New release: Copper Redefined

A redefining of alchemical copper, with the alchemical souls of red clover and copper,

combined with life force and also Mstate copper a uniquely blended creation.


Red clover is a wild plant belonging to the legume family. Cattle and other animals graze on red clover. It has also been used medicinally to treat several conditions including cancer, whooping cough, respiratory problems, and skin inflammations, such as psoriasis and eczema. Health care practitioners believe that red clover “purified” the blood by acting as a diuretic (helping the body get rid of excess fluid) and expectorant (helping clear lungs of mucous), improving circulation, and helping cleanse the liver.

Modern scientific tests have shown that red clover contains isoflavones, plant-based chemicals that produce estrogen-like effects in the body. Isoflavones have shown potential in the treatment of several conditions associated with menopause, such as hot flashes, cardiovascular health, and osteoporosis. However, as researchers have become aware of the side effects of taking estrogen, there is also some concern about the safety of isoflavones. Plus, evidence that red clover helps reduce any menopausal symptoms, like hot flashes, is mixed.

Plant Description

Red clover is a perennial herb that commonly grows wild in meadows throughout Europe and Asia, and has been naturalized to grow in North America. The red flowers at the end of the branched stems are usually dried for therapeutic use.

Medicinal Uses and Indications

Red clover is a source of many nutrients including calcium, chromium, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, and vitamin C. Red clover is a rich source of isoflavones (chemicals that act like estrogens and are found in many plants).


Cardiovascular health

Researchers theorize that red clover might help protect against heart disease, but studies in humans have not found strong evidence. Red clover isoflavones have been associated with an increase in HDL (“good”) cholesterol in pre and postmenopausal women, but other studies show conflicting results. One study found that menopausal women taking red clover supplements had stronger, more flexible arteries (called arterial compliance), which can help prevent heart disease. Red clover may also have blood-thinning properties, which keeps blood clots from forming. It appears to improve blood flow.


Researchers think that isoflavones, like those found in red clover, might help reduce symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes and night sweats, because of their estrogen-like effects. So far studies have been mixed. Several studies of a proprietary extract of red clover isoflavones suggest that it may significantly reduce hot flashes in menopausal women. However, the largest study showed no effect.


As estrogen levels drop during menopause, a woman’s risk for developing osteoporosis (significant bone loss) goes up. A few studies suggest that a proprietary extract of red clover isoflavones may slow bone loss and even boost bone mineral density in pre- and perimenopausal women. But the evidence is preliminary, and more research is needed.


Based on its traditional use for cancer, researchers have begun to study the role of isoflavones from red clover in cancer prevention and treatment. Preliminary evidence suggests these isoflavones may stop cancer cells from growing or kill cancer cells in test tubes. Researchers theorize that red clover may help prevent some forms of cancer, such as prostate and endometrial cancer. However, because of the herb’s estrogen-like effects, it might also contribute to the growth of some cancers, just as estrogen does. Until further research is done, doctors cannot recommend red clover to prevent cancer. Women with a history of breast cancer should not take red clover.

Other uses

Traditionally, red clover ointments have been applied to the skin to treat psoriasis, eczema, and other rashes. Red clover has also been used as a cough remedy for children. More recently, studies have shown that women using red clover may experience psychological benefits.


@Hauru this field may possibly help with your eczema.


I TCM treatment for eczema and it’s amazing to see this field

I would buy this and Jupiter Tin Oil @Gnosticmedic27


hey @SammyG this thread is uncategorized…


Oops. Thanks for letting me know!


Well I just got this one and it’s very alive and vibrant! Love the experimental hip hop beat too! I can’t wait to play this one in the hour of Venus. Love it!


This ‘peak into the creation process’ feels like a very alive portal on its own… It feels like seeing the eye and heart of the alchemist prepping his potion… And I love the light that reflects on this beautiful shell! The Red saturation through the artwork really gives this the pop of color, rather aliveness that is in the field itself :)

@SammyG pls let’s show off this artwork haha would be a bright addition to the thread :)


@Captain_Nemo rocking that blue robe sir :D

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Wait that cant actually? Be cap can it?

I’m just teasing him haha


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The beginning of the audio reminds me of quasicrystals

very comfortable music

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Yeh yeh

you cant see the sweat, thats why!

If those arms raise you will see pools of sweat in those robes.


But is it scented though?? :D

Show the biceps under the robe :joy:


correction… plasmafied.

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i bought this with the hope of healing my dry cracked palms
the first couple of days i`ve noticed that i got rid of throat phlegm.
a week after, my cracks are healed and hands not dry anymore, also some red spots no longer on the body.
definitely great for skin disorders.
thanks Captain


agree! This also cured my eczema @alexmage


Nice bro :+1:t5::blush:, how many times in your stack do you loop it for and for how long it been in terms of usage you’ve noticed the improvements ?
I wanted to get it when it first got released but am hesitant because of the Red Clover mix in this for and the possibility of it exhibiting estrogen like effects which I’m not keen of …so am still sitting on the fence with this :grimacing:

About 3 times, actually I didn’t pay much attention to this, and suddenly one day my eczema was cured😂 @Hero-King