Auto Immune Reversal (Field)

Thank you. I use DNA maybe 2 days a week but I’ll start putting it in everyday and I’ll do the same with Autoimmune. It’s so hard not being able to eat a single thing without feeling terrible everyday :sleepy:


Good :+1: . Consistency is the key.

Have you started removing food that you are allergic to from your diet? Food reintroduction with this field can be really fast, so two weeks or a month without those foods should be fine.

If you still miss those foods, don’t forget to play the Abundance Mindset. It helps me to appreciate more of the food that I can eat, and not to think of those I can’t eat.




That’s my problem, it’s literally everything that goes into my body sets off all the reactions. Wheat, Dairy, Sugar, Oats, Barley, Eggs, nuts, Green Vegetables to name a few are the biggest culprits that set off the worst reaction.
But saying that no matter what else I would eat I would still get caught for breath, swelling, and feel awful sick along with the awful inner vibrations which I have constantly but eating or drinking makes it far more severe. Even drinking water can set off my horrible symptoms. Literally anything which goes in to my body makes me feel terrible.
I survive off a small couple of spoons of brown organic rice throughout the day, along with a small few carrots and small piece of chicken.
My 3 year old daughter eats 5 times the amount I would.
It all just happened from either from the 5 failed lumbar punctures where they ruined some nerves in my spine or from being misdiagnosed with a clot in the brain where they had me on Warfarin blood thinners for almost a year even though it had a terrible effect on my body, but I was told I had to stay on it to get rid of the clot, only to find out almost a year later that there was never a clot there in the first place. What they were actually seeing was a dead vein in my brain which they eventually said was probably there from birth. I ended up in a wheel chair while taking the Warfarin because of the amount of pressure it put on my body, I could not walk while taking it. The failed lumbar punctures and the miss diagnosis of the clot in the brain were all within the same week. The hospital ruined my life.


Hello @ComfortablyNumb,

Besides from this field and other suggestions by mademoiselle I’d suggest you use the Intestine Regeneration field and/or The intestinal cleansing.
Addressing any problem with the intestine could help with food intolerances also.


From psoriasis right?

I got psoriasis on my scalp and ears and I’ve seen a lot of progress when i was listening consistently but I’ve turned away from healing and have taken time to do other stuff as I havent cared much about it but I’d like to heal it once and for all eventually which should be in a few weeks


Yeah i definitely should, really soon imma get real health orientated lol and that sucks man… i can already imagine :/ it’s only going to get better and better with time though!


Maybe create a new topic to discuss all these problems of yours, what you have been doing so far to solve them, what doctors said, etc. The forum members here then can suggest fields that might help you.


I just purchased The Intestinal Cleanser last week. I’m using it every day. I had a Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy done last week and all which showed up was my Hiatus Hernia. One side of it though is everytime I have to have a Gastroscopy, it always used to show up severe inflammation in my stomach but not this time. I have been using The Iron Gullet for the last month or 2 so that has definitely helped with my inflammation. Not so much the food side of things yet but I’m hoping if I keep using Iron Gullet & Intestinal Cleanser that it might help to come back. Might be a good idea to start using the Intestine Regeneration more often now also :thinking:


Great field!:+1:t2:


Thank you @mademoiselle when I first joined the forum I put up a post about all of my ailments alright. Everyone was very helpful. My problem is I need way too many fields but I am very sensitive to the fields still so I can’t really use too many of them at once. If I over do it I feel terrible for about a week after so I have to be very careful. I’m hoping to save up for the Plasma Protocol so I will hopefully be able to cut out a couple of fields I am using at the moment. Doctors don’t know what to do with me, no doctor can figure out why I have the constant inner vibrations or why I have the constant pressure in my face and head or why all the foods won’t agree with me. They all turn a blind eye towards it because all of it started while I was in their care. All I keep getting from doctors are “we don’t know” or “try this antidepressant” . I’ve been tried on what seems to be nearly every antidepressant to see would it help with all of my symptoms but none of them worked and a lot of them did not agree with me. Now I want to stay as far away from hospitals and so called doctors as I possibly can.


It really is. I really couldn’t believe it when I was told there was no inflammation from the Gastroscopy. I must have had around 10 throughout all the years and every single time it always showed up severe inflammation/ Gastritis. Such a wonderful field.


Changed my life. :slightly_smiling_face::pray:t2:


What were your egg allergy symptoms

Have you looked at it from the angle of kundalini awakening ? May be you are going through it, if there is no medical marker for an underlying health issue. Try a lot of grounding, walk on earth barefoot with the grounding audios. Also check your Vitamin D levels and iron deficiency.

This field and DNA repair should also help.


Yes, I think it’s a good idea to do that. Not sure if The Iron Gullet replaces totally this field or not.

Sending you health wishes! Be well soon :pray:t2:


Stomach pain and diarrhea. It made me completely dysfunctional.

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Did u experience phlegm issues?

I’m not too familiar with the Kundalini awakening. I’ll look up about it when I get home, thank you.
I use the Grounding field everyday and I live right next to a beach so we usually get out for small walks 4 or 5 days a week
I do have a vitamin D & B12 deficiency. My Iron and Folate always go up and down quite easily also for some reason. Low white blood cells constantly that they will not investigate along with many other deranged bloods that they always want to seem to look past. Hospitals in Ireland are not equipped to look after farm animals let along people who are unwell.
I’ll definitely look up the Kundalini Awaking, thank you for the advice.


Thank you Star :pray:t2: