New Release: Arzel's Gateway to Heaven - $77.77 Audio Field

"Arzel is an aspect of the Archangel Raziel who specializes in helping you understand spiritual matters and angelic hierarchies. S/he can be easily called by the recitation of Psalm 80:11 (in Hebrew, as the Hebrew contains a version of Arzel’s divine name), which can be pronounced in a variety of ways, but I like ARE-ZEY-ELL.

Meditative musical audio with me singing the invocations in the background as silent subliminals. Think of it as having a sorcerer performing a ritual in real time to keep a gateway to heavenly wisdom and angelic energies open. Highly recommended for background music while performing angelic rituals of your own.

The usual instructions will work for remote use, but the file will only activate for buyers or those with permission to use it. For example, if you play it for your friends at Reiki class it will work, if you send it to someone else, it will not - but you can still use it remotely on their behalf."

I have updated the link from the old Soundweave market, until it is approved by ES it can be purchased at the link below (or used as NFT barter, as can all my stuff).


This (sung with modified pronunciation) and the divine names of Raziel and Arzel are both the background inaudible subliminal and the basis for the energy channeled into your light body.

If you bought the audio and want to do a ritual during playback.

Or if you just want a call to Arzel for yourself.

Or if you find out this is powerful and decide to buy the audio later to boost your results even further.

Links updated in the original post.

It has occurred to me that it could be quite interesting for someone to record themselves doing the above calls and add that to the file for a personalized experience. So if anyone wants to do that, buy the field and send me an audio of you doing the ritual and I will overlay it as a silent repeated subliminal as well. Somewhat like the difference between having me perform a ritual for you and us performing it together.

Update, product approved on ES so the main link finally works.

Additional energy has been added to this field.

Thank you for all the AMAZING Digital Mandalas. I bought a few and will buy more soon!

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