Face Lift and Facial Toning Ver 2.0

It shouldnā€™t.


does this include buccal fat?

How is everyone getting along with this?
I dont use this i wanna hear people experince

Weā€™re doing fine. I throw this one occasionally (Sammy said that it would be enough during the FB webinar) in my parentsā€™ and my stacks (I also use the older version just for the pleasure of the spaceship sound but also the efficacy).

(Occasionally = randomly, depends).

This one was definitely the one to smooth out my forehead area (which wasnā€™t wrinkled, to be honest. But still, thereā€™s much more tightness now).

My parents (70) are plumped up. They went to see some relatives last week or so. They came back with a bunch of compliments (ā€œgee you guys look fantasticā€, etc.). Taxi drivers, shop vendors, etc. or anyone asking their age / id think that theyā€™re kidding. They donā€™t have any surgery or stuff like that by the way.

When the pandemic got started, it was prohibited here for people over 65 years old to walk around the streets lol. My mother did and never got caught lol.

I love the newer Plasma Glass Skin but I feel as if the hyaluronic acid aspect in this one helps much more for hydration (plus, the retinol mimicking in Plasma Glass can be slightly irritant sometimes if abused or used without some compensation. Depending on people of course).

But for the zillionth time on this forum, many more elements are contributing to the final outcome in skincare of course.

Like you guys say: TL;DR (???!!): a great field.


I did read. Always value your comments :heart:

ā€œWe are doing fineā€ cracked me up haha


It is reciprocal :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

When I first saw the abbreviation TL;DR (here on this forum) I thought that it was a video game code or something lol


This mean too long didnt read. Itā€™s like a rude way for somone to respond


Thank you for this late but still valuable clarification, Unknown :))

I should have specified something in the first post: with the even higher-class releases within the last 8-9 months (post-plasma, including the rejuvenating/anti aging ones), itā€™s sometimes hard to distinguish the individual effects for each one.

My mother was using Facelift even before, and only that one from Sapien Medicine back then (no other fields. She was skeptic except for this one lol). She was already a skincare junkie for her entire life but nevertheless, that one has contributed to redefining her face contours, uplift her cheeks even more, and give a brighter tone.


Keeps me looking young


Iā€™ve been having red patches on my face for a while nowā€¦and Iā€™ve used a lot of moisturizers and other stuff, but that barely helped remove the patches and my skin still was dry as everā€¦
However, i felt like trying this audio out and see how it goes(without using any moisturizer) and my goodness, i used it twice in the morning and night, and in 4 days 90% of the redness and itchiness was gone and my skin felt so good and rejuvenated.
A truly amazing field that i have been sleeping on for a while now


I am confused which audio it replaces?


I donā€™t know that this ā€œreplacesā€ any audios. But you can use this audio to accomplish the effects mentioned in the description.

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Hey folks,

Iā€™ve been using the Face Combination for a month or so now. Just wondering, would this be a stronger field to use, as it is newer? Or should I just stick to the combo field?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

ā€œNewerā€ doesnā€™t mean ā€œstronger.ā€ In fact, thereā€™s some conjecture that the more people who interact with a field, the ā€œstrongā€ that field becomes. If this is the case, that would mean that ā€œolderā€ is more likely to be ā€œstronger.ā€

New fields are likely to have incorporated in them newly discovered technologies, which may or may not be helpful to your goals (which you havenā€™t really told us about).

ā€œStrongerā€ can mean so many things, to many people. ā€œStrongerā€ might be more uncomfortable for you. Or maybe youā€™re wanting something else?

Is there a reason you canā€™t use both?


Hey, thanks for your reply :slight_smile:

Aaah, I did wonder that. Thatā€™s great, thanks for clarifying!

My goal is to lift my face a bit and to help the muscle tension I seem to hold on my face. Iā€™m only 33, but the signs are starting to show.

I did think about using both, but as they were both for facial lifting and toning, I wasnā€™t sure if it would be overdoing it? But if itā€™s going to be okay, I guess I could incorporate it into my stack.

Thanks again! Much appreciated :pray:

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Only you are going to know that for you. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you, I shall try it :blush:


I used this yesterday with plasma glass, carboxy and the microcurrent with absolutely epic results lol


I tried this for a couple days and I could see a difference even after day 1: my face was more fresh, I literally looked younger.
Skin Regeneration or Anti Aging have not gotten me such good results, although i saw results from them too, but not so powerful effects as this field gave me.

Now, Iā€™m 32, but I LOVE to look Younger lol.

Many Thanks, Captain. :pray:

Gonna continue with this one, at least for a while.
Later I might try the newer Adipose field in its place.


If anyone knows the updated YT link for this field, I can edit the original postā€¦