New release : Essassani Energy and Intercession

Dream is on FIRE! This looks interesting.

  • The Essassani, made famous/known by the channeling of Darryl Anka and Bashar.

Essassani is the name of their planet.

The name of their race is the Sassani, meaning ‘living light’.

They are a hybrid race with ties to earth, and they exist on a parallel timeline.

This connects you with the energy of their world and their beings, infuses you with it and also facilitate a means of communication and a link

by which they can intercede on your behalf.

Use if you are drawn to this of course.


I Love that :heart:


What is interesting is how the linking works.

Apparently they are a race of their own, doing their own business, and mostly learning to shift to 5d.

So how does intercession work?

Are there special beings there who just sit and wait for beings that call for help?


Are they?

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lol, they have a collective


What do the Archangels fall under - Michael

yes yes foreign letter exchange club.
they have better shipping than teespring.


So, many Intercessions… :stuck_out_tongue:

I want Dream’s Intercession and energy. tell me when you are going to create. :grin:


I am unsure of how to answer
they have individuality
but are part of a collective consciousness.
So they don’t need to ‘be’ in the collective.


Orion next, Senpai?

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But how does intercession work bro.

They have their own lives on a planet apparently, 230 mil population?

consider it a mailing system in the collective.
Letters from the ancestors lol


Ah, and im assuming they are so advanced that they see what comes in and out of the collective? And the individual ones decide…?

Or more like a task force that exists for intercession purposes lol

Btw, Dream does it possible for you to create an intercession for shiva or Narayan?


Damn, reading that gave me goosebumps lol


How about Dream’s Om Namah Shivaya field? It connects to Shiva’s energy and blessings.

From the description:

This video and sound was created to infuse the listener with the energy and power of the sacred Om nahmah shivaya mantra, it will vibrate your entire being and the environment around you with the energy and blessings of lord shiva.


Mantra… :stuck_out_tongue:

It only connects you with the mantra of him. not to himself. … :thinking:

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my bad,
lets see if we can use metaphors and similes.
imagine each individual as a string on a guitar, each individual can make its own note and have a very specific tone. but all the strings can play together and make a unique sound. (their collective)
now extend that to include other instruments as in a complete band that makes music together.
it is one whole sound together, but made up of individual things.
The strings are sentient and aware of the sounds around them, while they are making their own hum. they can harmonize with other parts of the sound.


Feels like it perhaps connects to his energy to some extent. :slightly_smiling_face:

it will vibrate your entire being and the environment around you with the energy and blessings of lord shiva.

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Dream, bra answer it. :grin: :goat:

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