck for the first time!

Not to mention I had received an offer for getting 3 tickets free if I bought 6 tickets, and the offer was valid only for today!

Would you suggest I listen to it for a day before selecting the numbers for higher success? :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover:

Update : Just found out that I also received a free bet of one ticket! :astonished: :smiley:

@Hauru I might just keep looping this at night instead :joy:


Patreon or Youtube version?

Aren’t they both the same? It’s 3:14 min long and very catchy. I used them interchangeably as I was moving around.

Yes, Yt version has over 192k visitors

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Wow, it’s helping a lot of people :four_leaf_clover:


Only 2 plays to win? Wonderful.

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Hey @Fender_Cad , I’d say it was around ~ 30 - 40 mins.

It started with me checking out the forum, stumbling on this thread and playing the yt video, then remembered about the lottery and checked if I had the patreon version of this field.
Placed the lottery order while listening to the patreon field and looped it for a while.

I then had to go care for my nephew and I ended playing the yt version on the tv once while being with him…Even he was vibing to it, head banging in a subtle way, and he’s only 3 years old : )

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So in summary, 10/12 times during and after the game.

yes, something like that :+1:

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Perhaps it might be okay to play it a few times before what you would like boosted, however I think
the way you’ve done it it must be good.

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Oh, that’s good to know. Thank you @Fender_Cad

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Earphones that broke 2 days ago, leaving only one of them working, got fixed just now! Magical moments :sparkles:


Just resolved a drawing software tool query by stumbling on a question i had made on a forum in 2022, only to see it today being answered a year ago!

This field is causing a lot of good ‘stumblings’ :green_heart: