How about Dream’s Om Namah Shivaya field? It connects to Shiva’s energy and blessings.
From the description:
This video and sound was created to infuse the listener with the energy and power of the sacred Om nahmah shivaya mantra, it will vibrate your entire being and the environment around you with the energy and blessings of lord shiva.
my bad,
lets see if we can use metaphors and similes.
imagine each individual as a string on a guitar, each individual can make its own note and have a very specific tone. but all the strings can play together and make a unique sound. (their collective)
now extend that to include other instruments as in a complete band that makes music together.
it is one whole sound together, but made up of individual things.
The strings are sentient and aware of the sounds around them, while they are making their own hum. they can harmonize with other parts of the sound.