NEW RELEASE: Biochemical Album ❤️

@GoddessAndGodOfAll the guy I was buying my SARMs from, just disappeared lol! The only way he accepted payment was though Zelle… shady as hell… Good thing Dream started on it. I did have some nasty digestive issues when using actual SARMs though and my sleep quality completely depleted, till I stopped using them.




I personally wouldn’t touch the actual SARMS even if you paid me.

Also, LGD 3303 is known to be more surpressive than the average SARM and some would argue that it requires a PCT.

Just a word of caution as I know people here like to boost/abuse things.


Also it is quite telling that most of the sellers seem too damn shady lol


Got it… just wish I knew this had the same side effects or not

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If you over do it, probably
but 2-3 time seem fairly safe.
This is one of the better SARMs
LGD 4033 is the one that you may require a PCT
At least that is a lot more problematic than 3303


Okay that’s good, I’m going to listen to it twice in the morning and twice 12 hours later


Oh boy, training season is starting (sprinter) so definitely going to do some personal 100m (possibly more due to the endurance) records (maybe even state)


Does the Androgen audio optimize your androgen receptors for utilizing and absorbing Testosterone?


yes exactly


Cool. I was using Binaural Nutrition’s androgen receptor subliminal in the meantime but now that there’s a sapien audio for it I’ll be switching to that.

But does anyone know if/when the album will go up on YouTube? I know that patreon audios are typically released before going on youtube but I wanted to make sure it will be put up no matter what later

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Good to know, thanks. What about lose weight fields and skin regeneration?

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Lose weight is a temporary audios because they help you lose weight, but you can regain that weight later on.

I’m not saying they don’t work, just not worth the time, money and side effects when compared to steroids.

Also there is not enough research to know what are the long term side effects.

Yes, LGD-4033 surpresses test even at 1mg (
Admittedly LGD-3303 is not as mainstream, so it’s hard to find any scientific research that proves one is safer/stronger than the other, so my statement is based on their similar chemical structure, testimonials and other websites which I can provide if you are interested.
I’m just telling people to be careful not discouraging them, because like I said, people love to abuse these things.


Oh sure, its always better to be careful.


@Vandark, agreed! I got into them after Ben Greenfield, the ultimate Bro-scientist lol - recommended it. He does not seem to anymore, I think…


I don’t know him, but thank god it was not Dylan Gemelli.
Oh man I used to laugh my abs out at his shilling posts… good times…

I tried weight loss combo for a long period of time and didn’t work well for me either. :sweat_smile:

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GW501516 to the rescue! :heart_eyes: :boom: :dizzy:


I think the only difference is that this one only target muscles and BNs muscles/brain and in general more androgenic

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