New Release: Aura of Confidence T-Shirt

Aura of Confidence T-Shirt

Aura of Confidence Tank Top

Aura of Confidence Sweatshirt

Womens Aura of Confidence V-Neck T-Shirt

Aura of Confidence Raglan Baseball Tee

Aura of Confidence Long Sleeve T-Shirt

Love who you are and be who you are with full confidence. This makes one feel self assured of him or herself in every way possible while at the same time promoting self love. This will cause others to perceive you as confident as well.

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that looks cool af haha

If only the t-shirts didn’t take three years to get here overly exaggerating btw I would buy them :sob:

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amazon should ship fast tho

I was thinking already Teespring…Fortunately not

In that case it is to be considered :slight_smile:


Just ordered the long sleeve Aura of Confidence T-Shirt. For some reason it is currently 7 dollars less than the short sleeve version.