New Release: Far Infrared

Just to be clear, I’m not wanting to talk you out of being informed or of making appropriate choices to improve your health. Your wariness is actually serving you, protecting you so that you help your health (rather than make it worse).

I’ve just been offering to you what I believe are more effective ways (than this opinion-poll approach you’ve been taking here) to become informed and confidently making, with hopeful expectations, your appropriate choices to improve your health.

And you as well.

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Thanks for understanding and support

I appreciate You being direct

God bless You

Far infrared has helped me get sleepy and improve my sleep cycle by listening at night, more than any other thing,

I am also noticing that since I added it to my routine my acne is more/less gone, specifically my back


I used this far infrared and enhanced blood circulation from sapien with room heating from programmed intentions in winter nights, looping these three during sleep. This combo helped me to have better sleep quality last month.


Far-infrared, which is the most widely-known term, is responsible for the deep detoxification and weight loss benefits. Middle-infrared light helps reduce pain and addresses inflammation. Near-infrared is most often associated with skin renewal and wound healing.


Safe to loop.


where can i get the old one? its not on gumroad.

Did you check Patreon

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i am not on patreon, is there any chance it will be available on gumroad?


It’s not on gumroad, but full spectrum light is. It’s a little different, but I think it would encompass far infrared

you can find the updated version in patreon under album two of Sapien medicine


Bumping, because this feels so damn good


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I love this field, grown so powerful because of how many people use it. I use it after full body detox right before sleep, so all the toxic chemicals, pollutants, inorganic material, etc is removed right before sleep. Not to mention it’s extremely relaxing, warms you up, and improves blood flow to muscles. Also helps me sleep deeper due to the release of serotonin naturally from far inafred exposure, serotonin is also a powerful antioxidant.


ChatGPT Far Infrared (FIR): Far Infrared (FIR) therapy is a type of therapy that uses infrared radiation to heat the body. Unlike traditional saunas, which use hot air to warm the body, FIR therapy heats the body directly through the use of infrared waves. As for wavelengths, FIR therapy generally uses wavelengths between 5.6 and 1000 microns, with the most commonly used range being between 6 and 14 microns. The specific wavelengths used may vary depending on the device or treatment being used. FIR therapy is believed to offer several potential benefits, including:

  1. Pain relief: FIR therapy is believed to help reduce pain and inflammation by increasing blood flow to the affected area, promoting healing and reducing discomfort.
  2. Improved circulation: FIR therapy is thought to help improve circulation by increasing blood flow throughout the body, which can help deliver oxygen and nutrients to cells and tissues.
  3. Detoxification: FIR therapy is believed to help the body eliminate toxins through increased sweating, which can help to promote overall health and wellness.
  4. Improved immune function: Some studies have suggested that FIR therapy may help to boost immune function by stimulating the production of white blood cells, which play a key role in fighting infection and disease.
  5. Improved skin health: FIR therapy is believed to help improve the health and appearance of the skin by increasing circulation, promoting collagen production, and reducing inflammation.
  6. Reduced stress and fatigue: FIR therapy is thought to help reduce stress and fatigue by promoting relaxation and improving sleep quality.
  7. Weight loss: Some studies have suggested that FIR therapy may help to promote weight loss by increasing metabolism and promoting fat burning.
  8. Improved cardiovascular health: FIR therapy is believed to help improve cardiovascular health by promoting relaxation, reducing inflammation, and improving circulation.
  9. Relief from symptoms of arthritis: FIR therapy is thought to help reduce pain and inflammation associated with conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
  10. Improved respiratory function: FIR therapy may help to improve respiratory function by reducing inflammation and promoting relaxation of the airways.
  11. Improved wound healing: FIR therapy is thought to help promote wound healing by increasing circulation and promoting the growth of new cells.
  12. Improved athletic performance: FIR therapy may help to improve athletic performance by reducing inflammation, promoting healing, and reducing muscle fatigue.
  13. Pain relief from menstrual cramps: FIR therapy is thought to help reduce pain associated with menstrual cramps by promoting relaxation and reducing inflammation.
  14. Improved kidney function: Some studies have suggested that FIR therapy may help to improve kidney function in people with chronic kidney disease.
  15. Improved digestive function: FIR therapy is believed to help improve digestive function by promoting relaxation and reducing inflammation in the digestive tract.
  16. Improved immune function: FIR therapy may help to improve immune function by increasing circulation and reducing inflammation.
  17. Skin rejuvenation: FIR therapy is thought to help improve skin tone and texture by increasing circulation and promoting the production of collagen.
  18. Improved mood and cognitive function: FIR therapy may help to improve mood and cognitive function by reducing stress and promoting relaxation.
  19. Improved sleep quality: FIR therapy is believed to help improve sleep quality by promoting relaxation and reducing stress.
  20. Reduced symptoms of fibromyalgia: Some studies have suggested that FIR therapy may help to reduce pain and improve quality of life in people with fibromyalgia.

It’s important to note that while there is some scientific evidence to support the potential benefits of FIR therapy, more research is needed to fully understand its effectiveness and potential risks. Additionally, FIR therapy should be used in conjunction with other medical treatments and not as a replacement for traditional medical care. As always, it’s important to speak with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment.