New Release - Album 3: Probability Alteration and Luck

Welp, I was looking like I was going to owe but got a few deductible :partying_face:.

I went to a accountant and as I walk in i’m looping this, he questions where the sound is coming from I said “Haha let’s not worry about that, let luck be on our side. :innocent:

Super relief from this year taxes.


This music is beautiful and engaging so you notice it; perhaps it would be better to shoot it at high volume while driving, so the field strengthens a lot, silencing it when talking to someone. It would be great if Plasma Flower and Probability Luck could be played at the same time.

In exactly that order?

Today I tested this field. I was heading towards the second largest city in my country, always full of traffic, but on the way there I almost never queued in the car and a little story also happened: the navigator went haywire so I had to do another road probably avoiding traffic. On the way back, however, for the first 30/40 minutes we moved very little, then suddenly everything was unlocked and despite the high traffic density of the remaining route, I never stopped, literally slipped out. Maybe it will be a wrong impression, but I got the impression that in my case this field had an incubation time of at least half an hour before operating, but when it comes into action it is really powerful.


I asked for a discount from a supplier, and I got 10% more discount than my initial target :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :four_leaf_clover:


Brief addition to yesterday’s feedback; throughout the round trip, I continued to notice an impressive sequence of double, triple and mirror numbers. In itself this would not be a big surprise for me, since I have known them for at least 5 years, but the fact that every time I looked at the car display there was a sequence, even considering the 111.1 km count; then several times I saw two cars with the same registration number nearby. In short, it was also visible from this aspect that this field was working great.


I know I keep talking of this audio, but can’t help, it has been too useful for me :smiley:

At some point, I was repeatedly playing this audio in the background. And I ordered the Chakra tag from Teespring for a neighbor who had some health issues. The tag arrived and it did not look like the chakra picture the way it is shown on Teespring. When I matched with all the other tags, it turned out to be ‘Reach for Stars’ aka the Glory tag!

Teespring support told me to keep the tag as it was their mistake and sent me the Chakra tag anyway! I strongly felt this was due to the Probability audio! Also, at that point, Reach the Stars was one of the few tags I did not have (already had most of the others)…


Cool story; thanks for sharing!

Wait! What?

There are tags you do not have?!? :rofl:

ETA: typo


Haha I still don’t have the galactic intercession tags, dragon tag, etc. lol


Well well well…
Today im off and wasnt listening to anything, but while i was commenting around here i was also dealing with Amazon.

Id placed an order and realized it had the old address so i changed it right away, today i was tracking the delivery and noticed the order didnt change the address :sweat_smile: and i was back and forth with costumer service etc, she was telling me how they cant change the address so id have to program delivery again to the OLD address :unamused: but they wouldnt know the time. So pretty much id have to be standing outside my old place all day waiting for the package? Lol she said :woman_shrugging:t2:

At some point i was like literally reading more comments about this field and i was like “hold oooon right there, im going to loop this now” :woman_facepalming:t2:

I did and then i messaged one of the delivery guys i had a message from months ago, and it was his day off but still:

He called his supervisor
The supervisor called me
Then he found out who had my package to be delivered today at the old address (distance is farther than 1 mile, which is the max length allowed to drop at a different place)
He got the guy with the package
The guy called me for the new address
And half hour later:



How lucky!!! :sweat_smile::+1:t3:

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I was listening to my abundance and love stack today, nothing unusual. I might have changed it around and swapped a bit etc.

Well i went shopping with my brother and literally any store we went, they threw gifts and goodies at us. We got all these from one store:

And another bunch of stuff from the other.

I don’t know why or how the luck is so obvious today but i guess i should go play the lottery


This episode I’m about to tell happened 1 week and a half ago, but I only realized it today. Ten days ago I wanted to go to a professional technician, after visiting my sister in the office, so when I finished what I had to do I phoned the prefessional, who, contrary to usual, answered me after 20 min. In the meantime I had decided to listen to this field, in practice I had anticipated listening to the stack, also to pass some time before the afternoon cycling race. After 3 or 4 plays of this field, the technician called me saying he was available, but I preferred to postpone it to the following week. After a few days I called him back to find out if I could go to his office, but he warned me that he was at home because he was not well, so I postponed the appointment again towards the weekend, without him commenting on anything. A few days ago a family member of mine told me that he has been home for Covid 19 since the middle of last week.
I don’t know what would have happened if I hadn’t given up going to his office…


Referring to the episode above, the other day my sister told me: “you were very lucky to have postponed the appointment, because I discovered that the day you were supposed to go to the office, the technician had just become infected”.
…no comment…


Ok this is pure gem

Few minutes ago my pc was being weird and I just fixed it’s monitor issue today but when I was walking outside with it and it fell and I thought it would be ok but when I turned it on it showed that signal

Played this gem twice next thing you know

PC goes back to normal


A pure feeling of gratitude with this field. I was about to order new headphones because for last 1 month i had ‘lost’ my old pair. Suddenly playing this, i found TWO of my ‘lost’ earphones lol with a £20 note in the jeans they were in.

soon i will win the jackpot too lol


In the past , i had the experience of frying my pc because imbalances on my e-body lol

I get balanced after that .

but also get in to the shop to buy another one lol
(Seller was playing alteration probability and luck i guess lol )

Just have this in mind if this is your case .
Take care of your energy body and electronics :white_check_mark: :face_with_monocle:



I just wanted to confirm because Im not really sure, the version in Album 3 is updated version right? because some people experienced issues with older version, and I was listening to this version (which surely is updated) just to be safe, but it would be nice to include the field in a playlist, without having to enter yt

What mental audios must I use to get the luck videos going for me? I feel I have a lot of negative mindsets that hinders the effect of these audios.